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Blast reported in Peshawar

not ploce station media mis reporting.it was general public target..
the other day bus attack was also a general target..the bus doesnt always carries only govt employees..its not first time they have done so..whenver govt thinks of operation they start targeting general people so as to convince the govt not to mess with them.
Punjab/sindh being as the central power doesnt care anyway..

to IK and pakistani politicans
we should allow them to open offices. they are very good people and well hearted pakistanis. the blasts are done by bad fraction of TTP not the good TTP

i think its matter of time before the pakistani govt collapses because of our love for peace talks..people are today questioning the need for 1 million troops that cant even wipe out a few thousand militants..india can control kashmir but we cant FATA???

dont confuse yourself, PTI only stated that office should be there for those who want to negotiate terms, not to operate their influence...

Army itself told in APC that 24 groups are willing to talk, what you want to do with them?
it is utmost stupidity to compare our side situation with the afghn side...

pakistan belongs to us we have the majority support..
where as america is foreign force in afghnistan..

if u want to compare something then compare what happened in swat. it took less than a week to clear out the terroist. remeber that swat is much more difficult terrain.
if we go with similar force it would take a weak to clear out the terorist.

but instead there are merly 20-30 thousand troops in few isolated areas of tribal belt..
if govt brings in full force it will virtually impossible for the terroist to operate..
even in afghnaistan the nato force is very limited less than 50,000 was the max strength..yet they were able to control 90% afghanistan.
even today afghnistan has become much more safer and better than KPK.
i think only those will understand who have actually visted afghnistan rather than those sitting in their rooms and chatting
i dont know what are we doing with the other 700,000 troops that eat up 18% of our budget

You can not convince these retards they are already fooled by an intellectual Imran khan. Thank GOD i didnt vote for any politician this time.
Firstly let be clear that Taliban Office was open for less than a month; once their flag was removed Taliban shut it down. It no longer exists.

TTP don’t want talk. It is the elected representatives who want talks; clearly indicating that they don’t have the strength of will to fight militancy. When TTP know that they are wining why would they agree to come to negotiating table, what Nawaz Sharif & Imran khan has to offer to TTP?

Imran Khan in particular only cares about Taliban butchers. How many more Pakistani have to die before that idiot realizes that force must be met with force? Taliban will only come to the table if they know that their position is weak.

I am at a loss for words to describe moral turpitude of Pakistani leaders; don’t they have any love Pakistan or for Pakistani public? When terrorists attacked Indian parliament, it was considered an attack on Indian State and India was ready to go to war with Pakistan. Here Taliban declaring that they don’t accept Pakistan constitution or writ of the State; we want them to open an office to negotiate. Taliban will have their flag on such an office; is it to negotiate Pakistan’s surrender to Taliban? Shame on those Pakistanis who accept banned outfits brandishing their flag on Pakistani soil.

I have repeated many times that parties such as Jamaat Islami & JUI were never in favour to creation of Pakistan and don’t give a fig whether Pakistan remains or disappears. Nawaz Sharif may eventually change his stance and agree to tackle militancy with firm hand, but what ‘Jinn’ has gotten into the head of Imran Khan that changed him from a fighter into someone ready to surrender parts of Pakistan to TTP without even fight? It must be that this position is too big for his boots and he lacks the spine to meet violence head on.

Yes I put the blood of innocents killed in this blast on Imran Khan & Nawaz Sharif for refusing to do anything but apologise on behalf of TTP who are worse than scum of the earth.
Here is an article that correctly states the ground realities.

Not the will of the people

S Iftikhar Murshed
Sunday, September 29, 2013

The resolution unanimously adopted by the All-Parties Conference (APC) on September 9 is much more than a ‘document of surrender.’ It not only violates the constitution, which the prime minister and parliamentarians have solemnly sworn to preserve and protect, but is also completely at variance with the injunctions of the Quran relating to war. Events since then have proved how ill-founded the starry-eyed illusion of peace was.

The last two Sundays since the APC have been startling. The first, on September 15, witnessed the cold-blooded assassination of Major General Sanaullah Khan Niazi and two members of his staff. The general was returning from a visit to a remote outpost in Upper Dir near the Afghan border when he and his companions were killed in a coordinated, perfectly timed IED detonation. The Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) gleefully announced that it had masterminded the attack.

The three men were buried with well-deserved military honours. But the civilian leadership could do no more than issue vague cliché-saturated statements condemning the attack. The prime minister, for example, assiduously refrained from naming the TTP for the outrage even though it had proudly claimed responsibility. He did not want to jeopardise the initiation of peace talks with the killers. This was feckless appeasement carried to a giddy extreme.

The next Sunday – September 22 – saw the entire country reeling with shock when twin suicide bomb blasts devastated the All Saints Memorial Church in Peshawar in which 83 worshippers were killed and more than 170 were seriously injured. The leadership of the country, who are bending over backwards to initiate negotiations with the TTP, are probably not even aware the earliest injunction of the Quran urging believers to fight was in the context of protecting all places of worship.

The Quranic passage reads: “...For, if God had not enabled people to defend themselves against one another, (all) monasteries and churches and synagogues and mosques – in (all of) which God’s name is abundantly extolled – would surely have been destroyed ere now...” (22: 40). The unmistakable purport of the verse is that the defence of religious freedom – and this applies to all religions – is the foremost cause for which taking up arms is obligatory.

The Quran allows fighting but only in self-defence: “And fight in God’s cause against those who wage war against you, but do not commit aggression – for, verily, God does not love aggressors” (2: 190). The fighting must continue till the aggressor sues for peace only then “all hostility shall cease, save against those who (wilfully) do wrong” (2:193).

The leaders who participated in the APC must, therefore, ask themselves whether peace negotiations with the TTP are at all permissible in terms of the clear injunctions of the Quran till such time as the outfit and its factions do not renounce violence and lay down their arms. This has to be the starting point of the dialogue with the TTP that the prime minister has been authorised by the APC to initiate.

The end objective of the TTP is the capture of political power through its terrorist outrages. The APC resolution has given it the legitimacy that it desperately craves. In order not to squander this gain, the TTP disassociated itself from any involvement in the heart-rending tragedy that visited Peshawar last Sunday. Its spokesman, Shahidullah Shahid, telephoned a foreign news agency from an undisclosed location in the tribal regions and said: “We haven’t done this nor do we attack innocent people. Whenever we carry out an attack we claim it, but the Taliban are not involved in this attack. It was an attempt to sabotage the atmosphere of the proposed peace talks.”

This was belied by one of the TTP factions, Jundullah, which claimed responsibility. Though a segment of the print media has described the group as relatively “new and unknown”, it masterminded the attack on the ISI regional headquarters in Sukkur on July 24; the previous month it was involved along with the Jundul Hafsa of Asmatullah Muaviya – the leader of the Punjabi Taliban – in the killing of foreign mountaineers in Gilgit-Baltistan; in February last year it was responsible for the ruthless massacre of Shias in Kohistan; and, on June 10, 2004, it carried out an abortive assassination attempt on the corps commander in Karachi. After the attack on the All Saints Church, its spokesperson, Ahmed Marwat, declared that Christians were “the enemies of Islam, therefore we target them.”

What emerges is that the TTP operates through linkages with scores of terrorist outfits spread across the country – the estimated numbers vary from three dozen to more than 60. Although the TTP has a core group at the centre, the command and control mechanism is largely ineffective, and, as a consequence, its leadership, like that of Al-Qaeda, is compelled to allow considerable autonomy to its affiliates. Despite this, all groups are uncompromisingly wedded to the objective of transforming Pakistan into an Islamic emirate.

Against this background, it would have been tactically stupid for the TTP’s core leadership to own the suicide bombing of the All Saints Church. The reason is obvious. It has already been thoughtlessly accepted in the APC resolution as a ‘stakeholder’ that is entitled to have a say in determining the future of the country although it does not recognise the constitution, which it is determined to abrogate, and replace with its perverted interpretation of Islam.

In this context two articles of the constitution are relevant. The first is Article 6 which clearly enunciates: “Any person who abrogates or attempts or conspires to abrogate, subverts or attempts or conspires to subvert the constitution by use of force or show of force or by any other unconstitutional means shall be guilty of high treason.” This leaves no doubt that the TTP and its affiliates, which have been referred to in the APC resolution as “our own people in the tribal areas”, are guilty of high treason, and cannot therefore possibly be considered as one of the ‘stakeholders’ in the affairs of the country.

The next clause of the same article asserts that “any person aiding or abetting” the abrogation or the subversion of the constitution “shall likewise be guilty of high treason.” A Supreme Court lawyer said the other day that one of his “cranky clients who is in the habit of filing writ petitions at the drop of a hat” had asked him whether the provisions of this clause could be invoked against the APC participants because of their description of the TTP as a “stakeholder” even though its objective was to subvert the constitution.

The unnamed client must have hit the ceiling after Imran Khan’s preposterous statement on Wednesday urging the government to declare a unilateral ceasefire and allow the TTP to open a political office in the country!

The second is Article 256 which unambiguously affirms: “No private organisation capable of functioning as a military organisation shall be formed, and any such organisation shall be illegal.” The TTP has demonstrated time and again that it is “capable of functioning as a military organisation” and, therefore, in terms of Article 256, it cannot be allowed to exist till it disarms and abandons its violent agenda. For this reason, the outfit has also been proscribed under Pakistan’s anti-terror law.

Yet despite the injunctions of the Quran and the stipulations of the constitution, the government is determined to forge ahead with the initiation of talks with an illegal entity. Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan explained earlier in the week that this was in accordance with the APC’s consensus decision. A majority of Pakistanis, however, think differently.

This is evident from a recent Pew survey conducted in eleven Muslim countries which shows that Pakistan has the highest disapproval rate of any form of violence in the name of Islam. An impressive 89 percent of those surveyed rejected suicide bombings and 65 percent sternly disapproved of the Taliban. The implication is that the TTP’s ambition of establishing an Islamic emirate is unacceptable and, in this sense, the dialogue the government is so eager to start may not be in accord with the will of the people.

The writer is the publisher ofCriterion Quarterly.

Email: iftimurshed@**********

Not the will of the people - S Iftikhar Murshed
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Don't understand what is there to LOL about. 40 people died today and more that 50 K in last 10 years but your lol never ends. Why do you always try to find fault instead of being a part of a solution ?

RIP to the dead. May God rest their soul in peace and give strength to their family to bear this ...
if you cant find faults, you will never to be able to solve any bit?
Pakistan Plays With Fire And Gets Burned

September 7, 2013: Pakistan’s policy of tolerating, and often supporting and encouraging, Islamic radicalism continues to manifest itself in a lot of dead civilians and security personnel. The war in Baluchistan (southwest Pakistan) is getting very personnel for the security forces. On August 8th, a terrorist suicide bomber attacked a funeral for a policeman in the provincial capital. The main targets were senior police commanders and several were killed. Most of the 40 dead were lower ranking police. Terrorist violence is setting records this year in Baluchistan and it has nothing to do with the Taliban and everything to do with tribal and religious tensions that have existed in the area since before Pakistan was created after World War II.

While these attacks on police get a lot of media attention, the growing incidence of government tolerated terrorism is largely ignored in the media. This is the anti-Shia violence, which the government is less concerned about. What does get the attention of the security forces is the separatist unrest involving Baluchi tribesmen. All this takes place in southwest Pakistani province of Baluchistan. In the last decade over 4,200 terrorist deaths have occurred in Baluchistan (population eight million), with about a third of them in Quetta (population 900,000), the provincial capital. The death rate is increasing. Last year there were 954 terrorism related deaths last year, compared to 711 in 2011, 347 in 2010, and 277 in 2009. Worse, less than ten percent of the deaths were terrorists, most were civilians (72 percent last year and 76 percent in 2011). Most (over 80 percent) of these deaths were not the result of the usual (anti-Shia, anti-government) terrorists but civilians the army suspected of being Baluchi rebels or supporters. These people just disappeared, although their bodies sometimes showed up eventually. This secret war against Baluchi rebels is largely driven by desperate efforts to halt the attacks on the natural gas pipelines. The government sponsored campaign against the tribal rebels has not been stopping the attacks. The government is under increasing pressure to call off the illegal police and army kidnappings and murders. The intimidation has not worked and the Baluchi tribes are even more determined to gain a measure of autonomy and freedom from government-sponsored terrorism.

Meanwhile, the war between Sunni and Shia ******* is most violent in Pakistan, especially in Baluchistan. Last year there were 113 terrorist attacks against Shia in Pakistan, leaving about 400 Shia dead. The Sunni radicals responsible for this violence have been at it for decades, but it has gotten worse since al Qaeda came along in the 1990s. Nearly half of the attacks occurred in Baluchistan, where the majority Baluchis have come out publicly against the Sunni Islamic terrorists who are killing Shia. Most of the killers in Baluchistan are not Baluchi, and that’s another reason for the Baluchi to be hostile to the government supported terrorists.

Only 10-15 percent of ******* are Shia. Most (about 80 percent) of the rest are Sunni, and many of them consider Shia heretics. In several countries there is constant violence between Shia and Sunni radicals. In Pakistan, about 15 percent of the population is Shia and these Shia are becoming increasingly loud in their demands that the government do something about the terror attacks on them.
dont confuse yourself, PTI only stated that office should be there for those who want to negotiate terms, not to operate their influence...

Army itself told in APC that 24 groups are willing to talk, what you want to do with them?

if army told that, its not meant to start offering the killers, offices in the CM house of KPK, that was an intell sharing, & thats it?
part of the problem is the selfish politicians, without any experinces at, all keep opening thier mouths just because, some of thier stupid allies whom are conected with terrorists, want that?
Islamic Terrorists Go Too Far

October 11, 2012: In its continuing effort to get Pakistan to quit supporting Islamic terrorism the U.S. has gone public with more and more evidence of the corruption and double-dealing in Pakistan that supports terrorism. One of the latest problem areas to be highlighted is the connection between the Pakistani Army and ISI (military controlled intelligence agency) and large criminal gangs. These gangs are an essential part of the organized crime activities used by terrorists groups (especially the Haqqani Network and Pakistani Taliban) to support their terrorism. Speaking openly about this stuff in Pakistan can be fatal but American officials can do so with a greater sense of security. These terrorist groups are deeply into drug smuggling, extortion, theft, and kidnapping. Since the cops and military are being paid for their participation, and troublesome journalists silenced, there is nothing to stop this sort of thing. So far, publicity generated by foreigners has had little impact inside Pakistan.

Blast could be for the simple reason that the bus company would not pay extortion.
Unfortunate, RIP.

Its sad state of affairs, look at the harm all these conspiracy theories over the years have done to Pakistan, misleading a nation can only cause mayhem and mayhem it is. No one has a clue as to what is going on, government is clueless as the public.

I hope this carnage stops soon, innocent civilians don't need to die, for no fault of their own.
if army told that, its not meant to start offering the killers, offices in the CM house of KPK, that was an intell sharing, & thats it?
part of the problem is the selfish politicians, without any experinces at, all keep opening thier mouths just because, some of thier stupid allies whom are conected with terrorists, want that?

Policy decision is with the Political Leadership, army like any other institution is just doing their Nokari.

so if the APC decides Peace talks, then its their decision, army is in position to make the call unless ofcourse they act unconstitutionally and illegally.
October 4, 2012: For the first time the U.S. has refused, as American law requires, to certify that Pakistan is taking effective action against Islamic terrorism. This is a condition for receiving billions of dollars in military aid. While Pakistan has made some efforts against Islamic terrorists since 2002, it has continued to provide sanctuary and support for some terror groups. Despite the U.S. officially recognizing this support by not certifying Pakistani cooperation, the U.S. State Department requested a waiver because the billions (essentially a bribe at this point) paid were “important to the national security interests of the United States.” Pakistan will receive $2 billion and more pressure from the United States to shut down terrorist sanctuaries in North Waziristan and Quetta and to stop using Islamic terrorists to launch attacks against India and Pakistan.

A report from the defence ministry has unearthed the alleged involvement of almost a hundred armed forces officials in corruption. The revelations come following the Public Accounts Committee’s declaration that three top army generals were responsible for the Rs1.8 billion losses in the National Logistics Cell scam.

According to the report, four officials from General Headquarters (GHQ) are involved in corruption – while 21 employees from the army are involved in financial irregularities related to military lands and cantonments.

A senior officer from the Pakistan Armed Services Board, 36 officials from the Pakistan International Airlines Corporation and 12 officers from Air Headquarters are also facing corruption charges.

The total number of officials is 88.

They are starting to find some of the people involved in this investigation hanged in their homes and its supposed to be suicide.
In the military if Generals do it, its considered OK for every one to do it.
One has to hand it to TTP (or TTA or TTB whatever different people claim as being the perpetators of these terrorist actitivies) that they know the psyche of the people of the Pakistan region very well.

Long back the Mohamadden Arabs followed this exact same strategy with what used to be the Hindu kingdoms then. These Nomad Mohamadden Arabs continued to commit naked gory murders and acts waging wars while the Hindu Kings were confused whether to talk peace or go for war.

So much was the confusion that they handed over the whole region and population to the Arabs (yes religious conversions of the population) that, that very population are affinicados for the Arabs even to this day. So TTP is going after the population that has the right kind of track record of growing a forced affinity to alien values and culture.

That is exactly what TTP seems to be accomplishing again here. Politicians and Army want the TTP on their side and the poor sods know not what to do. Population already seems to be getting pro TTP with some remaining persistently anti TTP. However, one thing is common between both these Pro TTP & Anti TTP populations = they are both homongeously supporting the Taliban umbrella groups whenever they commit atrocities outside of Pakistan or against particular communities of Pakistan (Ahmedis, Hindus and others that follow in the pecking order). So this population's beef is not with what these terrorists DO, it is when they do it with THEM.

Looks that all is going good for Talibani Sharia being implemented sooner than later in Pakistan. Careful with what you wish for the Afghans mates.
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30+ more innocents devoured by the wild animals, while the PM enjoys peace talks with the Indian PM and CM KPK plus his cabinet is nowhere. Fine its their move to sabotage the peace talks with the bloody terrorists, but please kindly stop using their dead bodies a mean to your politics.

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