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BJP leader Yogi Adityanath wants 'Hindustan' to replace 'India' in the Constitution

I have a feeling its diversionary tactic so that CPI, seculars and marxists don't sabotage the Nuclear deal with Russia ...

:lol::lol: That's a pretty sorry excuse. Good to know that even you don't feel like defending these nutters.The communists are in no position to block anything, let alone a nuclear deal with Russia.

Btw, the PM is supposed to have told the RSS to reign in the nutters, Jaitley gave an interview where he said that he (& the PM) are very concerned with such statements and that such statements only help the opposition to block the important work in parliament.
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Not much as ppl are expecting lets be honest about khoongressi debris left behind... It will take some time to see results nor modi or bjp has a magic wand... However some bjp MPs are unnecessarily raking up controversy n undoing the good work of current gov...
Modi needs to take these Pagal Babas down before such issues are blown out of proportion....

Offcource we need atleast 10 years of stable government to have some momentum.. Talks like this wont help gaining support from common people..

Dont do you remember the VS support for that protest?

And what is has achieved? VS do not have much support inside his party and he had an history of working against party line. Nothing to be concerned about.
So finally we know who really has the identity crisis.
Not really northern/northwestern India was known by that name from ancient times . And people living there still uses that name. And Bharat Gaṇarajya is our nations official name & it's even more ancient & refers to the entire Indian sub continent.. So Bharat was more logical as an official name . So we adopted it . Great & Ancient nations are known by many names.
Offcource we need atleast 10 years of stable government to have some momentum.. Talks like this wont help gaining support from common people..

And what is has achieved? VS do not have much support inside his party and he had an history of working against party line. Nothing to be concerned about.

Now we have 3 idiots in our Parliament.
like this.I would blame the people in NI that elected these morons.
Yogi Adityanath, the controversial Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader, has proposed that Article 1 of the Constitution of India be amended. The Bill that Adityanath wants Lok Sabha to debate aims to replace the word ‘India’ with ‘Hindustan’. Article 1 of the Constitution states: “India, that is Bharat, shall be a Union of States.” The Bill moved by Adityanath argues that Article 1 should instead read “Bharat, that is Hindustan…”

“The world “India” denotes the symbol of slavery and thus deserves to be omitted from our Constitution,” states the Bill. The last two and a half hours of Friday afternoons are reserved in the two Houses for discussion on private members’ bills.

The Bill had been listed in the day’s business on November 28 and circulated among rest of the 542 Lok Sabha MPs. But Adityanath wasn’t present in the House that day to introduce the Bill.

This led to conjectures within the party that the MP from Gorakhpur has been asked not to rake up a potentially controversial issues within months after his advocacy of countering the phenomenon of ‘love jihad’.

The Bill, however, is listed for introduction for today afternoon. It remains to be seen whether Adityanath will be present in the House to introduce the Bill. The Bill is somewhat of a pet subject with the 43-year-old MP. He had introduced the Bill in the previous Lok Sabha on March 5, 2010 but it could never come up for debate.

The issue, however, isn’t new. The Constituent Assembly had also debated the possible name of the newly independent country. Names suggested during the Constituent Assembly debates in 1946 had ranged from Bharat, Hindustan, Hind, Bharatbhumi, Bharatvarsh and Aryavrat.

Historians think ‘India’ and ‘Hindu’ have originated from ‘Sindhu, the river that now flows in Pakistan. The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) believes that all inhabitants of the geographical entity of Bharat or India are Hindus as Hindutva is a way of life and Hindus could be of any religion worshipping any God. Therefore, the land should also be called ‘Hindustan’.

On Thursday, Parliamentary Affairs Minister M Venkaiah Naidu, while replying to the debate on recent reports of religious conversions in Uttar Pradesh, said that “some people have the problem of having allergy to the word Hindu”. Naidu said for the BJP, ‘Hindustan’ meant “all people irrespective of caste, creed, sex or religion.” He said all, whether Christians or Hindus or Muslims, who live in Hindustan or India, have the same way of life while their forms of worship may be different.

According to a study by PRS Legislative Research, Parliament has passed 14 private members’ Bills till date. However, no private members’ Bill has been passed by Parliament since 1970. Of the 300 odd such Bills introduced in the previous Lok Sabha, only four per cent were discussed and the rest lapsed without even a single debate.

All MPs who are not ministers are considered private members. MPs need to a give a month’s notice for introduction of the Bill, those that aim to amend the Constitution are vetted by a committee.

Generally, the motion for introduction of the Bill is not opposed but there have been instances to the contrary as well when a majority of the House has opposed the introduction. Private members’ bills and private members’ resolutions are taken up on alternate Fridays.

The Committee on Private Members’ Bills and Resolutions decides the relative priority of the Bills after a ballot. Adityanath’s Bill is listed at number three in today’s business. This order, however, is not carried forward if the Bill is not introduced. Although, the discussion already started is carried forward.

Yogi Adityanath wants 'Hindustan' to replace 'India' in the Constitution | Business Standard News

he is 10000% right. There are times when he talks like a village idiot. but on this.

My vote is for him.

When people can change Bombay to Mumbai

Why not do justice and get rid of English era relic name?

Why the heck not.
The BJP were elected on its pledge of development and economic prosperity not this BS. Modi knows this as do his top leadership and they are working on this but there are still buffoons in his party that will keep embarrassing him and themselves. Modi has told them to STFU but this keeps happening, soon enough they'll be made to keep it shut.

so Modi has them to STFU ,,,,,but still they making fun of BJP???? looks like MODI is no more in control....no one is listening to him
None of this would happen until and unless they gain majority in both houses.. Making statements like this wont help them attain it.. UP by election with the campaign of love jihad proved that communal politics have no future here in India..

Well not exactly,until they gain majority in the other house(which is only a matter of time) their are other ways to squeeze the opposition into supporting them like Probing criminal cases in which their party leaders are involved
Which is being tested on TMC right now

I just don't know, let's see how the things play out. If the GoI gets their reforms through then maybe that will prove your right and let's hope this happens because those reforms are VITAL!

Absolutely if we want to take off we need these reforms badly
Till now govt has decided that they will reform almost all the sectors of economy from taxation to labor law.The only thing that remains now is that Land Bill which UPA brought in
And what exact reforms was BJP bringing in? I mean do you see anything substantial till now?

all the reforms promised by them ..........like bringing black money in 150 days ...
Bharat is best! It is already official, people just use it more often, than India, and it will become the preferred name.
he is 10000% right. There are times when he talks like a village idiot. but on this.

My vote is for him.

When people can change Bombay to Mumbai

Why not do justice and get rid of English era relic name?

Why the heck not.

I agree .But Only with 'Bharat'.
All others are foreign.

Please tell him about this.

i agree with you though.

We have 282 BJP MPs.Still now only 3 of them proved themsleves that they are rotten apples.
But you cant generalize all of them.
Let them barks,Noone in this nation cant challenge their rights for speech even it is a stupidity.We only cared about our PM decisions
Name should be dhongyogistan. If divided states yogistan, or maybe yogilaekhorrstan. I'd prefer hanglayogistan to the tallest light pole.
Well not exactly,until they gain majority in the other house(which is only a matter of time) their are other ways to squeeze the opposition into supporting them like Probing criminal cases in which their party leaders are involved
Which is being tested on TMC right now

Already it become a failure.. TMC is now on all out attack against BJP. You cannot just arm twist opposistion to agree your terms and conditions.
Already it become a failure.. TMC is now on all out attack against BJP. You cannot just arm twist opposistion to agree your terms and conditions.

Oh but we can comrade the TMC was opposing even before the BJP tried to arm twist it & we will keep on squeezing until they fall in line & support us
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