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Black Water -Private Army !

No, your point was to privatize the army. You're just backtracking now, because you realize just how stupid of an idea that was.
Armed forces cant be privatized completely , the arms and ammunition production facilities can be privatized to reduce operational defence expenses , which is highest in the world due to our Kashmir dispute and WOT in FATA .
Armed forces cant be privatized completely , the arms and ammunition production facilities can be privatized to reduce operational defence expenses , which is highest in the world due to our Kashmir dispute and WOT in FATA .
Nothing you've said is true. Dude, just stop.

50% volunteers and private army is also good idea !
Once again, terrible idea.

Excellent idea!

US army in future may be private army !
no they ll never be
neither have they ever given that kind of power to private enterprises in their history
plz understand the difference between private military contractors and State Military, one can only be hired for tactical purposes as force multiplier, the other is a strategic decision making/imposing/implementing element. and if that power is given to private sector, state interests will be compromised, vested interests will fill in...
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Have a bunch off mercs killing if Pakistan listened to you the country would go to shit even more.

Pakistan does not need a bunch of mercs who would destroy the country even more because they do not get paid.

What happens when the TTP starts paying off these dudes.

Mercs are a threat to every country and the country itself.

I also contacted them for Job back in 2014, when I was unemployed. Overcoming US Nationality is a big issue, and they won't trust anyone but only Americans. But its sad that they do not recruit Pakistanis.
Blackwater is full of sadistic white supremacists

Excellent idea!

US army in future may be private army !
Once again, if you cannot comprehend the reasons why privatizing the army is a bad idea, then there is no helping you.

A few youtube videos won't change the fact that your suggesting is stupid.

And no, the US will never privatize their armed forces. They tried going the PMC route in Iraq, it was a complete and utter disaster.

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