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Bizarre events!!!

^^^your dam?
thats another bizzare thing.....you own a dam :)
No i dont own a dam on that sense i have got many contracts on it which gives me all the fishing rights as well as to produce hydro electricity
I am about to reveal to you a story I have kept secret for a long time.

Fall, 20xx, Hindu Khush, North Pakistan.

Me and a team of explorers were stationed in the Hindu Khush mountains of North Pakistan. To start our trip we first arrived in Chitral stayed there briefly but mingled with the locals. They asked why me and my team of researchers/explorers from US were visiting Chitral; since I speak Urdu I told the man we're here to research wildlife and evolution in this mountainous region.

Days later we take a jeep and travel north, (exact location will not be revealed). After traveling north we reached our destination and set up base camp, the team was exhausted and hungry so we had prepared dinner that night, it put us all in a good mood and gave us the feeling our objective would go well; considering everything up to this point had gone smoothly. A few of us volunteered to stay up for night duty and overlook the base camp, while the the rest of the team went to sleep. I volunteered along with a few other gentlemen. So duty starts we chat get bored and we fall asleep hours later shortly before sunrise.

The next evening part of the team decides to stay at base the, what I will refer to as Team X deployed out and began researching wildlife, taking photos, catching wildlife (we have tranquilizers), testing, etc. I was apart of Team X. The goal was to get back to the base before sunset. Me and three other guys (Team X2, 4 men) had the most dangerous task and that was to study wildlife at night.

The thing about the snowy mountains at night is there is so much snow that it brightens the space and reduces the darkness.

Well, we were adequately equipped to do our task. The rest of Team X returns to base and radios us of this news. Team X2 heads even further North. After walking north for some time we are tired from our exploring and set up a mini-camp, we head to sleep briefly.

We wake up around sunset we deploy again and shortly after 45mn-1hr I spotted what appeared to be a nest. I take out my binoculars and examine from a distance as well as the they guys. We carefully approach this site. We reach the nest and find two very large eggs, literally the size of our heads, they had these weird spots scattered across the shell. Most importantly these eggs were warm to the touch! That indicates recent activity in the nest.

One of the guys made a joke "I'm starving let's boil these eggs" lol. As we intended to do we began examining these eggs, took photos, weighed them, measured them, took feather samples from the nest. After being there for 30mins or so one of the guys spots a magnificently large flying creature, large wing span, and flying high speed, headed in our direction. We panic seeing this we begin packing up to leave but we were spotted by the bird and we all knew then this was the mother. The bird came sweeping down we scattered and it flew circles above our heads making a terrible loud violent sound. We thought to tranquilize it but it was too dangerous and we all fled and met up later.

This bird looks unbelievable neither one of us with all our knowledge never witnessed anything like it. This thing looked like a pterodactyl! I will not describe in details.

But what the team believes we discovered an unknown species of bird that live in Hindu Khush mountains of Pakistan. We investigated the incidient afterwards no mention in records of any bird of this kind.

Our journey and other findings were published. It is up to the team leader of X2 to decide whether to disclose the specific data regarding the bird and eggs. Then if Team leader of X2 gives approval then we discuss this with the rest of the team only then would we disclose specific scientific data and images.Though we are at liberty to state we believe we discovered an unknown species of bird in Hindu Khush, Pakistan. Just not the specifics of this particular incident.

Let me reiterate here, other findings were published.

I'm sorry but I (an I'm sure many others here) have a very hard time believing you without any proof. A nice story but no evidence other than your word. Why the secrecy? This isn't a national security issue, why obscure names and places? Were you a SF team behind enemy lines (just kidding)? Surely as a scientist/researcher you know science only evolves and facts emerge by public scrutiny and ability to replicate findings.

Otherwise your account is no differeent to those of Bigfoot and the Loch Ness monster.
I remember one day I went to the roof, it was little dark due to cloudy weather and also windi, o one more thing the place we lived was near to jungle and hilly area, I remember I went to the roof of the house and I saw a huge snake 14 or 15 feet long and it was gliding right over our house roof and passed by and the snake was alive.

---------- Post added at 10:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:26 PM ----------

I still can't figure out how that is possible

I know there are some species of gliding snakes whereby their entire body flattens out like the hood of a cobra. Very cool!
here's one for the Camp.

It's called Wadi-alBaida on the way to Madina.

Amazing thing about this is that gravity works on the opposite here.

If your turn the engine of, and put the car in neutral, it will start going uphill !

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