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Got it but ,a question remains.
If your neighbor(or some members of the house) tries to burn down your house at evry little given chance,why would/should you help him?

Yes there are Pakistanis who help tehreke terrorist Pakistan (TTP) due to the Islamist sentiments.

This is so unfortunate


it has resulted in so much death and destruction in our beautiful country.

December 23, 2013 | Sara Carter


Those explosions are no size a human made bomb could ever produce. Those look more like devastating asteroid strikes rather than bombs.

Which... which can only mean one thing...


The terrorists are now in space !!!
. . .
US should increase it's drone campaign by 200%...also involve Pakistan into it. Crush the m0f0 terrorist & send all of them to hell.

Long Live the US & Pakistan.:pakistan::usflag:

Death to TTP coward scums.
Oh OK... have they managed to get US visa for their bombers yet?
. . . .
TTP Terrorism in Pakistan is fed and supported by United States of America. No wonder they never killed Hakeemullah Mehsood unless he decided to talk and negotiate a treaty with Pakistan. His predecessor, Baitullah Mehsood was aimed at but left alive few times before and his death by drone was result of false information. Now these TTP terrorists use satellite phones and one can wonder how they obtained those and how can they still "hide" while using satellites supported equipment which is well tracked, monitored and controlled by who? Yes, the same United Stats of America again.
What is "Blaze"?

What is the proof that this is from TTP and not some indain source, trying to divert attention from Us-India spat over criminal indian counsel?
TTP Terrorism in Pakistan is fed and supported by United States of America. No wonder they never killed Hakeemullah Mehsood unless he decided to talk and negotiate a treaty with Pakistan. His predecessor, Baitullah Mehsood was aimed at but left alive few times before and his death by drone was result of false information. Now these TTP terrorists use satellite phones and one can wonder how they obtained those and how can they still "hide" while using satellites supported equipment which is well tracked, monitored and controlled by who? Yes, the same United Stats of America again.
Why is pak army not even hinting such a thing(US support to ttp) even when they are pushed by US in many issues..?What is the civilian/conspiracy theorist explanation regarding the absolute silence of pak army about suppossed US support to TTP..?
Why is pak army not even hinting such a thing(US support to ttp) even when they are pushed by US in many issues..?What is the civilian/conspiracy theorist explanation regarding the absolute silence of pak army about suppossed US support to TTP..?

Pakistani Army tells about Indian funding and support of TTP so lets first accept their stance on India then. Coming to United States of America and its terrorism, it can be learned from simple facts before us. Hakeemullah had access to Satellite Phones and he was never killed until he was fighting with Pakistan. His death came as a reward for his willingness to talk to Pakistan and undergo a treaty and at that instance, a United States of American drone killed him. Same was the case with his elder brother Baitullah Mehsood who was locked-on and yet let go by the same United States of America.

Now you don't need 100 proof to identify if somebody is guilty but one irrefutable proof is enough and we have several such facts before us to know if USA is supporting Terrorism in Pakistan or not.
Man are they even Pakistani? Whats wrong with their brain? Seriously screwed in the wrong direction! :sick:

They should not associate themselves with Pakistan because they are causing more harm to Pakistan than good...I would give them the same advice I would give Zardari :whistle:
How they boast about killing Pakistani soldiers. Pakistan shouldn't have talks with such scums.

No matter what the differences Pakistanis have among each other, but all should be united when a terrorist groups martyr the soldiers. Their sacrifice at least deserve this.

What is "Blaze"?
What is the proof that this is from TTP and not some indain source, trying to divert attention from Us-India spat over criminal indian counsel?
Seriously dude, don't make such conspiracy theories which are hard to digest. At least make a realistic one.

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