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BIMARU Corner.

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Are you insane? Why would you do this?

They have absolutely nothing to show for it in the modern age, and to get a semblance of self-respect and esteem they vicariously live through historical figures.

This should serve as a warning to Indians. We should try to write a new chapter in History, and not attempt to turn the pages 2000 years back of that of the Guptas to chest thump.

False pride gets you nowhere.

Those celebrating the rape of Women, well why would you even read that?

You have a peculiar view of history and the purpose of history, to put things very, very mildly.

History is not a propaganda exercise, it is not an exercise in chest-thumping. It is an ongoing dialogue with the past. We ignore and flout our past at our peril. History is not objective, it is not free of bias. It can be no such thing as long as there is an observer who is a human being with all the personality of a human being. But it can be honest. Good history is honest. Bad history is dishonest, dishonest to the core. It distorts, twists and perverts, and bends even observed fact to its purposes. That is not what is done by professional historians when presenting a case, when there is a selection of facts which bear out the case; in those instances, the facts that do not bear out the case are not deliberately concealed. Where propagandists are concerned, these facts are deliberately concealed.

Writing a new chapter in history is a commendable goal. Trying to do so without taking the past into the conversation is less than commendable, less than intelligent, less than reasonable. It is downright foolish.

None of this should be taken, even for an instant, as a criticism of your writing. I know you for one of the balanced intellects on the forum. But in your enthusiasm to curb jingoism, you have managed to throw out the baby with the bath-water.
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