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Blasphemy Laws: Minorities to launch campaign

Don't know why victims of Bacha Bazi and young lovers of Mullahs get personal over such matters.

I am neither of the terms created by the victim a few posts above but if it makes him feel happy, why not?

Dr. Aamir Liaquat :cheesy:
Saying someone is "whining" is pretty offensive. I'm sure you wouldn't like it if I quoted a post of yours and said you're whining.

Anyways you have the right to believe in what you believe in and I respect that, but please try not attack other peoples opinion because it is different than yours! Thanks.
Excuse me...... But was my post referring to any member in particular? No na, then quit trying to twist my words. If i had mentioned ''Mullahs'' then you would have no issues with it, So it's okay, if people lump together all religious people as'' Mullah's'' but NOOOOO don't say a word for the pretentious lot.
T-Faz: Please do NOT descend to their level. Pedophilia is to be condemned in ALL its forms, and victims of this horrible practice deserve our sympathy and support.

Anyway which might bring the plight of many people to the forefront is better than silent condemnation.

After all these people are still going strong with thier ways and nothing has stopped them.
Anyway which might bring the plight of many people to the forefront is better than silent condemnation.

After all these people are still going strong with thier ways and nothing has stopped them.

Fair response. I can accept this motivation of yours as intended. :)
"A little learning is a dangerous thing; Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring."

"Some people will never learn anything, for this reason, because they understand everything too soon."

It is better to have a fair intellect that is well used than a powerful one that is idle. Bryant H McGill
Scrape this hell law, change Pakistan. This is inhuman way.

No body has seen God, so if anyone asks questions about his existence then I can not blame him/her. It is a matter of believe, not a matter of making believe someone forcefully. What I can do is to talk with him/her what I believe and why I do believe.
Assalam alaikum

I try to avoid writing coz this will make the thread go on and we write the same stuff and arguments that we used in similar threads.
Before the colonial era in muslm lands if anybody committed this crime would be killed after the independence we used mainly all the laws of our masters. and when the need arrived made this law ( based upon quran and sunna and taking the considerations what our salaf saleheen did for such ppl ). Suppose if we didnot make this law earlier does it mean we should not make it later?

This law will stay and will not be abolished, inshaAllah

Don't know why victims of Bacha Bazi and young lovers of Mullahs get personal over such matters.

I am neither of the terms created by the victim a few posts above but if it makes him feel happy, why not?

So is it some kind of a war between some pedophiles & degenerate sadists & illicit inbred's.Twisted world out there, It's like we the normal people of Pakistan are squeezed between two extremes.
So is it some kind of a war between some pedophiles & degenerate sadists & illicit inbred's.Twisted world out there, It's like we the normal people of Pakistan are squeezed between two extremes.

No, I won't classify the three categories as normal.
Bangladeshis feel proud and better as we do not have such law.
For an average Pakistani, It's no skin of his/her nose whether the Blasphemy laws remain intact or are dispelled. Some how the wanna-be Gora's are in a state of cultural shock, & vows to change Pakistan with their verbal vomit through internet. Not to mention that their counterparts in Pakistan the'' Mullah's'' will never let them accomplish their goals. So whats the point of discussing such topics? I know '' i want to impress my gora friends, that i too will be one of them one day & That day isn't far when prime diet for babbies will be liquor, people will be running around all nude, won't know that who my real dad is, girlfriend just had her 10th abortion & yeah she gave me crabs..Neatttt, and i almost forgot, we have tried pork now it's time to taste some dog steaks'' <---------------------------------- Neo Fascists? :agree:
It is better to have a fair intellect that is well used than a powerful one that is idle. Bryant H McGill

"An avidity to punish is always dangerous to liberty. It leads men to stretch, to misinterpret, and to misapply even the best of laws. He that would make his own liberty secure, must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty, he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself." - Thomas Paine
For an average Pakistani, It's no skin of his/her nose whether the Blasphemy laws remain intact or are dispelled. Some how the wanna-be Gora's are in a state of cultural shock, & vows to change Pakistan with their verbal vomit through internet. Not to mention that their counterparts in Pakistan the'' Mullah's'' will never let them accomplish their goals. So whats the point of discussing such topics? I know '' i want to impress my gora friends, that i too will be one of them one day & That day isn't far when prime diet for babbies will be liquor, people will be running around all nude, won't know that who my real dad is, girlfriend just had her 10th abortion & yeah she gave me crabs..Neatttt, and i almost forgot, we have tried pork now it's time to taste some dog steaks'' <---------------------------------- Neo Fascists? :agree:

:what: Do people often come on defence.pk to impress 'Goras'?
Most NGOS who are opposing these laws are funded by America and the other kufr forces but they will fail because no Muslims can tolerate the blashmey of HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW by anyone if you will abolish the LAW people will do the work on their own and this will cause more trouble

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