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Bill introduced in US House to freeze all aid to Pakistan

Financial impacts? I wonder if the $$ the USA gave us had that special luminous paint on it that every-time someone touched it we could see where it was ending up
As regards to financial impact this $$ genuinely never enters the Pakistani markets hence i believe the impact would be very little. The consensus of opinion with my friends is this will stimulate our economy and wake up our nation. Our natural allies will trade with us and im sure we would be competitive in the international markets

I can accept your contentions provided they are backed up be a detailed study performed by the appropriate agency. If the conclusion is still that that there will not be an unbearable adverse impact, then a case can be made to reject aid.
I think we should stop being reacting to what america does. We should cut their supply routes. Then we should negotiate a higher transit fee. Tell them to shove their aid. But then what would become of zardaris investments in america?
thats all they can do:enjoy:
I think we should stop being reacting to what america does. We should cut their supply routes. Then we should negotiate a higher transit fee. Tell them to shove their aid. But then what would become of zardaris investments in america?

Weren't Imran Khan's dharnas intended to block the supply routes? If not by popular support, I am sure the Army can have transit blocked if they so chose, quite easily, Zardari being irrelevant in this decision.
Weren't Imran Khan's dharnas intended to block the supply routes? If not by popular support, I am sure the Army can have transit blocked if they so chose, quite easily, Zardari being irrelevant in this decision.

sorry didnt make myself clear. I didnt mean just zardari. I mean people in positions of power who stand to lose out if things really got hairy with america. Thats what i dont understand its clear there is no love lost between american govt and the pakistani people. They want something. make them pay for it if it suits. If it doesnt suit dont do it at all. Why pretend we are doing them a favour or vice verca.
sorry didnt make myself clear. I didnt mean just zardari. I mean people in positions of power who stand to lose out if things really got hairy with america. Thats what i dont understand its clear there is no love lost between american govt and the pakistani people. They want something. make them pay for it if it suits. If it doesnt suit dont do it at all. Why pretend we are doing them a favour or vice verca.

Thank you for that clarification. I am sure you do realize that this policy of "if they want something, make them pay for it" works both ways, right?
I can accept your contentions provided they are backed up be a detailed study performed by the appropriate agency. If the conclusion is still that that there will not be an unbearable adverse impact, then a case can be made to reject aid.

Ok mate im going to go away and gather a detailed study by an appropriate agency. It may take a a few years but i will get back to you........ (hope you wait in anticipation!)
Ok mate im going to go away and gather a detailed study by an appropriate agency. It may take a a few years but i will get back to you........ (hope you wait in anticipation!)

Sure, I am waiting in anticipation! :D

I'll be here hopefully when you get back.
American just threatening Pakistan govt and military for Aid but even Americans don't want this why because if they will not provide money to our corrupt leaders and organizations head then American will not capable to control Pakistan! this is just threatening news nothing else more! American policy makers just create hype amount CUTOFF Aid but they never cuttoff why because thye just want to show their people that Pakistan is doing what we want thats why we cant stop aid!
USA is our enemy and they will never stop this bloody aid because this aid can destroy pakistan in future even now this AID is destroying pakistan .

USA may be your enemy but US dollar $ isn't. The US aid has always contributed well in Pakistan's development for decades. But something amusing is that US given most aid when the military rulers were in power. Bless of democracy!

If US wanted to play bad with Pakistan, they will not just stop aid but put economic sanction as well. there is no talk about it as of now.
if the us aid helped us, we also helped them out

i hope they cut this aid so our leaders have to restructure our tax and economy and doesnot look for easy money which most of it go to their pockets

absolutly. but thats we have to do what is best for pakistan and its people.

Of course. Pakistan has an absolute and sovereign right to pursue its national interest to benefit its people.

However, other nations, including USA, have the same right, and such pursuits require a number of things, such as national resolve, vision, ideology and resources to back up such efforts.
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