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Blast in kala bhari, Peshawar

Uhm, did we somehow forget the thousands of people who were killed and bodies found in boris while the killers' leader is sitting comfortably in London? Now...which ethnicity was that??? I know it wasn't pukhtoon, just can't quite recall what was the ethnicity....hmm, let's see let's see...

Oh and did we forget the ethnicity of that "og dallay" guy who called for the assassination of the chief justice, the army chief and the prime minister? What was his ethnicity??? I know it wasn't pukhtoon, just can't quite recall what was the ethnicity....hmm, let's see let's see...

Oh oh and what was the ethnicity of the master mind behind the Chinese consulate attack? I know it wasn't pukhtoon. But what was it??? I know it wasn't pukhtoon, just can't quite recall what was the ethnicity....hmm, let's see let's see...

Maybe it's the old age kicking in but was were the ethnicities of all these terrorists...help me out @شاھین میزایل...
Gang violence is not terrorism as it does not kill random people.
It is a criminal act
Terrorism is blowing up and killing random people who have nothing to do with you and not coming in the way of whatever cause you are struggling for.
However these and many more documented evidence clearly shows which area the actual terrorists belong to.

The boy is from Waziristan... And then PTM and many say why army operation is only launched in tribal and pushtoon majority areas. I can literally post dozens of such videos because I only highlight the facts no one else does .. This is neither hate nor racism

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