Rape statistics are very very misleading. Rape is much more widely reported in the western world than in our countries, so it is difficult to judge a woman's safety in a particular country or city from a statistic.
Rape statistics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
My point was- Would you be comfortable in a place where you are judged by the clothes you choose to wear? Tight jeans=Slut, Salwar Kameez= Good, marriageable girl?
Is this the kind of society that you hope to be a part of? If that is the case, then I just wasted five minutes of my life.
So by your logic we man should just all castrate ourselves and then no women whatever her character be feel endangered.
Nobody specified character here, your own weird assumption. What is being specified is how more modest clothing protects BOTH men and women from ending up in a situation.
Ive been to a topless beach in Miami a few years back and yes I felt embarrassed and aroused at the same time, yes men from the subcontinent are fairly frustrated due to our society, but there has to be a moderation in contact as well, otherwise if western society is the epitome of tolerance and comfort its funny as to how much more incidents of drug rapes, incest and pedophilia is rampant..does it not happen in our society, yes it does, but like a double edged sword our values and closed mindset protect innocents and violators alike, its not perfect, but compared to a place where *** precedes emotion..Ill take it anyday. Lets take this discussion a little more frank..(
moderators may delete this asap). What in your opinion is the most pleasurable thing to a human being? Or to you?..take for eg a slice of pepperoni pizza, I love it.. I do wish I had it everyday.. but whenever Ive had it for more than two days consecutively, I get sick of it, I yearn for different things immediately.
Lets come to sex then.. what if you had it everyday, with different women.. you would enjoy it for a week, a month.. a year.. then you would want something different..with small girls.. with men.. with boys... There are people with natural tendencies for such acts.. but the basic flaw of humanity is common.
Now take our society.. the pre-partition Hindu-Muslim Society of India and Pakistan, women went about their work, both Hindu and Muslim women protected their modesty..by dupatta or purdah.
While pre-martial sex and extra-martial affairs did occur.. by the fear of society itself they were hidden and prevented...and the institution of marriage..of family was intact..the cornerstone of all successful societies was intact.
Come to today, India has absorbed a lot of western values.. i-pills and what not. Men and women go out, are friends..wonderful..I support it. But.. the instincts of both men and women are still alive. The natural urges...set loose. The result, pre-martial sex, sex with multiple partners, and extra-martial sex is all becoming common. And the very foundation of our..both India and Pakistan's common culture is threatened. Our identity, what made us who we are, is threatened. These values.. these constraints had their roots in religion but were applicable so we could be separated and distinguished from animals..which copulate without control.
A dog wont love the same *****, he does not know who his father is, and if the dog with his mother is his father.(the fact that he really doesn't care is there..but that is due to his lower intelligence)..but he is a dog.
However, more and more western families are in the same situation, they dont know who their fathers are, whether the man with his mother in the bedroom is his father or not...not too different from the dog is it.(I say this with a little caution, since many values are still intact in western societies in many areas and many families).
All this seems irrelevant to the Burka and the Bikini. But if the so called liberation of women and men as well had been a little moderated.. would such moral degradation of society have occurred?
Where men and animals can no longer be identified by their habits?
I despise imposition of anything on any person, but if there is a recommendation of an act then is it not prudent to see why.. The Burka isnt the gauge of modesty..(far from it from my experience). But it does act as barrier for natural instincts to break out...
As for the need for men to be more tolerant.. well Islam does urge men to lower their gaze( as a public message to other guys.. it means to avert to a different view from time to time while talking to a woman so your visual attention is kept from focusing..doesn't mean you look away so she feels awkward and doesn't mean you stare at her bosom modestly
)..as a means to prevent the mind focusing its thinking process on her.
But..all the while.. I can be the epitome of modesty and character, but a woman in a tank top and skirt has a greater chance of making my blood warm than one in a scarf and proper covering.