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Blast in Peshawar Qissa Khani Bazar

and now what excuse will @Pak-one come up with now?

typical taliban apologist
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What paid thugs? You promoted this ideology...and now it comes back to bite you. India never radicalized Pakistanis into Wahabi Islam.

This is not the matter of ideology ... This is terrorism & those terrorists are being back by India & Israel ... Those are paid touts ... Tell me who is funding to them ... Without funding they couldn't have survived for 9 years .............

Government of Pakistan look like this in survival issues for peoples in every matter....

Why do terrorist attacks occur when dialogue is on the table, Imran asks :hitwall::hitwall:

They were all dressed up nice. Entire families were in this historic Church of Peshawar. A lot of educated people. This is what has befallen the innocent man, woman, child, and the elderly today in Pakistan.

Last time they bombed a twelver shia mosque in Peshawar. Before that they bombed sufi tombs. Before that they bombed a women shoe market in Peshawar.

Peshawar! The most tolerant, and all welcoming city of Pakistan. One of the most cosmopolitan. This is what has befallen these peaceful welcoming people. All Pakistanis live in Peshawar! The native hindkowans, Pashtuns, Punjabis, baluch, kashmiris, sindhis, afghans, Iranians, tajiks, seraikis, pure Urdu speakers, Sunnis, wahabis, shias, Christians, hindus, parsis, Sikhs, qadyanis.
This is not the matter of ideology ... This is terrorism & those terrorists are being back by India & Israel ... Those are paid touts ... Tell me who is funding to them ... Without funding they couldn't have survived for 9 years .............

How innocent you are! Of course it is ideological for every terrorist does have an ideology - otherwise he is a common criminal. No non Muslim country can have a hand in rise of Salafi Islam inside Pakistan. Its your own doing. But I understand that it could not be avoided as the Muslims of South Asia are the Camp followers of the desert barbarians, and must do as told to be considered good followers.

deobandi are indian invention
So ask the Mohazirs and Indian Muslims. What can a Hindu like me say about it?

They were all dressed up nice. Entire families were in this historic Church of Peshawar. A lot of educated people. This is what has befallen the innocent man, woman, child, and the elderly today in Pakistan.

Last time they bombed a twelver shia mosque in Peshawar. Before that they bombed sufi tombs. Before that they bombed a women shoe market in Peshawar.

Peshawar! The most tolerant, and all welcoming city of Pakistan. One of the most cosmopolitan. This is what has befallen these peaceful welcoming people. All Pakistanis live in Peshawar! The native hindkowans, Pashtuns, Punjabis, baluch, kashmiris, sindhis, afghans, Iranians, tajiks, seraikis, pure Urdu speakers, Sunnis, wahabis, shias, Christians, hindus, parsis, Sikhs, qadyanis.

And some of your countrymen claim that the bombers have no ideology.:cheesy:
How innocent you are! Of course it is ideological for every terrorist does have an ideology - otherwise he is a common criminal. No non Muslim country can have a hand in rise of Salafi Islam inside Pakistan. Its your own doing. But I understand that it could not be avoided as the Muslims of South Asia are the Camp followers of the desert barbarians, and must do as told to be considered good followers.

What is Salafi Islam ... Do you have a bit knowledge about Islam & its ideology ... You are just barking like dog at Pakistan & Islam ... Who is Salafi....?? Are those TTP terrorists following Salafi ideology ... They are just khawarij ... And don't follow any ideology related Islam ...............
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How innocent you are! Of course it is ideological for every terrorist does have an ideology - otherwise he is a common criminal. No non Muslim country can have a hand in rise of Salafi Islam inside Pakistan. Its your own doing. But I understand that it could not be avoided as the Muslims of South Asia are the Camp followers of the desert barbarians, and must do as told to be considered good followers.

So ask the Mohazirs and Indian Muslims. What can a Hindu like me say about it?

And some of your countrymen claim that the bombers have no ideology.:cheesy:

You guys are to devided in castes, religion etc. Everyone is sad because our people died here while you are playing hindu card when asked about deobandi origins.
Anyone doing suicide attack against civilians, (Whether against muslim or non-muslim) can't be called muslim. And will straight go to hell... To realize this, we don't need to be a mufti..
What is Salafi Islam ... Do you have a bit knowledge about Islam & its ideology ... You are just barking like dog at Pakistan & Islam ... Who is Salafi....?? Are those TTP terrorists following Salafi ideology ... They are just khawarij ... And don't follow any ideology related Islam ...............

You read up how the world perceives these virulent Islam strains and Pakistan' s role in their promotion and propagation.

You guys are to devided in castes, religion etc. Everyone is sad because our people died here while you are playing hindu card when asked about deobandi origins.

We are just the spectators. Pakistan is playing the deathmatch. How does it matter to spectators as to who set the rules? Its your inter-Muslim issue purely.
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