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Blast in Benazir procession more than 138 people died

the whole seen is done by chodary brother, arbab g rahim , and sheikh rashid and few others
"If it means sacrificing our lives, then we are prepared to risk our lives, but we are not prepared to surrender our great nation to the militants," she said.

Oh yes..she'll be sacrificing a lot I'm sure whilst surrounded by hundreds of armed guards that will be sacrificed.

Not much mention of them from her as usual.
This incidence has majority of bad aspect, but few and important aspect is, it happened right in front of Benazir herself and her drawing room cabinet. They see the misery of common people and understand threat for Musharraf. In the age of 55 this incident will hunt her and death of her own people in front of her.
Blame goes to her and her party member, those who suggest a rally in very trivial geopolitical situation.
Govt gave her warning shot, a FIR should be against Benazir and her advisers, who planned this rally, even after repeated terrorism warning.
And lesson for people too, who waste there precious time in fruitless rally. Where beneficiary are very few feudal lords and capitalist.
After this incident a question in everyone mind, do we need such type of rally. Which hurt economy and education system( a day off in Sindh after this incidence, postpone college exams). Our oxford graduate leaders has no sense that how badly their acts hurt the country?. A lust of power and money has no limit in front of life of commons?
Hi Bilalkk---friend,

Sirs---this defence forum over here----a lot of members put a lot of effort and time to post our thoughts, experiences and strategic analysis. You may not like what we say or you may agree with us, but we would like that you have a little more depth in your statements, the reasons why you are saying what you are saying---i e analysis----and have a solution.

Coming back to the topic---Musharraf lost the first round after he agreed to Benazir's demand. In order to prevent such attacks, speed is of essence and time is like and elastic springs. In terror related situations, the longer you stretch the duration of time and slower the speed of travel through any given area increases the multitude of a terror attack.

They have been over ten hours on the road----the terrorists have all the time in the world to make a strike at a place of their chosing and at their discretion, time is close to midnight, security personale are extremely tired, adrenaline has burnt out---Benazir could not have provided the suicide bomber with a more oppurtune moment to strike.

It does not seem like the same old Gen Musharraf----there is immense pressure from america it would seem or he is really mad at the Q muslim league.

The second mistake that Musharraf is making is assigning and SSG anti terrorist squad to Benazir. Asif Zardari, Sherry Rahman and Shazia Mari have not stopped blaming the govt yet----what if there is another attack and SSG can't stop it, then what----terrorists will strike at their discretion. The govt should have struck hard and swift in laying the blame on Benazir for being totally irresponsible in her judgement, actions and demands.

I will say again that it is a bad mistake by Musharraf to provide her with massive sate assigned security----she is not only an ex-premier of pakistan---but she is an ex-premier who has been kicked out of office twice and also who is not eligible for premiership at this time. What I want to know is that who is Gen Musharraf really really mad at.
mastankhan- the security belt around BB was her own jiyalas and not SSG. asif zardari, sherry rehman like to mouth-off without giving any proof. BB has herself absolved the govt, MQM etc.
musharraf has not made any mistake - he warned her not to come - BB should realise this is not 86 but 07 and the pakistan she knew 10 yrs ago is not the same. it is a lack of this realisation by the PPP which has led to this incident.
mastankhan- the security belt around BB was her own jiyalas and not SSG. asif zardari, sherry rehman like to mouth-off without giving any proof. BB has herself absolved the govt, MQM etc.
musharraf has not made any mistake - he warned her not to come - BB should realise this is not 86 but 07 and the pakistan she knew 10 yrs ago is not the same. it is a lack of this realisation by the PPP which has led to this incident.

Musharraf had warned Benazir not to come she did not listen and now she and other people faces music ? is that what you want to say?

Benazir's procession was provided adequate security around 20,000 security personnel. Still security personnel bore the brunt of attack. This points to a dangerous situation how can law and order function ? How will people have faith in Government for their safety?

Benazir coming was known well in advance. Remember ousting Benazir or Nawaz is easy and ousting Musharraf is not that easy.

The attack was not on Benazir but was on Democracy in Pakistan.
Musharaff managed to avoid it by deporting Nawaz sharif earlier. Benazir is lucky to have survived.
ISLAMABAD: Although Benazir Bhutto has honoured the commitment with her followers to return as per schedule (October 18), she is likely to go back in a week or so to 'honour' the commitment that she has made with the establishment, official sources claim.

According to the sources, Bhutto has promised to return to UAE under an excuse just like to inquire about the health of her spouse Asif Ali Zardari or to see her kids there and would come back once President Musharraf feels the atmosphere is conducive for her return.

Her husband, Zardari, had cited the similar sort of excuse when left the country after his release for jail that, what observers say, was the result of an understanding with the establishment.

Bhutto's spokesperson Farhatullah Babar and PPPP's secretary information Sherry Rehman were contacted several times for comments on this report, they could not be contacted.

President General Pervez Musharraf had asked Bhutto to delay her return plan till the Supreme Court verdict on his presidential election. Bhutto however requested the Presidency to provide her face saving by 'honouring' the commitment she had made with the people vis-‡-vis her arrival on October 18. And that she would later go back to requested 'exile' until she receives the nod for coming back.

According to the sources, a top spymaster held a meeting with Bhutto in Dubai soon after Eid to discuss her return plan. Bhutto however requested that she should be allowed at least for her face saving as otherwise a further delay in her return plan would leave a negative impact on her party. To strengthen her point further, she quoted the example of Mian Nawaz Sharif who remained adamant to return notwithstanding the pressure exerted on him through Saudi Authorities. She said Sharif would have had to face huge embarrassment in public if he had given in to pressure and had not come, though for a few hours. And that it was due to his landing that he not only managed to win public support but sympathies as well due to his forced departure to Saudi Arabia. The decision of Supreme Court order also went to his advantage.

Bhutto is believed to have assured that she would be going back soon and that there are ample excuses to go back for the time being. For example Bhutto may say that her spouse Asif Ali Zardari is not feeling well hence she would have to rush back to inquire about his well being.

This way Zardari may not be recovering till the time the Presidency gives her nod for return. Likewise, she may say that she is missing her children and wanted to see them in UAE as they cannot come to Pakistan because they have to attend their schools. Interestingly, her spouse Asif Ali Zardai, short time Nelson Mandela, made a similar excuse when he left Pakistan after he was released after spending eight-years in jail. He had said he wanted to see his children in Duabi and later went to the USA, apparently for medical treatment. Since that time, he has been shuttling between UAE and USA besides his recent visit to the UK where his son has been enrolled in Oxford University.

PPP leader to go back in a week, claim officials<----Link
The second mistake that Musharraf is making is assigning and SSG anti terrorist squad to Benazir. Asif Zardari, Sherry Rahman and Shazia Mari have not stopped blaming the govt yet---
SSG were not send to protect her as fatman said, BB refused to get security from gov,
& if she is fine then it is bcoz of the police commandos, bcoz after 1st blast his so called jiyalas ran away forgetting about there leader at that time the Elite Commandos covered her Truck & when 2nd bomb exploded then all the casualties were of police.
When you dont trust the gov then these kind of things will happen in future too( i hope it dosent).

Hi gentlemen,

You are reading my post and missing out on the present tense and I am sorry if it came out like that----the SSG anti teror squad services will be provided now and it was reported yesterday i e after the attack.

Goodperson, this attack is not on the democracy of pakistan but purely on Benazir Bhutto. Now why should the govt not be involved -----because govt will be blamed for everything just like Sherry Rahman on geo tv and Shazia Marri on ptv----so if Benazir wanted to deviate from her security details suggestions, pakistan govt should not be a part and party to these shenanigans. Secondly, she is not a sitting prime minister---she has been expelled twice---fired twice from her job---you can't have twenty thousand policemen protecting her procession---she is right now a politician who heads PPP-----not the prime minister.

Giving her a prime ministerial protection is giving her tactical legitimacy as a de-facto prime minister. She should have thought about her safety before she sold her soul and made those satements.

Musharraf is creating descent in the police force plus the army---who in the police force would want to provide security to this 'hated individual'---who in the millitary would want top lay down their lives for Benazir---this traitor, looter, dictator and plunderer of pakistan. Musharraf is really treading on very very dangerous grounds. I pray that he brings us out of this fiasco all in one piece.

Gentlemen----Mohammad Yousuf is back in action---what do you say to that---a nice ton.
Hi gentlemen,

You are reading my post and missing out on the present tense and I am sorry if it came out like that----the SSG anti teror squad services will be provided now and it was reported yesterday i e after the attack.

Goodperson, this attack is not on the democracy of pakistan but purely on Benazir Bhutto. Now why should the govt not be involved -----because govt will be blamed for everything just like Sherry Rahman on geo tv and Shazia Marri on ptv----so if Benazir wanted to deviate from her security details suggestions, pakistan govt should not be a part and party to these shenanigans. Secondly, she is not a sitting prime minister---she has been expelled twice---fired twice from her job---you can't have twenty thousand policemen protecting her procession---she is right now a politician who heads PPP-----not the prime minister.

Giving her a prime ministerial protection is giving her tactical legitimacy as a de-facto prime minister. She should have thought about her safety before she sold her soul and made those satements.

Musharraf is creating descent in the police force plus the army---who in the police force would want to provide security to this 'hated individual'---who in the millitary would want top lay down their lives for Benazir---this traitor, looter, dictator and plunderer of pakistan. Musharraf is really treading on very very dangerous grounds. I pray that he brings us out of this fiasco all in one piece.

Gentlemen----Mohammad Yousuf is back in action---what do you say to that---a nice ton.

Mastan Khan,

What you have written is very logical and correct, but no government looks at the way you have suggested since law and order is the function of a government and that includes preventing mob violence and even riots.

There is no doubt that Benazir is being very expensive to the exchequer and also, from the point of view of governance and law and order, is stretching the security forces to their maximum. In fact, she is diverting resources that would have been used for the very anti national elements that she claims to be fighting when she becomes the PM!

But then that is what politics is all about!

That she and Mian Nawaz Sharif would cause a security problem in the country, and they do have a huge following all said and done, was well known and that is why Mian Nawaz Sharif was deported. Benazir should have been treated the same way, but unfortunately, owing to the political compulsion that the recent events had put Musharraf in, he had no option but to humour this lady. Events and statements of a few months indicates that the US would be comfortable if Musharraf remains the President and oversees the US interests, and at the same time, the democratic fa&#231;ade is maintained by having the PPP in the seat of the PM, preferably Benazir, who apparently with her recent statements appears to be more pro US than even Musharraf! Therefore, Musharraf must have been under pressure to allow the lady in! This surmise appears to be cognisable since the US did not protest when Mian Nawaz Sharif, who is an equally important political personage as Benazir, was turned back most unceremoniously and for good reasons too since he is seen to be close to the fundamentalist elements in Pakistan for US' liking!

Thus, Musharraf&#8217;s government will have to organise tight security for Benazir since any unfortunate incident can created a huge backlash, which is not in the interest of Pakistan!
A brilliant bit of stupid analysis from Canada.com :enjoy:

Bhutto is the last best hope for Pakistan
David Warren , The Ottawa Citizen
Published: Saturday, October 20, 2007
Out of the bloody mess in Karachi -- hundreds killed and maimed in al-Qaeda's latest effort to gain power through psychopathic violence and intimidation -- comes a kind of order.

The position of Benazir Bhutto -- the seemingly perpetual once and future prime minister of Pakistan -- has been immensely enhanced by the failure of the blasts to kill her. If she can remain alive, she now has an unprecedented and almost miraculous opportunity to pull Pakistan together, and inspire her people to fight against their worst enemy in the world -- not "Hindu India," nor "Imperialist America," but the Islamists who are feeding on the country's entrails.

The power-sharing agreement Ms. Bhutto's agents have apparently hashed out with President Pervez Musharraf's agents must certainly be vague, and constitutionally incomprehensible. That is because it is founded only on necessity -- a principle that trumps all constitutional law. Pakistan's surprisingly independent supreme court may throw spanners in Musharraf's recent "re-election," or in the deal to withdraw corruption charges against Ms. Bhutto and her husband (that were themselves presented in a corrupt way). But for all their self-regard, the country's nit-picking lawyers and judges are now more likely to realize what is at stake if they try to stand in the way of necessity.

Ms. Bhutto, and not President Musharraf, has the mass appeal, without which, at this moment, no politician or general in Pakistan has a chance against the whirlwind. It was demonstrated in the crowds of hundreds of thousands that turned out to welcome her home from exile. This "champion of democracy" has that appeal through her dynastic claims, as the daughter of the "martyred" Zulfikar Ali Bhutto. She represents the last hope of the (frankly aristocratic) older ruling order in Pakistan's political life.

The judicial murder of the secular leftist Ali Bhutto, directed by the late Gen. Zia al-Haq, can now be seen more clearly as the tipping point in Pakistan's political evolution. Before that, real power was mostly in the hands of the chief landed families, whose children were raised and educated in essentially Western ways, whose assumptions and ideals were essentially secular, and whose aspirations were to "modernize" Pakistan, whatever that word might mean from day to day.

After that, a new generation emerged of relative arrivistes -- families whose children had not been sent to universities in Britain, Europe, or America; having not attended the short list of preparatory schools in Pakistan itself (founded by Catholic missionaries), but the better "madrassahs" instead.

The notion of "separation of Church and State," which is a Christian and not an Islamic one, is in the bones of that "old class." It is easy to understand why sincere Muslims resent them, even while trying to form reasonable accommodations with them.

Pakistan's "new class" were hardly fanatical Islamists -- Musharraf himself is not a fanatic anything but survivor. But their aspirations for Pakistan have tended less to "modernizing" and more to "Islamicizing." They assisted, I think mostly unknowingly, in creating the conditions for fanatical Islamism to flourish. And that is the whirlwind all now reap

Bhutto is the last best hope for Pakistan

This last paragraph is particularly hard for me to understand.

Pakistan's "new class" were hardly fanatical Islamists -- Musharraf himself is not a fanatic anything but survivor. But their aspirations for Pakistan have tended less to "modernizing" and more to "Islamicizing." They assisted, I think mostly unknowingly, in creating the conditions for fanatical Islamism to flourish. And that is the whirlwind all now reap

So this dude blames Musharaff for Islamizing(!) and not modernizing (despite record levels of investment under his leadership!), and says Bhutto is the modernizer and not the "Islamizer". I wonder if he knows who created the Taliban (or helped create it!) :enjoy:
The position of Benazir Bhutto -- the seemingly perpetual once and future prime minister of Pakistan -- has been immensely enhanced by the failure of the blasts to kill her. If she can remain alive, she now has an unprecedented and almost miraculous opportunity to pull Pakistan together, and inspire her people to fight against their worst enemy in the world -- not "Hindu India," nor "Imperialist America," but the Islamists who are feeding on the country's entrails.

This does prove my contention that the Western world is putting all its effort to have a Musharraf - Benazir coalition in place so that fundamentalism and terrorism is crushed forever. Indeed, it is the misguided interpretation of Islam of the fundamentalists which is organising the confrontation and bringing all to grief. At the same time, I would also concede that the western insensitive of rough riding indigenous culture, tradition and religious norms is hardly the mode to superimpose an equitable imposition of modernity. In fact, if modern though is to be imposed, it cannot be imposed in the form of a cataclysmal manner as it is being sought curently.

There is no doubt that the arrangement with Benazir is currently constitutionally and legally questionable. However, in the interest of international stability, has to be condoned wherein Benazir cannot become the PM and the President should seek election once the new Parliament and Assembly in place. Mass appeal has to be balanced with pragmatism wherein the reins of power does not slip into the hands of the fundamentalists. Should such a situation come to pass because it may prove counterproductive top international order and stability.

In no way do I find Musharraf being blamed and instead this is rooting for a Musharraf - Benazir alignment!
Hi Salim,

Thanks for your response. I believe that you will see that pakistan govt setting up guide lines about these processions and gatherings pretty soon. I think that these processions will be a thing of the past.
Well Mastan Khan, if this article is true, then you were correct:

Benazir resigns herself to govt plan

By Tariq Butt

ISLAMABAD: Former prime minister Benazir Bhutto has reluctantly agreed to stick to the government’s prescribed security-related “rules of the game”, which could end Pakistan People’s Party (PPP)’s popular politics.

She has accepted the elaborate and matchless security protocol available to President General Pervez Musharraf. During an extended telephonic discussion with a key presidential aide, Ms Bhutto agreed to the parameters of such security cover, a senior official told The News.

“She was informed that there has been ‘zero tolerance’ when it comes to ensuring security of the president. She was explained that such cover can only be useful if all the essential rules are followed and implemented in letter and spirit.”

The official said that the “traditional party, having a particular popular culture, would be over” if the rules governing the president’s security were adhered to protect her from terrorists. “This means that the access of ordinary people, even important persons, to Ms Bhutto would not be possible,” he added.
Benazir resigns herself to govt plan
The official said that the &#8220;traditional party, having a particular popular culture, would be over&#8221; if the rules governing the president&#8217;s security were adhered to protect her from terrorists. &#8220;This means that the access of ordinary people, even important persons, to Ms Bhutto would not be possible,&#8221; he added.

If it is implemented, then Benazir can kiss her political career goodbye!
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