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Blast in Hyderabad

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They are presumed innocent, so you are absolutely right -yes they will. What do either of these two men have to do with this thread? You've probably established a mental connection already but then again that's hardly surprising.

I noticed that on page 2 some indian (now banned) was already pointing fingers on us

And yes, when innocent people die it must be condemned. You laugh when Pakistanis die but we ain't laughing today.

Because you know the contents of these dossiers. Pakistan dying in terror attack is never celebrated by Indians. Infact few Pakistani pdf members here see the hand of BLA in Shia massacre instead of LeJ.
The former is a now defunct and nonexistent Kashmiri armed resistance movement; latter is a philanthropy organization with no proven ties to terrorism. Watch list or politically motivated bounties don't mean much in our courts. By the way didn't HS (its leading member) publicly condemn acts of terrorism in Mumbai as well? In fact he called it "terrorist act"
You gave guns and sent terrorists in Kashmir since 1989, there are over 70,000 deaths, same people killed your own 40,000 people and over 5,000 soldiers.

If you cared for Kashmiris, you wouldn't have sent suicide bombers and staged bomb blast that killed Innocent Kashmiris.

Still you are focused on Kashmir insurgency.

I thought after loosing your own people, you will understand what terrorism is. The terrorism you guys have been exporting not only to India but other countries too.

HS was the same person who presented OBL and Kasab as Martyrs.

People go to US, UK for studies but come to Pakistan to become terrorist in terrorist camps.

Your terrorists killed innocents over and over again, from Kashmir, Mumbai, Delhi, Hyderabad etc.

IM is a domestic organization which has links with LeT.

The Extent of Brainwashing.

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This is one of the most important realizations that I have had in recent times. There is no point blaming Pakistan each and every time. These blasts cannot be carried out without local support..

One thing is certain give it another 10-15 years I guarantee you things will get much worse and we will get more and more blasts because these scum want to make Hindustan a Islamic caliphate

Find the dogs who live among us and put their heads on a stick in the very same place they did the blast this will send a message to any future wannabe ******
They are presumed innocent, so you arebsolutely right -yes they will. What do either of these two men have to do with this thread? You've probably established a mental connection already but then again that's hardly surprising. I noticed that on page 2 some indian (now banned) was already pointing fingers on us And yes, when innocent people die it must be condemned. You laugh when Pakistanis die but we ain't laughing today.
Well, a random Indian means entire India ? And all of you are coming with statements like is ISI blamed for it ?

Read the statement you made before your RIP statement. You guys feel happy when Indians, especially Indian Muslims get killed. It helps to justify the existence of Pakistan.

So rather leave the matter for another thread.
Shared from Twitter :

Dr. Manish Kumar ‏@DrManishKumar1
Acc to Police Indian Mujahideen is responsible for Hydrabad Blast,possibly it was carried out by Manzar Imam, a close associate of Bhatkal.

Dr.Manish Kumar is the editor of Chauthi Duniya.
Only name Changed LeT to JuD. Punjabi founder and punjabi members remained the same. Kashmiris were/are negligible in that group.

I disagree with you there. Strongly, bc it's simply not true.

But I'm not talking any more about this HS or about defunct organizations. I don't see why people have to keep bringing up things like that when the incident took place hardly a few hours ago
how many dead
WTH... Peoples making photographs instead of helping people

People were doing in Pakistan too and yes it's morally fcked up and insensitive
This is mostly carried out by locals, as bombs lack sophistication.
Stop blaming pakistan for everything.
No point to speak the truth.
Live together OR hang separately - I don't know the particulars of this case, but if I can impart my thinking, I honestly have come to this conclusion - Duniya hum pe thuk thi hai, kiyaoukay hum aik doseray pey thukthay hain
Well, a random Indian means entire India ? And all of you are coming with statements like is ISI blamed for it ?

Read the statement you made before your RIP statement. You guys feel happy when Indians, especially Indian Muslims get killed. It helps to justify the existence of Pakistan.

So rather leave the matter for another thread.

A country that lost over 45,000 dead in its fight against politically motivated terrorism does not laugh when others die
So you believe Man Mohan Singh and Shinde ? They made political statements.

And they have always sid that Pakistan is the root of all terrorist attacks on India. You first say no we don't have any hand in 26/11, turns out they were Pakistanis.

You say OBL wasn't in Pakistan. Turns out he had a mansion in Pakistan.

You say there are no terrorist camps against India. Well, those terrorist camps are attacking you too.

The bombers of London were trained in Pakistan.

the bold bit is simply untrue. We have too many local people with intention and capability to do so.
In our country communal tension are like wild fire spread by rumors even though we are busy in our daily struggle to survive but some time it can go out of proportion .

common people are very gullible they play on the hand of politician,mullah and poojaries. I hope they catch the culprit ASAP.and try to find the loop holes and prevent it happening again.

On the contrary.. there is no communal tension as such within different communities compared to past decades. Motive of this blast is to invoke that tension...& there have been attempts by other hatemongers, be it political leaders or communal leaders to stoke tension between the communities to serve their political interest.
This is mostly carried out by locals, as bombs lack sophistication.
Stop blaming pakistan for everything.
No one was blaming Pakistanis. They came running asking has India put blame on ISI. They are gloating over these deaths. Calling Afzal Guru a martyr, talking of Hindu terrorists.

They even said that the victims would have been Muslims.

All they do is they consider death of Indians justified. After all its only thing that cheers them the most.
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