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Bizarre events!!!



New Recruit

Dec 20, 2011
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This thread is for all the bizarre events Please share if u have seen or heard
with some proof if possible:meeting:

I am starting with this bizarre event in which it rained apples.


An avalanche of more than 100 apples rained down over a main road in Keresley, Coventry on Monday night.
The street was left littered with apples after they pelted car windscreens and bonnets just after rush-hour.

The bizarre downpour may have been caused by a current of air that lifted the fruit from a garden or orchard, releasing it over the junction of Keresley Road and Kelmscote Road.
One driver said: "The apples fell out of the sky as if out of nowhere. They were small and green and hit the bonnet hard.
"There were other cars on the road at the time too and everyone had to stop their cars suddenly.

Some call it a Freak storm some call it the begging of the Dooms day.

I feel lucky and priveleged to have witnessed one of the rarest weather phenomenons known to man. It happened on the 22nd and I didn't even know what it was until I did a bit of research.

After decades in the air, I thought I had seen it all. We were approaching Panama City at night, and a potent thunderstorm was brewing over the mountains that contain moist air driven in from the Pacific.

At night, thunderstorms are an awesome sight... they glow, flicker and grumble in a spectacular show. But then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw something, and my first thought was "Oh s**t, a giant meteor had just re-entered and hit the ground in an explosion." A bar of solid yellow extended literally from outer space and connected to the TOP of the thunderstorm.

We watched for a repeat, and got it one more time. It's simply unthinkable for anything to be ejected from the TOP of a storm; it all goes to the sides and down. And these plasma shafts were not small, they appeared to extend to 200,000' or more, and I bas this on the height of the thunderstorm, which was at least 40,000 feet.

The best picture I could find on the internet - looked something like this, although this one is actually a bit whimpy.


These "blue jets" or "superjet lightning" weren't even known to science until the 1990's, although they have certainly been around forever.
Some times back, about a year ago, it had been raining for a week continuously, but then, one afternoon, it all just turned black, pitch black, as if on a moonless night. Street lights were off, and it was still around 12 in the afternoon.

Really scary sight!
Some times back, about a year ago, it had been raining for a week continuously, but then, one afternoon, it all just turned black, pitch black, as if on a moonless night. Street lights were off, and it was still around 12 in the afternoon.

Really scary sight!

woow where was it Pak or UK?
The weirdest scene i ever saw was in 1983-84 i guess.
It was a giant ball of fire streaking across the sky.It was a Meteorite burning in the atmosphere and it was a big one.
The weird thing was that it was so brightly burning that it was visible at 10 am in Broad day light.
Another kind of Bizarre thing that happens almost every day in Capetown south Africa...Speaking from Personal experience here.
Katabatic winds flow down the Table mountain just after sunset and somehow the wind gets charged and disrupts all Radio communication and Magnetic compasses in the Table bay go haywire.
And another thing most of you wont know..I wont explain it..Just google "Rogue waves of Cape Agulhas" ;)
Once while flying from UK to Pakistan, just as breakfast was being served, we hit air turbulence to such effect that things started flying around, the overhead cargo holds began opening with flight bags falling out on the passengers. I remember looking out of the cabin window watching the engine shaking and wondering how strong are those nuts and bolts. Bit of a hair raising experience.
There are some genuinely, truly weird natural events out there. We've had documented evidence of rain that has frogs and fish in it - supposedly a cyclone or tornado sucks up an entire pond and ejects it high into the atmosphere... we have lightning come from clear air, lightning from volcanic ash, tsunamis, whirlpools, the world is a really weird place at times.
Air turbulences allways a bad experience..!! I had once such.
Air turbulences allways a bad experience..!! I had once such.

Interestingly, it bothers a LOT of people. It may help to know that there are no documented cases (there is one arguable case) of turbulence causing an airplane to break apart in mid air. All that nasty chop is harmless. Consider that a transport is rated to many "G" forces, and it would take turbulence on the order of a powerful roller coaster to even come close.

So if you feel your cheeks sagging and your vision dims because the blood is pooling low in your body, then it's time to worry! ;)
Interestingly, it bothers a LOT of people. It may help to know that there are no documented cases (there is one arguable case) of turbulence causing an airplane to break apart in mid air. All that nasty chop is harmless. Consider that a transport is rated to many "G" forces, and it would take turbulence on the order of a powerful roller coaster to even come close.

So if you feel your cheeks sagging and your vision dims because the blood is pooling low in your body, then it's time to worry! ;)

the arguable case of air france? anyway though the plane is solid, it falls from the sky in the next moment due to air pockets is a nightmare. Can't the new planes know such thing in advance?
the arguable case of air france? anyway though the plane is solid, it falls from the sky in the next moment due to air pockets is a nightmare. Can't the new planes know such thing in advance?

No, Air France was not caused by turbulence. It was an airspeed / icing problem. The pilots stalled the jet at altitude and did not recover in time. The one I'm thinking of happened decades ago.

There is no such thing as an "air pocket." We hear about them all the time from passengers, as in "We hit an air pocket and fell hundreds of feet." That doesn't happen. What feels like hundreds of feet is at worst 50 feet. Even in fairly severe turbulence, the altimeter never varies by more than 50 to 100 feet.

Now, you can stall and "fall" thousands of feet, but that is totally different from turbulence.
One of the wierd things i have seen is an small plane crashing in front of me it was some time back me and my dad were in a regular checking round in our dam suddenly a small plane was comming down from the sky first we thought he wanted to fly low but then just 200 or 300 m it crashed in front of our eyes the sad part is the pilot died
^^^your dam?
thats another bizzare thing.....you own a dam :)
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