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BJP celebrations in Jammu and Kashmir

Yes, the lowest turnout in over two decades must be celebrated !!
81% of the Kashmiris boycotted the sham elections and 494 polling booths in Kashmir registered absolutely Zero voting.

did that change the situation is Kashmir?

It won't change anything.
And anyways, the UN does not recognize Indian State Elections in Occupied Jammu and Kashmir
Yes, the lowest turnout in over two decades must be celebrated !!
81% of the Kashmiris boycotted the sham elections and 494 polling booths in Kashmir registered absolutely Zero voting.

It won't change anything.
And anyways, the UN does not recognize Indian State Elections in Occupied Jammu and Kashmir
actually the bjp only won jammu and ladakh. There was around 60 percent turnout in jammu and almost 70 in ladakh. Another example of why jammu and ladakh should be seperated from JaK.
actually the bjp only won jammu and ladakh. There was around 60 percent turnout in jammu and almost 70 in ladakh. Another example of why jammu and ladakh should be seperated from JaK.

But still Jammu and Kashmir registered an overall voter turnout of 29.39 per cent only (compared to almost 50% in 2014 elections).... The Kashmiris have been further alienated from India
But still Jammu and Kashmir registered an overall voter turnout of 29.39 per cent only (compared to almost 50% in 2014 elections).... The Kashmiris have been further alienated from India
Unfortunately, the most densely populated part of the state is in south Kashmir and the Srinagar area, which is also the most troubled part. Even North Kashmir is not as bad, with Kupwara registering about 50 percent turnout. There is a strong feeling in other parts of the state that the valley dominates the state's politics, hence the movement to repeal article 35a
35A and 370 must go

and then address the imbalance of power between Valley and rest of the state.
35A and 370 must go

and then address the imbalance of power between Valley and rest of the state.
Putting all parties involved on an equal footing will be the first step to addressing the issues with the state.
We should remove Ladhakh, Jammu and GB as disputed territories and make them states or provinces. There is no way Pakistan is going to get Ladhakh or Jammu and there is no way we are getting GB.
We should remove Ladhakh, Jammu and GB as disputed territories and make them states or provinces. There is no way Pakistan is going to get Ladhakh or Jammu and there is no way we are getting GB.

Add Azad Kashmir to the list as well then. Practically everyone is Muslim and anti-India. The crux of the problem as we all know is the Valley. Give that central region independence and peace in South Asia will become a lot more tangible.
My belief is that there will have to be peace and cool minds before a permanent solution can be found for Kashmir.
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