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Blast: Peshawar "Kohat Ring Road".

Police should've been on better guard.

Only yesterday kohat tunnel was bombed and oil tanker was driven into it.
It must be noted that the sovereignty of the proud nation of Pakistan is in danger as the homegrown insurgency continues to wreak havoc upon the nation. No one is spared from these terrorist attacks and the nation’s security continues to deteriorate at the expense of militancy. The level of unrest that surrounds the nation can be seen through the devastating acts of terror which continue to haunt the nation. The consistency of these attacks shows the lawless nature of these terrorists and we certainly cannot underestimate the brutality and cruelty with which these heinous crimes are committed. The insanity of these crimes is a true reflection of the terrorist’s barbaric mentality. They have long surpassed all human rights lines while trying to achieve their evil agenda. The freedom with which these attacks are orchestrated confirms; the roots of terrorism lie deep and far! TTP and other terrorist organizations are not leaving any stone unturned in their bid to destabilize the nation of Pakistan. Just recently, we witnessed the brutal killing of the policewoman along with five of her family members out of which three happened to be children. How do you justify killing children? You cannot. How do justify attacking mosques and shrines? You cannot. How do you explain using women as suicide bombers? You cannot. Today we are hearing about another attack on a government official! Ultimately it’s the people of Pakistan who continue to pay the highest price.


Our growing strategic partnership is focused on serving the common good and eliminating these terror networks for the safety of our nations. The ultimate responsibility of protecting the citizens of Pakistan lies with the government of Pakistan. This threat of terrorism that continues to linger over the great nation of Pakistan must be eliminated for the sake of its citizens. The government of Pakistan has the full support of the US in its effort to eliminate these terrorists once and for all.

LCDR Speaks,
DET, United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command
It must be noted that the sovereignty of the proud nation of Pakistan is in danger as the homegrown insurgency continues to wreak havoc upon the nation.

The world blames Pakistan for Afghanistan's homegrown insurgencies, but refuses to look at the infiltration from the Afghan side into Pakistan, and the safe havens TTP gets in Afghanistan, as well as the secret armies and proxies the US pays and trains to create havoc in Pakistan, as well as mercenary private military contractors infiltrated into Pakistan. Unless the US stops these secret operations in Pakistan, peace will never be achieved in Pakistan, and expect Pakistan to hit back hard, and causing extreme damage to the international forces in Afghanistan. The US and Afghan leadership is clearly looking to instigate Pakistan, but they are acting very irresponsibly, because Afghanistan is still not under their control, and Pakistan will retaliate and hit back harder. Instigating Pakistan should be the last thing in their minds right now, because Pakistan will not sit down quietly.
How many more innocent people will be killed before these terrorists are eradicated?
RIP the victims. May their families find strength to tide over their grievous loss.

You should ask this question from Indian government which is financing the terrorist activities on western borders of Pakistan
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