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Blast in Peshawar Qissa Khani Bazar

The attack on sukkar was claimed by both TTP with ehsanullah ehsan as their spokesman and also by jundullah with ahmed marwat as its spokesman. At that time ehsanullah ehsan clarified that no faction of TTP exists with name of jundullah.
The attack on gilgat-baltistan was claimed by both TTP's jund-e-hafsa and this jundullah. Who exactly is this jundullah?

I dont know where you are going with this, Jundullah has close ties with AQ and has a history of attacking military and civil leos.the core group fought along HM in soviet war and had links with afghan Taliban, but later the group was split into two factions, the one we see today.
Bali I think the problem is that most of us see it as a military affair. We should see it more as a national issue where every part of the society needs to do its part and that includes developing FATA politically and in terms of civics so we can do without armed groups at all. Only the State has the legitimate use of violence, no group, no faction, no matter how pro-Pakistani they are.

I dont know if you read the comment i made last night on your write up, but i sure did say that it is not military affair, its more of national and idelogical crisis, its about our identity.

But the problem is Civil leadership is failing badly at taking hard decisions.
This is a massive tragedy. This is most likely a revenge attack on communities terrorists see as supporting the Army and Government of Pakistan. It was an attack on women and children.

A large part of Christians in Peshawar are government and army employees. A twelver shia mosque was also targeted in the city a while ago, as they are also considered helping the government of Pakistan, and the recent grenade attack on a pro-government mosque.

The Christian community in Peshawar is very small, and this must have been devastation on them. The whole of Pakistan must organize immediately to help. They need our support right now the most.

Recently there were reports of militants roaming freely in Peshawar. We need rule of law in that city and protection of human life. These militants cannot be let free roaming taking revenge on anyone they deem a target with no regard for innocent lives. This is not what our faith teaches. This is criminal behaviour.
I dont know if you read the comment i made last night on your write up, but i sure did say that it is not military affair, its more of national and idelogical crisis, its about our identity.

But the problem is Civil leadership is failing badly at taking hard decisions.

I did, Bali, I wanted to say that here too so more people will read!

I dont know if you read the comment i made last night on your write up, but i sure did say that it is not military affair, its more of national and idelogical crisis, its about our identity.

But the problem is Civil leadership is failing badly at taking hard decisions.

I did, Bali, I wanted to say that here too so more people will read!
Who claims responsibility for attack on minorities? In past Lashkar-e-Jhangvi claimed responsibility for attacks on minorities
*In March 2002 LJ members bombed a bus, killing 15 people, including 11 French technicians.
*On 17 March 2002 at 11:00 am, two members of the Lashkar-e-Jhangvi bombed the International Protestant Church in Islamabad during a church service. Five people were killed and 40 people were injured, mostly expatriates.
*In July 2002 Pakistani police killed one of the alleged perpetrators and arrested four Lashkar-e-Jhangvi members in connection with the church attack. The LJ members confessed to the killings and said the attack was in retaliation for the U.S. attack on Afghanistan.
*The Pakistani government Interior Ministry said that the suicide bomber involved in the assassination of Benazir Bhutto,along with the death of 20 others in Rawalpindi, belonged to Lashkar-e-Jhangvi on 27 December 2007.
*Authorities believe Mohammed Aqeel, an LJ member, was the mastermind behind the March 2009 attack on the Sri Lanka national cricket team.
*LJ claimed responsibility for killing 26 Shia pilgrims on 20 September 2011 in the Mastung area of Balochistan. The pilgrims were travelling on a bus to Iran.[17][18] In addition, 2 others were killed in a follow-up attack on a car on its way to rescue the survivors of the bus attack.
*Afghan President Hamid Karzai blamed LJ for a bombing that killed 59 people at Abu Fazal shrine in the Murad Khane district of Kabul on 6 December 2011. Most of the dead were pilgrims marking Ashoura, the holiest day in the Shia calendar.
Lashkar-i-Jhangvi claimed responsibility for 13 lives lost in brutal attack on Shia pilgrims.
*QUETTA, 28 June: At least 13 people, two women and a policeman among them, were killed and over 20 others injured on Thursday in a bomb attack on a bus mainly carrying Shia pilgrims returning from Iran. Most of the pilgrims belonged to the Hazara community.
*Claimed responsibility for January 2013 Pakistan bombings in Pakistan killing 125 people.
*Claimed responsibility for February 2013 Quetta bombings in Pakistan killing 81 and wounding 178, mostly Shia people.
*Claimed responsibility for June 15th 2013 Quetta bombings in Pakistan.
I dont know if you read the comment i made last night on your write up, but i sure did say that it is not military affair, its more of national and idelogical crisis, its about our identity.

But the problem is Civil leadership is failing badly at taking hard decisions.

Expecting anything from civilian leadership is likepipe dreaming. They are not here to solve public problems and society nuisence they are here to safe guard their interest and protocols. The more we will talk about negotiaitions the more we will be considered weak. This menace has to be dealt with iron hand which political govt hasnt got acumen
Expecting anything from civilian leadership is likepipe dreaming. They are not here to solve public problems and society nuisence they are here to safe guard their interest and protocols. The more we will talk about negotiaitions the more we will be considered weak. This menace has to be dealt with iron hand which political govt hasnt got acumen

i agree, also generally, if there is no rule of law, criminals and gangsters will rule. This can be applied to any city in the world, be it delhi, Beijing, Tokyo etc
Marvi Sirmed @
And must we say it clearly.
It's not just @ ImranKhanPTI who is
culprit of inducing
confusion and denial. Pro-Talk #PMLN equally responsible
LEJ forever buddies with pml-N.
I don't know the credibility of your source but i found some links........ May b i am wrong
LeJ terror suspect contesting on PML-N ticket - thenews.com.pk

PPP thrashes PMLN/SSP/LeJ candidate in Rahim Yar Khan


Lashkar-e-Jhangvi leader provided police guards – The Express Tribune

[url=http://inagist.com/all/370226386926981120/]#PMLN candidate on NA-48 Ashraf Gujjar begging votes from #LEJ #TTP - @alisalmanalvi : zameer0201[/URL]



Punjab govt may not act against LeJ PML-N has seat adjustments with defunct SSP - thenews.com.pk


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YOU mean Army & ISI ??? It looks far fetched. Miltary elite would not let anyone of their high rank officer get killed due to any motives. They have many other means to tarpedo peace process. Instead of selling a general, they can sold out any elite politician to TTP.

I would be stupid to assume that army and ISI as a whole are sympathetic to taliban and other banned religous groups. I believe some elements within ISI/army, legacy of zia ul haq, are leaking info to taliban. Attacks on musharaf and GHQ were from within army. One of the important taliban commander adnan rasheed was in air force. Attack on sukkar's ISI headquarter, mehran and kamra airbase would puzzle you how "cave fighters" like taliban can carry out such spectacular attacks? A common man thinks of foriegn hand while the ones with deeper insights do not rule out the possibility of moles of taliban within army (taliban have made such claim in their videos)....these are "naraz faujis", not happy with secular and pro-american policies.
Liberal elements within army/isi are also no angel, they can also sacrifice their own on necessary evil principle for "greater good".

Is this guy do anything else other than confusing Pakistanis?? When Wali Ur Reman was killed, he was sniffing American conspiracy and terrorist attack on church, he is sniffing PA & ISI consipiracy. I think its better for Pakistan that he did not came to power. In one public meeting, he was doing his own chest thumping for converting 3 non-muslims to muslim religion. How did he better than other religious extrmists?? He is in reallity Taliban Khan. But, what else you Pakistanis can expect from a TTP apologist, who did not attend Janajas of his own MPA & MNA killed by his peaceful TTP brothers.
So what excuse do these PML-N & PTI'ans have now to support their "piece?peace" talks with TTP/LeJ terrorist groups? Should Pak Army launch massive operation against PML-N & PTI for making the nation fool & supporting these terrorist groups?

This attack is due to failure of both PML-N & PTI govts so they should resign & hand over the power to Army.
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