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Blasphemy Laws: Minorities to launch campaign

@ Non muslims
when you people last time see a Muslim or Pakistani using abusive language towards jesus,mari,yawveh,musa,khrishna,sitta,ram,budha?
if we can't use abusive language we expect same from you.
@Pakistani Muslims.
This law is perfect only problem with it is its implementation.
does our scholars work on this before?is this problem appeared in Islamic history before?
Answer:yes.for detail check the book name "saremal maslool fi shatamar rasool" by allama ibe taimya.

lets say we remove this law completely.now tell me
-any way to stop false prophets?a way to cut their neck.today they are asking for removing this law,tomorrow they will side with false prophet and chant the slogans of personal opinion and freedom.what type of solution you people suggest for such situations?

-any Pakistani know that we Pakistanis muslims love prophet Muhammad saw very much.intensity of love is very high.any person who use abusive language will be killed with in days,you accept it or not but its truth.now at the current moment we have law and courts where a person who is accused can defend him self.in the absence of this law can you imagine the mess?

My answer to blue question: If a person has true faith, then there is no reason why any one else being a prophet or god can hurt it. How can humans defend their gods, are they so weak that they need human defence? Certainly any religion is not so weak that they cannot tolerate dissent. And if it is indeed so weak then however much one tries to protect it, it has to fail. Do you not agree.

Answer to the red question: It is not religion. It is just extremism and intolerance trying to find legitimacy by seeking safety in a religion. Where is the honor in murder?
first of all,when we don't abuse other prophets and gods we expect same in response.
we are also have same type of law.
but abusing Prophet Muhammad saw is a special case,so just like any other offense who has different type of punishment this offense has punishment of death.case closed.

now you will say this is harsh and other such blah blah
listen,no one stop you people from introducing same type of law within your country where a person will get death sentence if he abuses let say ram.
in short we are free to make what ever type of law we want,and you free also.case closed.

The question is about the barbaricness of the law that is imposed on the people, if a death sentence is issued for killing people and raping women then the law is justifialble stating that sending him to prison won't change is appitie for violance, why commenting on a dead man becomes so sentimental value is the lake of healthy reasoning ability about the general public of Islamic faith.
Law to enfore communal hormoney is required to increase the moral of all religion in your country and not to impose harsh and idiotic law.
don't do drama.
on many occasion Prophet forgive people who abused him.but after him who will decide that culprit should be punished or forgiven?
so in order to avoid fitna solution is simple punish the culprit,so that other can learn some lessons and people who have evil in their heart should stop from their evil.

Hitler kill the jews.ok.but thing exactly pissed hitler against jews?

As you agreed that after Mohamed, no one has the right to judge anyone, so how can you advocate the killing. Even the killers do not have the right to Judge then. Is the killing actually then is not a blasphemy?

@ Non muslims
when you people last time see a Muslim or Pakistani using abusive language towards jesus,mari,yawveh,musa,khrishna,sitta,ram,budha?
if we can't use abusive language we expect same from you.
@Pakistani Muslims.
This law is perfect only problem with it is its implementation.
does our scholars work on this before?is this problem appeared in Islamic history before?
Answer:yes.for detail check the book name "saremal maslool fi shatamar rasool" by allama ibe taimya.

lets say we remove this law completely.now tell me
-any way to stop false prophets?a way to cut their neck.today they are asking for removing this law,tomorrow they will side with false prophet and chant the slogans of personal opinion and freedom.what type of solution you people suggest for such situations?
-any Pakistani know that we Pakistanis muslims love prophet Muhammad saw very much.intensity of love is very high.any person who use abusive language will be killed with in days,you accept it or not but its truth.now at the current moment we have law and courts where a person who is accused can defend him self.in the absence of this law can you imagine the mess?

IF they use abusive language what will you do? Kill them? When I call these people ignorant it is not because they do not know algebra or geography. They are ignorant on the one thing they think they are qualified to speak about. In this case it is their religion. There can be no unjustified bloodshed or harm done to any other living thing, only animals use their DNA based instincts to prey on weak. Read and follow your religion which does not promote violence towards any other community for any reason. If a lot of people start chanting about false prophets that means that your religion is being conveyed wrongly and that it is not appeasing to the masses anymore. It will be dead inside a persons mind which is how things are destroyed in their true sense.
don't do drama.
on many occasion Prophet forgive people who abused him.but after him who will decide that culprit should be punished or forgiven?
so in order to avoid fitna solution is simple punish the culprit,so that other can learn some lessons and people who have evil in their heart should stop from their evil.

Hitler kill the jews.ok.but thing exactly pissed hitler against jews?

Do you think, I have nothing else other than to make fun of you and Islam. I am advocating and endorsing friendship via secularism. and as my friend has already asked, why are you to judge others just for a verbal comment. if you don't even have the tolarance for a verbal comment or jock passed just for laugh then how come you are ready to play the role of a responsible nation in the international arena for a better planet. Dude introduce friendship and you don;t need such a law.
My answer to blue question: If a person has true faith, then there is no reason why any one else being a prophet or god can hurt it. How can humans defend their gods, are they so weak that they need human defence? Certainly any religion is not so weak that they cannot tolerate dissent. And if it is indeed so weak then however much one tries to protect it, it has to fail. Do you not agree.
you don't have one percent idea of subject,but you are still commenting?
answer to your question require a complete thread.
but listen in short
every prophet before dying tell his nation about his successor.now it becomes the duty of nation to preserve and implement the teaching of previous prophet and untill next prophet arrives.prophethood is a thing that cannot be earned but given by God to chosen ones,and this process ended with prophet Muhammad saw.there were false prophets in his life and he fought with them in order to save religion of Allah.
because they also claim that they are prophets of Allah but they cannot satisfy the other condition that some else prophet is not verified their prophethood.
so if you dont understand the above lines simple remember this that our prophet is seal of prophethood.any person who claim prophethood after prophet Muhamad saw is a lier and it is duty of Muslims to kill him in order to save ummit from evil.
but here we are talking about very exceptional case.so plz avoid further discussion.

Answer to the red question: It is not religion. It is just extremism and intolerance trying to find legitimacy by seeking safety in a religion. Where is the honor in murder?

my dear if we talk about lagitimacy then things we will go very far.hope you understand.
in short for you your religion for me my religion.
don't do drama.
but after him who will decide that culprit should be punished or forgiven?

So you say it is our job to punish the blasphemer by ALWAYS killing and not forgiving ?
@ Non muslims
when you people last time see a Muslim or Pakistani using abusive language towards jesus,mari,yawveh,musa,khrishna,sitta,ram,budha?
if we can't use abusive language we expect same from you.
@Pakistani Muslims.
This law is perfect only problem with it is its implementation.
does our scholars work on this before?is this problem appeared in Islamic history before?
Answer:yes.for detail check the book name "saremal maslool fi shatamar rasool" by allama ibe taimya.

lets say we remove this law completely.now tell me
-any way to stop false prophets?a way to cut their neck.today they are asking for removing this law,tomorrow they will side with false prophet and chant the slogans of personal opinion and freedom.what type of solution you people suggest for such situations?
-any Pakistani know that we Pakistanis muslims love prophet Muhammad saw very much.intensity of love is very high.any person who use abusive language will be killed with in days,you accept it or not but its truth.now at the current moment we have law and courts where a person who is accused can defend him self.in the absence of this law can you imagine the mess?
1st question:
I dont know why this law protects the chances of false prophets. This is pakistani law and it is extended within Pakistani boundaries. What if false prophet appears in a country other than Pakistan?
Even Muhammed (S.A.W) was alleged to be false prophet by Kuffar e Arab (Naoz o billah), was there any law to protect Muhammed (S.A.W)?

2nd question:
I dont know how Love for Rasool e Akram (S.A.W) is justified by killing a person doing blasphemy. People even do bhangras and aerial firing in juloos on 12 Rabi awwal, just to show their love towards Holy Prophet. Do we justify that?
What do you mean by this statement Sir abusing is very much clear sir and if any one will abuse our PROPHET SAW he will be taken out yes according to their believe if they don't accept our PROPHET SAW as the PROPHET OF GOD we don't have any problem with that but if they will abuse him than we will make sure that we do what a Muslim should do

So if a Pakistani Hindu says, that the only GOD is Lord Vishnu and PROPHET SAW is NOT his messenger and is a common person, then isnt that blasphemy as per Pakistani laws. If it is, then arent you prosecuting a minority for believing in their religion.. Please note there are no insults or abusing involved
If Pakistani laws protected everyone's religious feelings, as per some claims here, then thats just a lie as I've seen people openly making fun of the leader of Ahmedis on TV and no action was taken against them.

Mind you, as per Pakistani laws Ahmedis are a separate religion, and it then follows that their leader / founder must not then be insulted?

But he is openly, then where is that protection for other religions, but even at the smallest rumour you want to lynch when it comes to your own founder???
IF they use abusive language what will you do? Kill them? When I call these people ignorant it is not because they do not know algebra or geography. They are ignorant on the one thing they think they are qualified to speak about. In this case it is their religion. There can be no unjustified bloodshed or harm done to any other living thing, only animals use their DNA based instincts to prey on weak. Read and follow your religion which does not promote violence towards any other community for any reason. If a lot of people start chanting about false prophets that means that your religion is being conveyed wrongly and that it is not appeasing to the masses anymore. It will be dead inside a persons mind which is how things are destroyed in their true sense.

Sorry Sir in Islam bloodshed is allowed in many cases and that is justice because it is the order of ALLAH otherwise their will be complete chaos in the world
So if a Pakistani Hindu says, that the only GOD is Lord Vishnu and PROPHET SAW is NOT his messenger and is a common person, then isnt that blasphemy as per Pakistani laws. If it is, then arent you prosecuting a minority for believing in their religion.. Please note there are no insults or abusing involved
I have always said its not blashmey its his believe which we don't believe but still its not blashmey
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