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As much as I don't like the current president, this was an absolute necessity. All the National Mall monuments needed to be 100% protected from the ones who have been causing destruction and looting etc. I couldn't imagine letting those brainless and violent scum loose into a legendary monument like the Lincoln Memorial for example and see it burnt down to the ground? Yeah, no, I don't think so. This was the perfect thing to do.
After Trump's Military Threats, Protests Grow Larger In Washington, DC
Can't believe the US press had the nerve to be talking about HK police brutality, they were handling protesters with kiddie gloves for 6 months. This looks like fascism right here.
I can't believe people are still pushing the peaceful protest narative in here. This was everything but peaceful...they killed! See the case of 77 retired BLACK police officer killed by protestors while looting a store,and many other cases,they loot, they committed arson.

The state should come down hard on these criminals roaming US streets right now, deadly force included.

Can't believe the US press had the nerve to be talking about HK police brutality, they were handling protesters with kiddie gloves for 6 months. This looks like fascism right here.
There is a difference as in HK the protestors are fighting for their democratic rights enshrined in international treaties and which are clearly threatened by the authoritarian communist regime while in the US they're looting for the sake of it




The real reasons of Class-War that no American politico will talk about...

Fed has transfered Wealth of American People, middle class, lower class to the HyperRich!

Average American, black or white... are going through very rough patch...

Deregulation/Financialisation Destroyed/hollowed out the American economy and indebted the middle class.... 50% of American don't have anything for their pensions...

Tipping point was the Deregulation ....which needed Globalisation...

Before some cheer about Americans being xxxx... just a reminder... the Entire Planet is XXXX...

@PakSword @BHarwana @OldenWisdom...قول بزرگ @CrazyZ @Verve @jaibi @dbc @Slav Defence @WebMaster

Average American Middle Class lived a much better lives 50 years ago and the country was actually lot less socially degnerate tho the roots started from post WW2 liberalism being more enthrenced then again the rich of this country has got more rich especially since the collapse of the Soviet Union in the early 1990s no need to give crumbs to the plebs and middle class no more just budget cuts to Medicare,Public Education,and Social Security just these compromises were given in the height of the Great depression of the 1930s to keep Ameicans away from Soviet or Nazi German influence with no competitior in the 90s easy to get rid of those compromises
I can't believe people are still pushing the peaceful protest narative in here. This was everything but peaceful...they killed! See the case of 77 retired BLACK police officer killed by protestors while looting a store,and many other cases,they loot, they committed arson.

The state should come down hard on these criminals roaming US streets right now, deadly force included.

There is a difference as in HK the protestors are fighting for their democratic rights enshrined in international treaties and which are clearly threatened by the authoritarian communist regime while in the US they're looting for the sake of it

That's propaganda. Hong Kong's rights were never violated. They were fighting against a bill that would allow for the extradition of a murderer so he could be tried in HK. It was an initiative pushed by the local HK govt and the protests were taken advantage of by CIA and NED funded elements who quickly radicalized the initial peaceful protests to sow a color revolution.

Hong Kong's system has maintained complete independence from China and that was part of the problem. The economic system is dominated by a capitalist plutocracy which ushered in a period of late capitalist hell for HK's poor and middle class while across the border in "socialist China", cities that had amassed greater wealth than Hong Kong were cleaner, more orderly and provided housing for its poor. Google pictures of Shenzhen and you will see that it's a far better managed city than HK. I was shocked when I last went to the region a couple years back and contrasted how developed Shenzhen and Guangzhou was compared to HK. In addition, HK's education system has never even changed since the colonial era and its media has largely been infiltrated by Western NGOs who promote anti-China propaganda. In this way, HKers are taught to constantly hate Mainland China and in many cases, for no good reason.


vs Hong Kong a modern day capitalist shithole

I don't support a lot of things that the PRC does but there is no doubt that the CIA, NED and Western NGOs have created a toxic and poisonous situation in HK and it has hurt the city greatly. China's recent moves to curtail HK's freedom is a response to that, it isn't the cause. China's actually given the city way too much freedom since 1997.
The Vindication of the Pajama Boy Nietzscheans

June 3, 2020 Hunter Wallace Alt-Punditry, Conservatism, Liberalism, Libertarianism 2


Grug Fellow@somefellow6


"If you want a vision of the future, imagine a fat sheboon twerking atop the ruins of Western Civilization forever."


9:16 AM - May 30, 2020
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455 people are talking about this

While I was in my pajamas last night, I finally got around to reading C. Bradley Thompson’s defense of the liberal Right at the Claremont Institute.

American Mind:

“The publication of my new book, America’s Revolutionary Mind: A Moral History of the American revolution and the Declaration that Defined It, comes at a crucial moment in American history. Academic study of the American revolution is dying on our college campuses, and the principles and institutions of the American Founding are now under assault from the nattering nabobs of both the progressive Left and the reactionary Right. These two ideological antipodes share little in common other than a mutually-assured desire to purge 21st-century American life of the founders’ philosophy of classical liberalism.

On this point, the radical Left and Right have merged.

The philosophy of Americanism is, as I have argued in my book and elsewhere, synonymous with the founders’ ideas, actions, and institutions. Its core tenets can be summed up as: the moral laws and rights of nature, ethical individualism, self-interest rightly understood, self-rule, constitutionalism, rule of law, limited government, and laissez-faire capitalism. …

Classical and Progressive liberalism are not of the same ideological species. They are natural enemies. The difference between the founders’ liberalism and Progressive liberalism is one of kind and not of degree, whereas Deneen’s critique of the founders’ liberalism actually shares a great deal in common with the Progressive critique of classical liberalism. Like his Progressive and socialist allies, Deneen is opposed to classical liberalism’s advocacy of individualism, limited government, and laissez-faire capitalism. …

Lastly, a word to the young—to those who have been let down or feel abandoned by the cowardice and unmanliness of Conservatism and Libertarianism, Inc.—know this: you have not been abandoned. There is a new generation of intellectuals willing to take up the cause of Americanism.

More to the point, you should know this as well: I will be, to quote William Lloyd Garrison, as “harsh as truth, and as uncompromising as justice” when it comes to defending the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. The principles and institutions of the founders’ liberalism are worth defending because they are true. The reactionary Right is a dead end; it’s a dead end because it’s a lie. You should not let your despair turn you to the Dark Side. It’s time to come home.”

I was unimpressed.

Scrolling through my Twitter feed, I had just written a few articles about the events of the past week: 108,000 dead Americans, 40 million Americans unemployed, the worst race riots since the 1960s, blacks and anarchists burning down Washington, DC and laying siege to the White House, police officers kneeling before the mobs of looters who went on shoot them after dark, White Americans flagellating themselves and doing penance over their nonexistent white privilege, etc.

I’ve processed all of this and have reassessed my worldview. I have concluded that I was right that conservative liberalism is a failure. I have been skeptical of conservative liberalism for almost 20 years now. In my adult life, it has taken us from the disasters of the George W. Bush presidency through the disasters of the Donald Trump presidency. I have witnessed 20 years of unarrested national decline in spite of conservative liberals controlling the White House, Congress and the Supreme Court for most of this period. I don’t believe we just need to spin the merry-go-round and replace a few RINOs.

C. Bradley Thompson lays all of this at the doorstep of progressive liberalism which he believes is a difference of “kind” and “not of degree.” There is just one slight problem with that theory. I will amply quote George Fitzhugh who responded to William Lloyd Garrison on behalf of the South:

“Further study, too, of Western European Society, which has been engaged in continual revolution for twenty years, has satisfied us that Free Society every where begets isms, and that isms soon beget bloody revolutions. …

Now we plant ourselves on this passage from Carlyle. We say that, as far as it goes, ’tis a faithful picture of the isms of the North. But the restraints of Law and Public Opinion are less at the North than in Europe. The isms on each side the Atlantic are equally busy with “assiduous wedges,” in “loosening in every joint the whole fabric of social existence;” but whilst they dare invoke Anarchy in Europe, they dare not inaugurate New York Free Love, and Oneida Incest, and Mormon Polygamy. The moral, religious, and social heresies of the North, are more monstrous than those of Europe. The pupil has surpassed the master, unaided by the stimulants of poverty, hunger and nakedness, which urge the master forward.”


The exploitation, or unjust exactions of skill and capital in free society, excite the learned and philanthropic to devise schemes of escape, and impel the laborers to adopt those schemes, however chimerical, because they feel that their situation cannot be worsted. They are already slaves without masters, and that is the bathos of human misery. Besides, universal liberty has disintegrated and dissolved society, and placed men in isolated, selfish, and antagonistic positions – in which each man is compelled to wrong others, in order to be just himself. But man’s nature is social, not selfish, and he longs and yearns to return to parental, fraternal and associative relations. All the isms concur in promising closer and more associative relations, in establishing at least a qualified community property, and in insuring the weak and unfortunate the necessaries and comforts of life. Indeed, they all promise to establish slavery – minus, the master and the overseer.” …

“In free society none but the selfish virtues are in repute, because none other help a man in the race of competition. In such society virtue loses all her loveliness, because of her selfish aims. Good men and bad men have the same end in view: self-promotion, self-elevation. The good man is prudent, cautious, and cunning of fence; he knows well, the arts (the virtues, if you please) which enable him to advance his fortunes at the expense of those with whom he deals; he does not “cut too deep;” he does not cheat and swindle, he only makes good bargains and excellent profits. He gets more subjects by this course; everybody comes to him to be bled. He bides his time; takes advantage of the follies, the improvidence and vices of others, and makes his fortune out of the follies and weaknesses of his fellow-men. The bad man is rash, hasty, unskillful and impolitic. He is equally selfish, but not half so prudent and cunning. Selfishness is almost the only motive of human conduct in free society, where every man is taught that it is his first duty to change and better his pecuniary situation.”

“The first principles of the science of political economy inculcate separate, individual action, and are calculated to prevent that association of labor without which nothing great can be achieved; for man isolated and individualized is the most helpless of animals. We think this error of the economists proceeded from their adopting Locke’s theory of the social contract. We believe no heresy in moral science has been more pregnant of mischief than this theory of Locke. It lies at the bottom of all moral speculations, and if false, must infect with falsehood all theories built on it. Some animals are by nature gregarious and associative. Of this class are men, ants and bees. An isolated man is almost as helpless and ridiculous as a bee setting up for himself. Man is born a member of society, and does not form society. Nature, as in the cases of bees and ants, has it ready formed for him. He and society are congenital. Society is the being – he one of the members of that being. He has no rights whatever, as opposed to the interests of society; and that society may very properly make any use of him that will redound to the public good. Whatever rights he has are subordinate to the good of the whole; and he has never ceded rights to it, for he was born its slave, and had no rights to cede.”

“Government is the creature of society, and may be said to derive its powers from the consent of the governed; but society does not owe its sovereign power to the separate consent, volition or agreement of its members. Like the hive, it is as much the work of nature as the individuals who compose it. Consequences; the very opposite of the doctrine of free trade, result from this doctrine of ours. It makes each society a band of brothers, working for the common good, instead of a bag of cats biting and worrying each other. The competitive system is a system of antagonism and war; ours of peace and fraternity. The first is the system of free society; the other that of slave society. The Greek, the Roman, Judaistic, Egyptian, and all ancient polities, were founded on our theory. The loftiest patrician in those days, valued himself not on selfish, cold individuality, but on being the most devoted servant of society and his country. In ancient times, the individual was considered nothing, the State every thing. And yet, under this system, the noblest individuality was evolved that the world has ever seen.”

“Why have you Bloomer’s and Women’s Right’s men, and strong-minded women, and Mormons, and anti-renters, and “vote myself a farm” men, Millerites, and Spiritual Rappers, and Shakers, and Widow Wakemanites, and Agrarians, and Grahamites, and a thousand other superstitious and infidel isms at the North ? Why is there faith in nothing, speculation about everything? Why is this unsettled, half demented state of the human man mind co-extensive in time and space, with free society? Why is Western Europe now starving? and why has it been fighting and starving for seventy years? Why all this, except that free society is a failure ? Slave society needs no defence till some other permanent practicable form of society has been discovered. None such has been discovered. Nobody at the North who reads my book will attempt to reply to it; for all the learned abolitionists had unconsciously discovered and proclaimed the failure of free society long before I did.”

There is nothing new about this debate.

George Fitzhugh diagnosed classical liberalism as a disease before progressive liberalism ever existed in the 1850s. In fact, he predicted quite accurately the future course of American history.

“Nothing in the signs of the times exhibits in stronger relief the fact, that free society is in a state “of dissolution and thaw, “of demoralization and transition, than the stir about woman’s rights. And yet it is time to work …

The people of our Northern States, who hold that domestic slavery is unjust and iniquitous, are consistent in their attempts to modify or abolish the marriage relation. Marriages, in many places there, are contracted with as little formality as jumping over a broom, and are dissolved with equal facility by courts and legislatures. It is proposed by many to grant divorces at all times, when the parties mutually consent. The Socialists suggest that the relation should be abolished, private family establishments broken up, and women and children converted into joint stock. The ladies are promoting these movements by womens right’s conventions. The prospects of these agitators are quite hopeful, because they have no conservative South to oppose them. It is their own affair, and we will not interfere with its regulation.

We shall deplore the day when marriage and Christianity are abolished anywhere, but will not interfere in the social and domestic matters of other people. …”

All modern philosophy converges to a single point – the overthrow of all government, the substitution of the untrammelled “Sovereignty of the Individual,” for the Sovereignty of Society, and the inauguration of anarchy. First domestic slavery, next religious institutions, then separate property, then political government, and, finally, family government and family relations, are to be swept away. This is the distinctly avowed programme of all able abolitionists and socialists; and towards this end the doctrines and the practices of the weakest and most timid among them tend. Proudhon, and the French socialists generally, avow this purpose in France, and Stephen Pearl Andrews re-echoes it from America. The more numerous and timid class are represented by Mr. Greeley and the Tribune, who would not “at once rush,” like French revolutionists, “with the explosive force of escapement, point blank to the bull’s eye of its final destiny,” but would inaugurate social conditions, that would gradually bring about that result. Mr. Greeley does not propose to do away at once with marriage, religion, private property, political government and parental authority, but adopts the philosophy and the practices of Fourier, which promise gradually to purify human nature, and fit it, in a few generations, for that social millennium, into which the bolder and more consistent Andrews urges society at once to plunge.

The other and bolder party, feel themselves “called” as special instruments, to give at once the coup de grace to the old world, and to usher in the new golden age, of free love and free lands, of free women and free negroes, of free children and free men. …

The Socialists promise that when society is wholly disintegrated and dissolved, by inculcating good principles and “singing fraternity over it,” all men will co-operate, love, and help one another.

They place men in positions of equality, rivalry, and antagonism, which must result in extreme selfishness of conduct, and yet propose this system as a cure for selfishness. To us their reasonings seem absurd. Yet the doctrines so prevalent with Abolitionists and Socialists, of Free Love and Free Lands, Free Churches, Free Women and Free Negroes – of No-Marriage, No-Religion, No-Private Property, No-Law and No-Government, are legitimate deductions, if not obvious corollaries from the leading and distinctive axiom of political economy – Laissez Faire, or let alone. …

They hold that all men, women, and negroes, and smart children, are equals, and entitled to equal rights. The widows and free negroes begin to vote in some of those States, and they will have to let all colors and sexes and ages vote soon, or give up the glorious principles of human equality and universal emancipation.

The experiment which they will make, we fear, is absurd in theory, and the symptoms of approaching anarchy and agrarianism among them, leave no doubt that its practical operation will be no better than its theory. Anti-rentism, “vote-myself-a-farm” ism, and all the other isms, are but the spattering drops that precede a social deluge.”

I don’t have much to add to what George Fitzhugh said in Cannibals All! Or, Slaves Without Masters and Sociology for the South, or, The Failure of Free Society. Thomas Carlyle said it all in his Latter-Day Pamphlets which influenced Fitzhugh in the antebellum South of the 1850s:

“To rectify the relation that exists between two men, is there no method, then, but that of ending it? The old relation has become unsuitable, obsolete, perhaps unjust; and the remedy is, abolish it; let there henceforth be no relation at all. From the ‘sacrament of marriage’ downwards, human beings used to be manifoldly related one to another, and each to all; and there was no relation among human beings, just or unjust, that had not its grievances and its difficulties, its necessities on both sides to bear and forbear. But henceforth, be it known, we have changed all that by favor of Heaven; the ‘voluntary principle’ has come up, which will itself do the business for us; and now let a new sacrament, that of Divorce, which we call emancipation, and spout of on our platforms, be universally the order of the day! Have men considered whither all this is tending, and what it certainly enough betokens? Cut every human relation that has any where grown uneasy sheer asunder; reduce whatsoever was compulsory to voluntary, whatsoever was permanent among us to the condition of the nomadic; in other words, LOOSEN BY ASSIDUOUS WEDGES, in every joint, the whole fabrice of social existence, stone from stone, till at last, all lie now quite loose enough, it can, as we already see in most countries, be overset by sudden outburst of revolutionary rage; and lying as mere mountains of anarchic rubbish, solicit you to sing Fraternity, &c. over it, and rejoice in the now remarkable era of human progress we have arrived at.”

The trajectory and endpoint of classical liberalism was known 170 years ago. The principles of classical liberalism are incompatible with order, cohesion, continuity, stability, decency and normalcy. As this system has become coterminous with the West since World War II, it has produced the same result -a perpetual state of social revolution – everywhere it has been implemented. It is a feature, not a bug. Liberalism is flawed in theory and incompatible with natural conservatism in practice.
I can't believe people are still pushing the peaceful protest narative in here. This was everything but peaceful...they killed! See the case of 77 retired BLACK police officer killed by protestors while looting a store,and many other cases,they loot, they committed arson.

The state should come down hard on these criminals roaming US streets right now, deadly force included.

There is a difference as in HK the protestors are fighting for their democratic rights enshrined in international treaties and which are clearly threatened by the authoritarian communist regime while in the US they're looting for the sake of it
I am not being racist but Black people are somewhat aggressive. I have witnessed this with my own eyes.
That's propaganda. Hong Kong's rights were never violated. They were fighting against a bill that would allow for the extradition of a murderer so he could be tried in HK. It was an initiative pushed by the local HK govt and the protests were taken advantage of by CIA and NED funded elements who quickly radicalized the initial peaceful protests to sow a color revolution.

Hong Kong's system has maintained complete independence from China and that was part of the problem. The economic system is dominated by a capitalist plutocracy which ushered in a period of late capitalist hell for HK's poor and middle class while across the border in "socialist China", cities that had amassed greater wealth than Hong Kong were cleaner, more orderly and provided housing for its poor. Google pictures of Shenzhen and you will see that it's a far better managed city than HK. I was shocked when I last went to the region a couple years back and contrasted how developed Shenzhen and Guangzhou was compared to HK. In addition, HK's education system has never even changed since the colonial era and its media has largely been infiltrated by Western NGOs who promote anti-China propaganda. In this way, HKers are taught to constantly hate Mainland China and in many cases, for no good reason.


vs Hong Kong a modern day capitalist shithole

I don't support a lot of things that the PRC does but there is no doubt that the CIA, NED and Western NGOs have created a toxic and poisonous situation in HK and it has hurt the city greatly. China's recent moves to curtail HK's freedom is a response to that, it isn't the cause. China's actually given the city way too much freedom since 1997.

Hong Kong problem its a capitalist oligarch craphole with apartments smaller than a Manhattan apartment closet and probably even much more cost to rent China was too soft on HK did not go hard on Capitalist roaders in the real estate sector and politics then again Dengists in some cases are merchant minded folk and faction of the CCP

Steve King’s Defeat and Grandmaster Jared Kushner Nationalism

June 3, 2020 Hunter Wallace 2020 Election, Alt-Punditry, Conservatism, Dissident Right, donald trump, Immigration, Politics 20



Donald J. Trump



Congratulations to Randy Feenstra on your big win in the Iowa Republican Primary. You will be a great Congressman!


7:18 AM - Jun 3, 2020
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Trump is congratulating Steve King’s primary opponent on his big win. This is the biggest win for National Populism since he endorsed Mitt Romney.


Donald J. Trump



In 3 1/2 years, I’ve done much more for our Black population than Joe Biden has done in 43 years. Actually, he set them back big time with his Crime Bill, which he doesn’t even remember. I’ve done more for Black Americans, in fact, than any President in U.S. history, with...


9:07 AM - Jun 3, 2020
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Donald J. Trump


Replying to @realDonaldTrump

....the possible exception of another Republican President, the late, great, Abraham Lincoln...and it’s not even close. The Democrats know this, and so does the Fake News, but they refuse to write or say it because they are inherently corrupt! See “pinned” above.


9:07 AM - Jun 3, 2020
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Trump has some new based and red pilled tweets.

Steve King



My Statement on Kevin McCarthy’s Unprecedented Assault on my Freedom of Speech.


9:55 PM - Jan 14, 2019
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16.1K people are talking about this

Donald J. Trump



My Admin has done more for the Black Community than any President since Abraham Lincoln. Passed Opportunity Zones with @SenatorTimScott, guaranteed funding for HBCU’s, School Choice, passed Criminal Justice Reform, lowest Black unemployment, poverty, and crime rates in history…


2:27 PM - Jun 2, 2020
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152K people are talking about this

Donald J. Trump


Replying to @realDonaldTrump



2:27 PM - Jun 2, 2020
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56.7K people are talking about this

Rep. Steve King who is the closest thing to a paleocon in the House of Representatives was taken out back last night and shot by the GOP in his primary in Iowa.

National Review:

“Republican voters in Iowa’s fourth congressional district rejected Rep. Steve King yesterday, with the nine-term incumbent getting a little more than a third of the vote. His defeat was a long time coming.

Conservatives for a long time gave the congressman the benefit of the doubt as he made racially provocative comments, and especially discounted those critics who treated his opposition to immigration as per se racist. But King eventually depleted any trust in him.

He called Mexicans coming to the U.S. “dirt” and then called reporters liars for accurately quoting him. He endorsed the fringe candidacy for Toronto mayor of Faith Goldy, whose CV by that time included reciting the white-supremacist “14 words” on the radio. He did what he could to promote far-right politicians in France, Austria, and the Netherlands. He complained that “white nationalist, white supremacy, Western civilization” had come to be considered “offensive” terms — a comment for which the House censured him and the chamber’s Republicans stripped him of his committee assignments. …”

BTW, Randy Feenstra won’t be elected in November.

National Review:

“Republican Representative Steve King, whose comments about white supremacy earned him the condemnation of many members of his party last year, lost his primary bid early Wednesday morning.

The nine-term Iowa congressman lost the race to state Senator Randy Feenstra.

“I called Randy Feenstra a little bit ago and conceded the race to him,” King said in a video message posted to Facebook on Wednesday. “And I pointed out that there’s some powerful elements in the swamp that he’s going to have an awfully hard time pushing back against them.”

“I am truly humbled by the outpouring of support over the past 17 months that made tonight possible and I thank Congressman King for his decades of public service,” Feenstra said in a statement after his victory.

In a New York Times interview in January of last year, King asked, “White nationalist, white supremacist, Western civilization — how did that language become offensive? Why did I sit in classes teaching me about the merits of our history and our civilization?”

Republicans came out swinging against King’s remarks, including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and the highest ranking House Republican, Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy. …

King later tried to explain away the controversy, criticizing the Times for saying he supported an “evil and bigoted ideology” and claiming in a House floor speech that he had merely asked, “How did that offensive language get injected into our political dialogue?”

For his unforgivable crime of suggesting that maybe Western civilization wasn’t so bad, Steve King was stripped of his committee assignments, marginalized in the GOP and rebuked in a 424-1 vote in the House of Representatives. He voted to condemn himself. From that point forward, Steve King was treated as a pariah by the Republican Party, which tried and failed to defeat him in the 2018 midterms. Even introducing the Diamond and Silk Act wasn’t enough to salvage his reputation.

In related news, Ryan Girdusky has explained in a new article why the Trump administration was paralyzed over the weekend during the worst race riots since the 1960s.


“The last weekend of May 2020 was the time when racial tensions in America came roaring back. Millions of people who have been socially conditioned to believe America is an inherently racist country joined protests that often turned into riots. As cities burned, those in the silent majority looked to the White House for some semblance of leadership, only to find their president tweeting from a bunker about “sleepy Joe.” …

President Trump and many other Republican leaders condemned the murder of Floyd and demanded action against the police officers involved. In the days that followed, however, the White House felt absent in the national conversation. Protests turned to riots and cities like Minneapolis, Philadelphia, Chicago, and Atlanta turned into war zones, yet the president was nowhere to be found. Outside of Twitter and the few remarks given by Trump during the SpaceX launch, the silence from the White House was deafening.

Sources inside the administration said that throughout the tumultuous weekend, the White House was running on a skeleton crew. Advisors Jared and Ivanka Kushner were celebrating a Jewish holiday, Chief of Staff Mark Meadows was at his daughter’s wedding, other key members of the administration were out of state. While Washington burned, Trump was ushered into a bunker with the few aides that were by his side, including Dan Scavino.

On Thursday, Kushner and his allies, Brooke Rollins and Ja’ron Smith told the White House and the campaign that they shouldn’t discuss the riots in overtly negative terms because it could harm the campaign’s efforts at coalition-building with the black community. They insisted the whole thing would eventually blow over. …”

It is Jared Kushner’s fault.

In the 2016 election, we voted for a “law and order” president after the Black Lives Matter shooting of police officers in Dallas and the previous round of race riots in Ferguson, Baltimore, Charlotte and Milwaukee. As a matter of policy though, the Trump administration has turned a blind eye to Antifa violence, launched an unprecedented state crackdown on White Nationalists, banned bump stocks and spent its political capital on criminal justice reform. Donald Trump has relentlessly pandered to blacks who didn’t vote for him in other ways with policy concessions like when he turned the arrest of ASAP Rocky in Sweden into an international incident between the United States and Sweden.

Instead of “moving the Overton Window” and making National Populism more acceptable in American politics, the Trump era is coming to a close and it is littered with paleocon bodies. Steve King has joined Tom Tancredo in the political wilderness. Steve Bannon was fired by Trump and lost his perch at Breitbart. Donald Trump is trying to destroy the political career of Jeff Sessions who is running for his old Senate seat here in Alabama. The herd of deviant paleocons in Congress has been thinned.

Nevermind any of this … they have Tucker Carlson as their outlet now. He is speaking “truth to power” as America has gone up in flames. Did you even see his monologue?

Identity Dixie:

“Awhile back, I penned a piece titled “Tucker Carlson Nationalism.” Sadly, it was lost to the ages when communist agitators forced the previous host of Identity Dixie to kick us off of their platform. I don’t save what I write on my computer, because Microsoft looks for badthink in each and every word document. The thrust of the piece was essentially an optics debate, a longtime favorite of the dO sOmEtHiNg crowd.

In the original article, I noted the true success of Tucker’s work is his ability to advance a nationalist narrative while hiding in plain sight. The blowhards who are ostensibly our allies fault him for not being blunt nor direct enough. He won’t name certain groups. He won’t call out perfidious detractors. He doesn’t explicitly stand up for white people! Coded language isn’t enough!

But the truth is, Tucker terrifies our enemies in ways that the troglodytes who cannot see his brilliance never could. Stomping on Israeli flags, torching Talmuds, and throwing up Roman salutes are déclassé. No serious person engages in that behavior. Sure, it might get a momentary rise out of the SPLC and other so-called anti-hate groups, but in reality, that serves their interests. Any legitimate commentary offered by the individuals doing these things is shut down by the buffoonish farce. It is the ultimate well poisoner. …

There are many in the Dissident Right (well, most of them are now Bolsheviks, but I digress) who would be incensed at the tactic. HOW DARE HE NOT SPEAK OF THE SUFFERING OF WHITE PEOPLE! WHAT A CUCK! What these dolts don’t see is that he *is* speaking of that suffering. But by focusing on minorities wounded by the actions of the mob, it takes the wind out of the sails of Tucker’s critics. The starch out of the shirt of our enemies. …”

What are the Bolsheviks saying about Tucker Carlson that has so incensed the paleocons?

The brutal reality of the Trump era is that our paleocon friends have been reduced to being represented by a television show host. Tucker Carlson understands them. They have no power whatsoever in the Republican Party. Their ranks in Congress have actually been reduced. It is Jared Kushner, not Tucker Carlson, who wields power on everything from “law and order” (soft on crime) to foreign policy (give Israel everything it wants like the West Bank and assassinating Soleimani) to immigration (bring in more legal immigrants). They voted for Trump and got THE EXACT OPPOSITE of what they were promised. The president has spent all his time pandering and delivering the goods for the constituencies who didn’t vote for him and perusing the usual donor class pipe dreams like Jexodus and BLEXIT. Tucker Carlson’s monologues gives them solace when everything they love is being destroyed.


A decade ago, the Confederate flag flew above the South Carolina State House. The Robert E. Lee, Jefferson Davis and P.G.T. Beauregard monuments stood in New Orleans. Stonewall Jackson’s flag was on display at the UDC Headquarters in Richmond. Robert E. Lee and Nathan Bedford Forrest’s graves were unmolested in Lexington and Memphis. The monument of Nathan Bedford Forrest stood in Memphis. Silent Sam stood on the campus of the University of North Carolina. There were Confederate monuments in Linn Park in Birmingham and in Dallas and at the University of Texas and lots of other places. Even though toothless heritage protection laws were passed by North Carolina, Tennessee and Alabama, it was a sop that didn’t matter in the end. No Tucker Carlson monologue is going to bring any of this back.





The Bolshevik position is that our paleocon friends have been played like a fiddle for decades. Donald Trump and Tucker Carlson Nationalism preys on and manipulates their racial and cultural resentments and channels them into delivering the policy agenda that the donor class wants. The Republican Party is like a Judo Master in promising one agenda to its base and to populist-leaning swing voters and delivering another one for its donors. The pro-Israel crowd has gotten virtually everything it ever dreamed of out of Donald Trump including the annexation of the West Bank. The wealthy have gotten massive tax cuts, deregulation and increases in guest worker programs. As recently as February, the GOP was railing against “socialism” at CPAC. By March, the Fed and Congress were spending trillions of dollars on bailouts to prop up the stock market. All it took to do a complete 180 on socialism was for the wealthy to get in trouble. Those who call the shots in the Republican Party got what they wanted as they always do.

Why wouldn’t they get what they wanted? They are never held accountable by paleocons who are satisfied with Donald Trump’s tweets and Tucker Carlson’s monologues. No matter what happens they are always at the end of the day on the Republican plantation like Pat Buchanan. They always vote for nationalism and social conservatism, but get more neoliberalism. They get Lady MAGA and Scott Presler and global crusades for feminism and decriminalizing homosexuality. They get John Bolton and Elliot Abrams’ latest “America First” schemes to overthrow the governments of Iran and Venezuela. They can’t even get in the door through general admission now at CPAC. Such is their place in conservatism.

In the 2020 election, the paleocons will do what they always do and kneel before Jared Kushner. They will think of Tucker Carlson Nationalism, but will get four more years of Jared Kushner Zionism as they carry on the storied Republican tradition of dog whistling and lip service. The rest of us have accepted that we have “no place in the Republican Party” and have moved on.

Note: I use the term “Bolshevik” in jest. It is their term, not ours. We’re Bolsheviks for believing the Republican policy agenda is sold to billionaires.


Hong Kong problem its a capitalist oligarch craphole with apartments smaller than a Manhattan apartment closet and probably even much more cost to rent China was too soft on HK did not go hard on Capitalist roaders in the real estate sector and politics then again Dengists in some cases are merchant minded folk and faction of the CCP

Steve King’s Defeat and Grandmaster Jared Kushner Nationalism

June 3, 2020 Hunter Wallace 2020 Election, Alt-Punditry, Conservatism, Dissident Right, donald trump, Immigration, Politics 20



Donald J. Trump


Congratulations to Randy Feenstra on your big win in the Iowa Republican Primary. You will be a great Congressman!


7:18 AM - Jun 3, 2020
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Trump is congratulating Steve King’s primary opponent on his big win. This is the biggest win for National Populism since he endorsed Mitt Romney.


Donald J. Trump


In 3 1/2 years, I’ve done much more for our Black population than Joe Biden has done in 43 years. Actually, he set them back big time with his Crime Bill, which he doesn’t even remember. I’ve done more for Black Americans, in fact, than any President in U.S. history, with...


9:07 AM - Jun 3, 2020
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Donald J. Trump


Replying to @realDonaldTrump

....the possible exception of another Republican President, the late, great, Abraham Lincoln...and it’s not even close. The Democrats know this, and so does the Fake News, but they refuse to write or say it because they are inherently corrupt! See “pinned” above.


9:07 AM - Jun 3, 2020
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Trump has some new based and red pilled tweets.

Steve King


My Statement on Kevin McCarthy’s Unprecedented Assault on my Freedom of Speech.


9:55 PM - Jan 14, 2019
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Donald J. Trump


My Admin has done more for the Black Community than any President since Abraham Lincoln. Passed Opportunity Zones with @SenatorTimScott, guaranteed funding for HBCU’s, School Choice, passed Criminal Justice Reform, lowest Black unemployment, poverty, and crime rates in history…


2:27 PM - Jun 2, 2020
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Donald J. Trump


Replying to @realDonaldTrump



2:27 PM - Jun 2, 2020
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Rep. Steve King who is the closest thing to a paleocon in the House of Representatives was taken out back last night and shot by the GOP in his primary in Iowa.

National Review:

“Republican voters in Iowa’s fourth congressional district rejected Rep. Steve King yesterday, with the nine-term incumbent getting a little more than a third of the vote. His defeat was a long time coming.

Conservatives for a long time gave the congressman the benefit of the doubt as he made racially provocative comments, and especially discounted those critics who treated his opposition to immigration as per se racist. But King eventually depleted any trust in him.

He called Mexicans coming to the U.S. “dirt” and then called reporters liars for accurately quoting him. He endorsed the fringe candidacy for Toronto mayor of Faith Goldy, whose CV by that time included reciting the white-supremacist “14 words” on the radio. He did what he could to promote far-right politicians in France, Austria, and the Netherlands. He complained that “white nationalist, white supremacy, Western civilization” had come to be considered “offensive” terms — a comment for which the House censured him and the chamber’s Republicans stripped him of his committee assignments. …”

BTW, Randy Feenstra won’t be elected in November.

National Review:

“Republican Representative Steve King, whose comments about white supremacy earned him the condemnation of many members of his party last year, lost his primary bid early Wednesday morning.

The nine-term Iowa congressman lost the race to state Senator Randy Feenstra.

“I called Randy Feenstra a little bit ago and conceded the race to him,” King said in a video message posted to Facebook on Wednesday. “And I pointed out that there’s some powerful elements in the swamp that he’s going to have an awfully hard time pushing back against them.”

“I am truly humbled by the outpouring of support over the past 17 months that made tonight possible and I thank Congressman King for his decades of public service,” Feenstra said in a statement after his victory.

In a New York Times interview in January of last year, King asked, “White nationalist, white supremacist, Western civilization — how did that language become offensive? Why did I sit in classes teaching me about the merits of our history and our civilization?”

Republicans came out swinging against King’s remarks, including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and the highest ranking House Republican, Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy. …

King later tried to explain away the controversy, criticizing the Times for saying he supported an “evil and bigoted ideology” and claiming in a House floor speech that he had merely asked, “How did that offensive language get injected into our political dialogue?”

For his unforgivable crime of suggesting that maybe Western civilization wasn’t so bad, Steve King was stripped of his committee assignments, marginalized in the GOP and rebuked in a 424-1 vote in the House of Representatives. He voted to condemn himself. From that point forward, Steve King was treated as a pariah by the Republican Party, which tried and failed to defeat him in the 2018 midterms. Even introducing the Diamond and Silk Act wasn’t enough to salvage his reputation.

In related news, Ryan Girdusky has explained in a new article why the Trump administration was paralyzed over the weekend during the worst race riots since the 1960s.


“The last weekend of May 2020 was the time when racial tensions in America came roaring back. Millions of people who have been socially conditioned to believe America is an inherently racist country joined protests that often turned into riots. As cities burned, those in the silent majority looked to the White House for some semblance of leadership, only to find their president tweeting from a bunker about “sleepy Joe.” …

President Trump and many other Republican leaders condemned the murder of Floyd and demanded action against the police officers involved. In the days that followed, however, the White House felt absent in the national conversation. Protests turned to riots and cities like Minneapolis, Philadelphia, Chicago, and Atlanta turned into war zones, yet the president was nowhere to be found. Outside of Twitter and the few remarks given by Trump during the SpaceX launch, the silence from the White House was deafening.

Sources inside the administration said that throughout the tumultuous weekend, the White House was running on a skeleton crew. Advisors Jared and Ivanka Kushner were celebrating a Jewish holiday, Chief of Staff Mark Meadows was at his daughter’s wedding, other key members of the administration were out of state. While Washington burned, Trump was ushered into a bunker with the few aides that were by his side, including Dan Scavino.

On Thursday, Kushner and his allies, Brooke Rollins and Ja’ron Smith told the White House and the campaign that they shouldn’t discuss the riots in overtly negative terms because it could harm the campaign’s efforts at coalition-building with the black community. They insisted the whole thing would eventually blow over. …”

It is Jared Kushner’s fault.

In the 2016 election, we voted for a “law and order” president after the Black Lives Matter shooting of police officers in Dallas and the previous round of race riots in Ferguson, Baltimore, Charlotte and Milwaukee. As a matter of policy though, the Trump administration has turned a blind eye to Antifa violence, launched an unprecedented state crackdown on White Nationalists, banned bump stocks and spent its political capital on criminal justice reform. Donald Trump has relentlessly pandered to blacks who didn’t vote for him in other ways with policy concessions like when he turned the arrest of ASAP Rocky in Sweden into an international incident between the United States and Sweden.

Instead of “moving the Overton Window” and making National Populism more acceptable in American politics, the Trump era is coming to a close and it is littered with paleocon bodies. Steve King has joined Tom Tancredo in the political wilderness. Steve Bannon was fired by Trump and lost his perch at Breitbart. Donald Trump is trying to destroy the political career of Jeff Sessions who is running for his old Senate seat here in Alabama. The herd of deviant paleocons in Congress has been thinned.

Nevermind any of this … they have Tucker Carlson as their outlet now. He is speaking “truth to power” as America has gone up in flames. Did you even see his monologue?

Identity Dixie:

“Awhile back, I penned a piece titled “Tucker Carlson Nationalism.” Sadly, it was lost to the ages when communist agitators forced the previous host of Identity Dixie to kick us off of their platform. I don’t save what I write on my computer, because Microsoft looks for badthink in each and every word document. The thrust of the piece was essentially an optics debate, a longtime favorite of the dO sOmEtHiNg crowd.

In the original article, I noted the true success of Tucker’s work is his ability to advance a nationalist narrative while hiding in plain sight. The blowhards who are ostensibly our allies fault him for not being blunt nor direct enough. He won’t name certain groups. He won’t call out perfidious detractors. He doesn’t explicitly stand up for white people! Coded language isn’t enough!

But the truth is, Tucker terrifies our enemies in ways that the troglodytes who cannot see his brilliance never could. Stomping on Israeli flags, torching Talmuds, and throwing up Roman salutes are déclassé. No serious person engages in that behavior. Sure, it might get a momentary rise out of the SPLC and other so-called anti-hate groups, but in reality, that serves their interests. Any legitimate commentary offered by the individuals doing these things is shut down by the buffoonish farce. It is the ultimate well poisoner. …

There are many in the Dissident Right (well, most of them are now Bolsheviks, but I digress) who would be incensed at the tactic. HOW DARE HE NOT SPEAK OF THE SUFFERING OF WHITE PEOPLE! WHAT A CUCK! What these dolts don’t see is that he *is* speaking of that suffering. But by focusing on minorities wounded by the actions of the mob, it takes the wind out of the sails of Tucker’s critics. The starch out of the shirt of our enemies. …”

What are the Bolsheviks saying about Tucker Carlson that has so incensed the paleocons?

The brutal reality of the Trump era is that our paleocon friends have been reduced to being represented by a television show host. Tucker Carlson understands them. They have no power whatsoever in the Republican Party. Their ranks in Congress have actually been reduced. It is Jared Kushner, not Tucker Carlson, who wields power on everything from “law and order” (soft on crime) to foreign policy (give Israel everything it wants like the West Bank and assassinating Soleimani) to immigration (bring in more legal immigrants). They voted for Trump and got THE EXACT OPPOSITE of what they were promised. The president has spent all his time pandering and delivering the goods for the constituencies who didn’t vote for him and perusing the usual donor class pipe dreams like Jexodus and BLEXIT. Tucker Carlson’s monologues gives them solace when everything they love is being destroyed.


A decade ago, the Confederate flag flew above the South Carolina State House. The Robert E. Lee, Jefferson Davis and P.G.T. Beauregard monuments stood in New Orleans. Stonewall Jackson’s flag was on display at the UDC Headquarters in Richmond. Robert E. Lee and Nathan Bedford Forrest’s graves were unmolested in Lexington and Memphis. The monument of Nathan Bedford Forrest stood in Memphis. Silent Sam stood on the campus of the University of North Carolina. There were Confederate monuments in Linn Park in Birmingham and in Dallas and at the University of Texas and lots of other places. Even though toothless heritage protection laws were passed by North Carolina, Tennessee and Alabama, it was a sop that didn’t matter in the end. No Tucker Carlson monologue is going to bring any of this back.





The Bolshevik position is that our paleocon friends have been played like a fiddle for decades. Donald Trump and Tucker Carlson Nationalism preys on and manipulates their racial and cultural resentments and channels them into delivering the policy agenda that the donor class wants. The Republican Party is like a Judo Master in promising one agenda to its base and to populist-leaning swing voters and delivering another one for its donors. The pro-Israel crowd has gotten virtually everything it ever dreamed of out of Donald Trump including the annexation of the West Bank. The wealthy have gotten massive tax cuts, deregulation and increases in guest worker programs. As recently as February, the GOP was railing against “socialism” at CPAC. By March, the Fed and Congress were spending trillions of dollars on bailouts to prop up the stock market. All it took to do a complete 180 on socialism was for the wealthy to get in trouble. Those who call the shots in the Republican Party got what they wanted as they always do.

Why wouldn’t they get what they wanted? They are never held accountable by paleocons who are satisfied with Donald Trump’s tweets and Tucker Carlson’s monologues. No matter what happens they are always at the end of the day on the Republican plantation like Pat Buchanan. They always vote for nationalism and social conservatism, but get more neoliberalism. They get Lady MAGA and Scott Presler and global crusades for feminism and decriminalizing homosexuality. They get John Bolton and Elliot Abrams’ latest “America First” schemes to overthrow the governments of Iran and Venezuela. They can’t even get in the door through general admission now at CPAC. Such is their place in conservatism.

In the 2020 election, the paleocons will do what they always do and kneel before Jared Kushner. They will think of Tucker Carlson Nationalism, but will get four more years of Jared Kushner Zionism as they carry on the storied Republican tradition of dog whistling and lip service. The rest of us have accepted that we have “no place in the Republican Party” and have moved on.

Note: I use the term “Bolshevik” in jest. It is their term, not ours. We’re Bolsheviks for believing the Republican policy agenda is sold to billionaires.


Hong Kong's neoliberal, capitalist plutocratic system is the epitome of human greed and manipulation. Their "free press" which is under the control of their late capitalist oligarchs and Western NGO's, the CIA and NED, constantly spew anti-China hatred to make sure the focus of the public is never on the incessant greed of HK's ruling class.

Hong Kong is the epitome of late capitalist hell.

Shenzhen, Dongguan, Guangzhou across the border have far better living conditions for their poor and their citizens, particularly in the last 10 years. I saw it with my own eyes and from my conversations with locals there, they don't even like going to HK anymore, they think it's chaotic and dirty.

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