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BJP’s ‘Hindutva Baggage’ May Cost India Bangladesh’s Friendship


Dec 31, 2010
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BJP’s ‘Hindutva Baggage’ May Cost India Bangladesh’s Friendship


5 min read

Prime Minister Narendra Modi recently alleged at a poll rally in West Bengal, that Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee had not come out in support of the UN declaration of Masood Azhar as a ‘global terrorist’. “Why Didi, because this will upset your vote banks,” Modi had thundered with a mischievous smile.

The prime minister was obviously insinuating that Muslims in Bengal (and perhaps in India), had perhaps not welcomed Azhar’s listing as a global terrorist.

“That is a huge insult,” said a senior leader of Bangladesh's ruling Awami League party. “Please remind your PM that we Bengalis – mostly Muslims – broke up Pakistan after sacrificing the lives of 25 lakh people, and suffering dishonour for half a million women,” he said. I am not naming the leader because he fears that, making a political statement on Indian soil in the middle of an election, may lead to denial of an Indian visa – which he needs – to get his mother treated in this country.

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‘The Bengali Muslim Would’ve Never Accepted West Pakistan’s Rule’
I have to agree with my friend from Bangladesh, and not with my prime minister. In 1971, the Bengalis (Muslims, Hindus and other faiths) revolted against Pakistan under the leadership of the charismatic Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, and suffered one of the most brutal genocides of contemporary history, before Bangladesh was liberated with Indian political and military support.

Subhas Chandra Bose is credited by many historians for expediting the end of British rule by fomenting revolt in the Indian ranks of the British army. Similarly, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman is credited with the break-up of Pakistan, Britain’s parting gift to South Asia.

The farsighted Maulana Abul Kalam Azad had seen this coming in 1946 – that the Bengali Muslim – with an overwhelming numerical majority, and his province more richly endowed the Western wing – will never accept West Pakistan’s dominance, he had warned in an interview with a Lahore-based editor.

Mujib’s daughter – and Bangladesh’s current PM – Sheikh Hasina is India’s strongest ally in South Asia.

Her government has delivered on all of India's security and connectivity concerns in her ten years in power – from cracking down on Northeast Indian insurgents, to allowing transhipment of Indian goods to the Northeast through Bangladesh, using its ports and roads. Bangladesh holds the key to the success of India's ‘Act East’ policy, because we need to first connect to the Northeast through Bangladesh, before using it as a land bridge to connect to Southeast Asia via Myanmar.

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The ‘Problem’ Of Migration
India has failed to deliver on Bangladesh’s concerns, like the sharing of the Teesta’s waters. But it could at least spare our friendly neighbour the humiliation of hostile saffron rhetoric led by BJP President Amit Shah (who described Bangladeshi migrants as ‘termites’), and Modi, who now implies that Bengali Muslims could be pro-Masood Azhar.

And this, when Bangladesh has refused to even accept the credentials of Pakistan’s ambassador-designate Saqlain Syedah, following which Pakistan-Bangladesh relations are at an all time low.

Illegal migration from Bangladesh (and East Pakistan) is a historical fact, fuelled by the poor economic conditions of East Bengal due to its ruthless exploitation by Pakistan's military junta, and then, by the lack of development under Bangladesh’s own military rulers who negated the spirit of 1971, after Mujibur was killed in a military coup.

The trend of migration began in colonial times because Bengal was perhaps the most exploited of British provinces, suffering successive famines like the one in the 1940s which killed nearly three million people. But it is also a fact that Bangladesh's amazing economic turnaround, especially in the last ten years of Sheikh Hasina's rule, has also brought down the flow of people from Bangladesh into neighbouring Indian provinces, whose economic and human development indicators are far below that of Bangladesh.

Also Read : ‘Calling Immigrants Termites an Apt Analogy’: BJP’s Nalin Kohli

Awami League Worried About BJP’s Communal Politics
Hasina's government has also streamlined labour exports by formalising it as far as possible, because, as her former labour minister Nurul Islam told me once, illegal migrants don’t send back money; legals do. Remittances from expatriate Bangladeshis is the second largest source of foreign exchange for the country, after readymade garments. Bangladeshis, like Indians, go abroad to make money – and they would prefer places they can make more money in, than is possible in poor Indian border states.

A proud nation, driven by its secular and syncretic Bengali identity, would naturally resent the expletives hurled at it by the saffron brigade.

Many Awami League leaders, among the best of India's friends, are worried because they fear the BJP's politics of communal mobilisation. And making Bangladesh the target of its hostile rhetoric will boost the anti-India forces of hardline Islam, who have been marginalised by Hasina, but not wholly decimated.

They are also worried that the proposed Citizenship Amendment Bill may provoke Hindu migration into India, that the Awami League wants to avoid, because the nearly ten percent Hindu population are its strongest vote bank, and influence results in at least 50 of the 300 parliament seats.

Hindutva Brigade’s Attempt to Paint All Muslims As Villains, Will Cost India Dearly
Oppressed minorities in Pakistan, beginning with the Bengalis, have always looked up to India as the ultimate democratic role model that their own country should have become. From the Baloch and the Muhajir people, to the supporters of GM Syed and the Pashtuns (whose leader ‘Frontier Gandhi’ opposed Partition, and requested Congress leaders to not “throw us to thewolves”), Indian democracy became a more acceptable model than Pakistan's military rule. And we better not forget how the Kashmir Valley Muslims sided with the Indian Army during Pakistani-sponsored incursions in 1947-48 and 1965.

Since all these nationalities value their religious identity as much as their ethnic roots, the broad-brush approach of the Hindutva brigade to paint all Muslims as villains, is going to cost India useful allies in the region.

We must wait until 23 May to figure out how far this religious polarisation has helped them in electoral terms, but there is no doubt this Hindutva baggage is a huge foreign policy liability for India, and will cost it close friends in the neighbourhood. Modi's choreographed pujas at Pashupatinath Temple has not won ‘Hindu’ Nepal for us, and New Delhi increasingly worries about growing Chinese influence there. Let’s hope we don’t lose Bangladesh the same way.

(The writer is a veteran BBC journalist and an author. He can be reached @SubirBhowmik. This is an opinion piece and the views expressed above are the author’s own. The Quint neither endorses nor is responsible for the same.)

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First Published: 03H 40M AGO
Lol, does india cares that, and do you think what value is of BD for india??? Lol

As long as Awami league is ruling Bangladesh, Bangladesh will remain slaves of Hindus no matter how much these BJP leaders abuse muslims or even Bangladeshis themselves by calling them "PESTS"
And after next election win, BD s national drink would be, modi ji,s sweet sweet moot served in wine glasees all around BD specially to those who thinks india is thier ™ Mai baap ™
Back in 2001 Bangladesh forces actually used to fight back against Indian BSF. Now the Indians just butcher Bangladeshis like animals at the border and they are even allowed to come in storm through the Bangladeshi villages near the border, kill/rape whomever they want. Such is the self-respect of Bangladeshis nowdays. They are even below the level of slavery.
Why not then thy form a mukti hindi maltia and fight that slavry?
the hindutva baggage is gonna cost it far more than just "friendships", its gonna cost india its existence!
Her government has delivered on all of India's security and connectivity concerns in her ten years in power – from cracking down on Northeast Indian insurgents, to allowing transhipment of Indian goods to the Northeast through Bangladesh, using its ports and roads.
Unfortunately Bangladesh did not reciprocated for these gesture of friendship.
Bangladesh holds the key to the success of India's ‘Act East’ policy, because we need to first connect to the Northeast through Bangladesh, before using it as a land bridge to connect to Southeast Asia via Myanmar.
Not only connecting North east India with mainland India or ASEAN. But for mainland India also, most convenient route to connect with ASEAN is through Chittagong-Cox's Bazar corridor. This is the only road, which do not traverse difficult mountains and jungle to reach South East Asia. British had plan to connect then British India with Burma through this route since 1890 by building a rail track. But subsequently for many reasons, this rail route did not materialized. Now Chittagong to Ghumdhum(a border town along Myanmar) rail line construction is underway, after it's completion and four lane highway, it will be possible for a Mainland Indian to visit South East Asia overland by bypassing the North East India altogether.
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Because India is the one which has created awami league. Awami league is made by and for India. Haseena deliberately cut the defence budget because India told her to, India is scared that a strong nationalist Bangladeshi military would open another front for them in the eastern border. The sad part is that Bangladeshis enjoy living in slavery so this is never going to change.
I think once BJP gets weaker, so it also effect in BD and I wish real patriotic BD forces take over the govt and make BD as new support base of the south Asian Muslims specially rohingias and I think I may get support from PAK, IRAN, TURKEY the key players of muslum world for now and future, BD ppls has the talent but thy been put in hindu shsckles because hasina can't find another way to remain in power????
As long as Awami league is ruling Bangladesh, Bangladesh will remain slaves of Hindus no matter how much these BJP leaders abuse muslims or even Bangladeshis themselves by calling them "PESTS"
As far as I know Pakistani politicians also abuses Hindus and Hindu God's.
Lol, does india cares that, and do you think what value is of BD for india??? Lol

And after next election win, BD s national drink would be, modi ji,s sweet sweet moot served in wine glasees all around BD specially to those who thinks india is thier ™ Mai baap ™

Don't think we actually care about what a Pakistani think about BD-Ind relationship. It's quite evident that u just don't know what u r talking about.

Bangladesh is one of the most important allies of India. BD is strategically extremely important to india due to its geographic location. If India wants keep its northeast part to free from any separatist movement it needs a friendly and cooperative BD Govt. Otherwise capturing most wanted separatists like Anup chetia will remain as a dream to Indian authority.

Furthermore, BD is also one of the major sources of foreign currency to India. BD can easily replace India with some other country to purchase their daily consumer goods but it will be next to impossible for India to find a lucrative market like BD.

There r so many other reasons for which India would want to remain on the good book of BD. But obviously I won't waste my time by trying to make u realise that simple fact.
Don't think we actually care about what a Pakistani think about BD-Ind relationship. It's quite evident that u just don't know what u r talking about.

Bangladesh is one of the most important allies of India. BD is strategically extremely important to india due to its geographic location. If India wants keep its northeast part to free from any separatist movement it needs a friendly and cooperative BD Govt. Otherwise capturing most wanted separatists like Anup chetia will remain as a dream to Indian authority.

Furthermore, BD is also one of the major sources of foreign currency to India. BD can easily replace India with some other country to purchase their daily consumer goods but it will be next to impossible for India to find a lucrative market like BD.

There r so many other reasons for which India would want to remain on the good book of BD. But obviously I won't waste my time by trying to make u realise that simple fact.
Asian Indian allies means just another target to practice nukes from both pakistan and China thats all wht it means? Lolzz
As far as I know Pakistani politicians also abuses Hindus and Hindu God's.
Pls, don't compare intolerant countries like India or pakistan with a country like BD. Abduction and forceful conversion is a norm in Pakistan. Lynching poor Muslims is a daily even in India.

Compared to these backward countries Bangladesh is easily one of the safest places for religious minorities.

As a matter of fact I think Bangladesh is one of the very few Muslim majority countries were hindus and Muslims share equal rights.

U will alaways see that Pakistani posters r crying about the way we Bangladeshis treat our fellow countrymen who r from other religions.

To them its bowing down to hindus since they r accustomed to persecute and torture their own minorities. So when they see that here in BD everyone form every religion is enjoying equal rights they just find it unusual.

Asian Indian allies means just another target to practice nukes from both pakistan and China thats all wht it means? Lolzz

Pakistan is totally irrelevant to us. Its a country with a broken economy and no future. That's why the strategy of our country usually revolves around big countries like China, India, USA and KSA.

BTW, not really sure why r u trying to bring China into the discussion. Last time I checked Pak was an independent country, not a colony of China.

Or has it changed in recent times? Do let me know that. Anyway, we r doing great business with China and they r one of the biggest investors in BD.
Pls, don't compare intolerant countries like India or pakistan with a country like BD. Abduction and forceful conversion is a norm in Pakistan. Lynching poor Muslims is a daily even in India.

Compared to these backward countries Bangladesh is easily one of the safest places for religious minorities.

As a matter of fact I think Bangladesh is one of the very few Muslim majority countries were hindus and Muslims share equal rights.

U will alaways see that Pakistani posters r crying about the way we Bangladeshis treat our fellow countrymen who r from other religions.

To them its bowing down to hindus since they r accustomed to persecute and torture their own minorities. So when they see that here in BD everyone form every religion is enjoying equal rights they just find it unusual.

Pakistan is totally irrelevant to us. Its a country with a broken economy and no future. That's why the strategy of our country usually revolves around big countries like China, India, USA and KSA.

BTW, not really sure why r u trying to bring China into the discussion. Last time I checked Pak was an independent country, not a colony of China.

Or has it changed in recent times? Do let me know that. Anyway, we r doing great business with China and they r one of the biggest investors in BD.
@war&peace @waz @Zarvan @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan

Guys can you tell me if he is true or not regarding the treatment of minorities in Pakistan?
@war&peace @waz @Zarvan @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan

Guys can you tell me if he is true or not regarding the treatment of minorities in Pakistan?

Conversion of Hindus under dubious circumstances unfortunately do happen, however these are very very rare instances, and strict laws have been passed so that the perpetrators are harshly punished. Most of the exaggerated news that you come across is actually Indian propaganda. Nothing of this sort or scale happens here. In fact, the percentage of Hindus in West Pakistan (today's Pakistan) has increased from 1.4% in 1951 to 1.6% in 2017, contrary to myth propagated by Indians about the decline of Hindu population in Pakistan. Hindus are a thriving minority in Pakistan, especially in the Sindh province!
Pls, don't compare intolerant countries like India or pakistan with a country like BD. Abduction and forceful conversion is a norm in Pakistan. Lynching poor Muslims is a daily even in India.

Compared to these backward countries Bangladesh is easily one of the safest places for religious minorities.

As a matter of fact I think Bangladesh is one of the very few Muslim majority countries were hindus and Muslims share equal rights.

U will alaways see that Pakistani posters r crying about the way we Bangladeshis treat our fellow countrymen who r from other religions.

To them its bowing down to hindus since they r accustomed to persecute and torture their own minorities. So when they see that here in BD everyone form every religion is enjoying equal rights they just find it unusual.

Pakistan is totally irrelevant to us. Its a country with a broken economy and no future. That's why the strategy of our country usually revolves around big countries like China, India, USA and KSA.

BTW, not really sure why r u trying to bring China into the discussion. Last time I checked Pak was an independent country, not a colony of China.

Or has it changed in recent times? Do let me know that. Anyway, we r doing great business with China and they r one of the biggest investors in BD.
A few years back stupids use to think about Russia same as what u trying to paint, under the heavy influence of of modi jis (moot)?lolzzz
But look where it stands now????
Countries like BD with nothing type of defence always live under the influences like ppls modi ji and his mooot?
If u r happy to be a eternal slaves of hindustan then we got no problem with that, all it conclude for us is to mark Dhaka red on our target list of nuclear doctrine and thats it, be ready to pay a price for ur brotherhood with modi ji, Thts good for u I gss and good for us that we won't hve any hard feelings about hitting a hindu slave country which is actully is hostile towards us and thus we count u in our enemy lists, let's see after bieng pounded with 1 or 2 nuclear strikes where ur so called super duper economy ill stand??? Lolzzz
Wishful thinking.

Bangladesh is as sovereign as Guam
Conversion of Hindus under dubious circumstances unfortunately do happen, however these are very very rare instances, and strict laws have been passed so that the perpetrators are harshly punished. Most of the exaggerated news that you come across is actually Indian propaganda. Nothing of this sort or scale happens here. In fact, the percentage of Hindus in West Pakistan (today's Pakistan) has increased from 1.4% in 1951 to 1.6% in 2017, contrary to myth propagated by Indians about the decline of Hindu population in Pakistan. Hindus are a thriving minority in Pakistan, especially in the Sindh province!
Adding Jst a bit no hindu been beaten by any Muslim mob, just because of his religion in pak

Wishful thinking.

Bangladesh is as sovereign as Guam
Sure untill it gets pounded with Some cute nukes???? Lolzzz
Dont tell me it's wishful caze we hve wht it's takes to BD become ashes?? Lolzzz

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