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Blast in Peshawar Qissa Khani Bazar

Allah bless our fallen. Brothers and sisters let us all pray for our folk in their hour of need. The barbarity of these savages knows no bounds.

No negotiations with these savages. Kill them all.
How can Army clean the country when people have divided opinions due to media & political parties?

This is a non-sense argument.
It cannot be possible to satisfy all people, you cant even satisfy your own family members in whatever matters so forget nation.
Nation always divided its decisions who made nations undivided. Right decisions make decisions right.
Well, These type of discussions are being carried each time there is a blast (suicide). In India we have had attackers killing innocent people, but not suicide blasts (though a few). I am not eager to discuss these but the points below.

1. Pakistan should think hard how to stop the suicide bombers because it is the world's largest victim of suicide bombers.

2. After the Blasts the police there must have identified the bomber. After that what they do? Have they studied why that person did that through his family, whom he met, where goes everyday or what goes inside his mind from his family etc.

3. Put advertisements for family members, neighbors, friends to inform police if they thinks suspicious about some man or woman.

4. Keep a tab on the victims of a previous blast as the survivors are very prone to take revenge and are easy for brain washing.

5. Sometimes back like in Israel they demolished the family houses of the bombers, which had tremendous effect, but that was because the bomber belong to different religion. But here the policy makers must think what to do if the family supports the bomber.

These are few points that comes to my mind. Any suggestions, for all Pakistani members.

@Alpha1, these points are from a police point of view.
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I think this is fake news.
Jundullah is People's Resistance Movement of Iran. According to them, they are fighting for the rights of Sunni Muslims in Iran. History shows that They can attack on shias!!
Jundullah has nothing to do with Christians in Peshawar!!

This jundullah is different from the one in Iran. Started off ftom karachi in 2003
Nation always divided its decisions who made nations undivided. Right decisions make decisions right.

Yes but who get united to the nation ... Army or political leader...????????
You cannot blame him, cuz you are the one who is providing him the reason to create & spread more propaganda against army.

Brother, why don't you understand this. Why are you afraid of what Indians think. What you think is important.
Propaganda against army is bad but propaganda against politicians is good, propaganda against judges is good, propaganda against media is good.
What kind of thinking is this.
People of Pakistan is the only holy cow dude.
The native Christian community of Peshawar is very small, and are converts from different hindu castes during the colonial period due to the efforts of Christian missionaries. After partition, a lot of lower hindu castes converted to christianity. At least half of them belong to the roman catholic church. They are a closely knit community like others found in Punjab and Sindh.

There have been migration of Christians from Punjab towards Peshawar for employment purposes in government and army institutions.
But i never listen any sunni group targeted but always POOR HINDU,CHRIST'S,SHIA,AHMEDI,SIKH,HAZARAS:cry::cry:

You are just trolling & being pleased in this crucial situation of Pakistan ... So plz plz plz keep your mouth shuttttttttttttttt

Suicide bombers kill 77 at Pakistan church - CNN.com
You are just trolling & being pleased in this crucial situation of Pakistan ... So plz plz plz keep your mouth shuttttttttttttttt

It is your own Frankensteinian monster come to give you an affectionate hug.:devil:
how was one suicide bomber able to terminate so many souls?
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