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BIGGEST FAILURE; Primary education: In Pakistan 6.2m children still out of school

Dams, jets, tanks, roads, international relations, are only important if they work towards improving Pakistan's education. Those things won't secure Pakistan's future, education will.
Dams, jets, tanks, roads, international relations, are only important if they work towards improving Pakistan's education. Those things won't secure Pakistan's future, education will.

I agree 200%. But its not the jets, tanks, roads, relations and all. Its your provincial governments. Let's not blame for convenience who's fault isn't here. Punjab's government is working hard for 100% basic education. KPK was supposed to be following it. But KPK, Baluchistan and Sindh are behind. You need to preach to these leaders who are sucking blood from poor Pakistanis. Don't blame the ones who are actually working and are sitting in the Federal and Punjab, making progress.
I agree 200%. But its not the jets, tanks, roads, relations and all. Its your provincial governments. Let's not blame for convenience who's fault isn't here. Punjab's government is working hard for 100% basic education. KPK was supposed to be following it. But KPK, Baluchistan and Sindh are behind. You need to preach to these leaders who are sucking blood from poor Pakistanis. Don't blame the ones who are actually working and are sitting in the Federal and Punjab, making progress.
The highest net primary enrolment recorded is 83 per cent in K-P followed by the ICT 71 per cent and the Punjab 70 per cent.

In Balochistan, the enrollment is slightly above 50 per cent, while in Sindh it is over 60 per cent.
Of the 2.6 million, about 53 per cent live in the Punjab.

About 43 per cent of the 3.6 million girls live in the Punjab.
I understand that you are obsessed with hating a certain political party and worshiping the Federal and Punjab PMLN Govt., but the least you could have done is read the article before commenting.
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I understand that you are obsessed with hating a certain political party and worshiping the Federal and Punjab PMLN Govt., but the least you could have done is read the article before commenting.

I know the IMF and WB numbers......your paid, corrupt media articles don't impress me. Plus, these numbers are estimate. If you read my post, I did give credit to the KPK that they were supposed to increase education. However, unlike you and some of your buddies on here, I am realistic, I'd give IK and his team time to get it right as no one can do magic in a year. Something that you don't give credit to the federal government for. And you expect they should fix 70 years of fukkups in less than a year and a half!!!

So I didn't "bash" anyone, I simply stated the facts and gave KPK team time to show what they promised to. They have the 5 years they got. I would say, that IK and his team has wasted a LOT of time in unproductive sit ins which cost billions to an already poor country. That wasted money alone could've opened up a few hundred or so schools at the least.
I know the IMF and WB numbers.
Oh really? If you did know any numbers, you'd know that the IMF hasn't released any such reports and the World Bank is still using 2013 figures, which, by the way, are National and not provincial.

your paid, corrupt media articles don't impress me
If you'd have read the article, you'd see that they are quoting the Pakistan Education Statistics Report 2013-2014, which is conducted by the Academy for Education Planning and Management (AEPAM), which is a federal government agency under the Minister of State for Federal Education and Professional Training, Mr. M. Baligh Ur Rehman of the PMLN.
National Assembly of Pakistan: Ministers of State

You can read the full report, instead of reading it through the media, yourself right here on the AEPAM's official website: Academy of Educational Planning & Management
Go to page 41 of the 2013-2014 report.

I am realistic
You are an obsessed liar and nothing more.
So I didn't "bash" anyone
I didn't even use the word ''bash''. Shows that you didn't even read the post - how typical.
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Oh really? If you did know any numbers, you'd know that the IMF hasn't released any such reports and the World Bank is still using 2013 figures, which, by the way, are National and not provincial.

If you'd have read the article, you'd see that they are quoting the Pakistan Education Statistics Report 2013-2014, which is conducted by the Academy for Education Planning and Management (AEPAM), which is a federal government agency under the Minister of State for Federal Education and Professional Training, Mr. M. Baligh Ur Rehman of the PMLN.
National Assembly of Pakistan: Ministers of State

You can read the full report, instead of reading it through the media, yourself right here on the AEPAM's official website: Academy of Educational Planning & Management
Go to page 41 of the 2013-2014 report.
You are an obsessed liar and nothing more. I didn't even use the word ''bash''. Shows that you didn't even read the post - how typical.

You wrote me a book.....what is your point that you are trying to make?? You can just write two lines and I'll accept or counter ....why go through :closed: arguments without making any sense?
I know the IMF and WB numbers......your paid, corrupt media articles don't impress me. Plus, these numbers are estimate. If you read my post, I did give credit to the KPK that they were supposed to increase education. However, unlike you and some of your buddies on here, I am realistic, I'd give IK and his team time to get it right as no one can do magic in a year. Something that you don't give credit to the federal government for. And you expect they should fix 70 years of fukkups in less than a year and a half!!!

So I didn't "bash" anyone, I simply stated the facts and gave KPK team time to show what they promised to. They have the 5 years they got. I would say, that IK and his team has wasted a LOT of time in unproductive sit ins which cost billions to an already poor country. That wasted money alone could've opened up a few hundred or so schools at the least.
and what about punjab?

the purpose of this post wasn't to support one party but show the collective failure of all parties especially those in power for more than a decade in certain province.
especially when education is still not a priority

only a blind person would say the education is on top of Punjab province priority list, as govt budget allocated for education is least in punjab?

lastly the main issue is that most of PML N supporters believe that education is not important, that is the major issue. however i can assure no expert on economy will say so. that is the reason why when ever a new govt comes and ask questions from experts on sustainable grwth they get the same answer but never act upon it, as it isnt a voter friendly thing.

i mean who will vote them if their only achievement is 100% enrollment?
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Education has never been a priority and never will be. If we need to present Education then the best way is to Declare Parents and Guardians of all those children under age of 15 Years of age who doesnt go to School as CRIMINAL who Promotes Child Labour and enforced Across the board then I think more and more Children would attend School out of fear that their Parents or Guardians could be arrested for that. This would Increase Education at unprecedented Level.

the purpose of this post wasn't to support one party but show the collective failure of all parties especially those in power for more than a decade in certain province.
especially when education is still not a priority

only a blind person would say the education is on top of Punjab province priority list, as govt budget allocated for education is least in punjab?

lastly the main issue is that most of PML N supporters believe that education is not important, that is the major issue. however i can assure no expert on economy will say so. that is the reason why when ever a new govt comes and ask questions from experts on sustainable grwth they get the same answer but never act upon it, as it isnt a voter friendly thing.

i mean who will vote them if their only achievement is 100% enrollment?

See the bold above and my responses below:

1) Notice, your post started from "the purpose of this post wasn't to support one party but show collective failure", and then you ended at PMLN saying that education isn't their priority.....talk about contradiction in a post!!!

2) Education IS on the top of Punjab's agenda. If you see it, they want 100% children in school by 2017 I think or sooner. They are introducing tablets into their learning center as their plan is to introduce distance education like it is in the West for online education for remote, smaller areas.

The Punjab government has a goal, it wants to introduce India type of a model, where educated Pakistani labor will be used across the globe, bringing in serious high dollars, like Doctors, Engineers, IT, etc. They've done many tours with the foreign institutes, investment houses as well as with large global organization. I've had the honor to be in one of these tours and we saw modern Engineering Universities, Medical, Cardiac and other focused schools getting completed throughout the Pubjab. No other province had opened up HALF the number of these professional schools, compared to Punjab. So PLEASE, be careful when you respond. Not everyone on here is an internet warrior. Some people know what's going on across the ocean actually!!
Another example, Dell computers and a few other brand names have deals with Punjab government to provide cheaper education. So Dell and others offer cheaper laptops for students. Similarly, Danish school system is a great idea. IT labs have been setup across Punjab in junior and high schools. So not sure how else you can see "progress" when there is no comparison with any other place!!! And all these examples show you that the government / elected officials don't want education??? Really?

3) Sustainable growth......what is it? you guys use buzz words to impress readers. How about you respond with an actual analysis on it and let's discuss that. I'd like to see why you think there is no sustainable growth in Pakistan at this time....
See the bold above and my responses below:

1) Notice, your post started from "the purpose of this post wasn't to support one party but show collective failure", and then you ended at PMLN saying that education isn't their priority.....talk about contradiction in a post!!!

2) Education IS on the top of Punjab's agenda. If you see it, they want 100% children in school by 2017 I think or sooner. They are introducing tablets into their learning center as their plan is to introduce distance education like it is in the West for online education for remote, smaller areas.

The Punjab government has a goal, it wants to introduce India type of a model, where educated Pakistani labor will be used across the globe, bringing in serious high dollars, like Doctors, Engineers, IT, etc. They've done many tours with the foreign institutes, investment houses as well as with large global organization. I've had the honor to be in one of these tours and we saw modern Engineering Universities, Medical, Cardiac and other focused schools getting completed throughout the Pubjab. No other province had opened up HALF the number of these professional schools, compared to Punjab. So PLEASE, be careful when you respond. Not everyone on here is an internet warrior. Some people know what's going on across the ocean actually!!
Another example, Dell computers and a few other brand names have deals with Punjab government to provide cheaper education. So Dell and others offer cheaper laptops for students. Similarly, Danish school system is a great idea. IT labs have been setup across Punjab in junior and high schools. So not sure how else you can see "progress" when there is no comparison with any other place!!! And all these examples show you that the government / elected officials don't want education??? Really?

3) Sustainable growth......what is it? you guys use buzz words to impress readers. How about you respond with an actual analysis on it and let's discuss that. I'd like to see why you think there is no sustainable growth in Pakistan at this time....
how come they couldnt achieve 100% enrollment(not literacy enrollment) in 7 years of continuous govt? and over 15 years of intermittent govt in punjab. do they have magic wand that they would achieve 100% in matter of 2 years when they couldnt in 7 years?
how come there percentage of budget allocation for education in percentage has been less than all provinces. please dont use any sort of distorted logic
that is the reason that even though punjab has marginally better literacy in whole country due to private schooling system and better economy and more share in fedral income(due to fact that centre due to opposition from punjab is refusing to pay hydro, or gas royalties to other three provinces). yet its enrollment rate in govt institutes in the less than KPK
in reality punjab should have been the leading province due to their economy and resources but its not! meaning education is definitely not on there priority list
There are many reasons behind low enrollment. Poverty, Budget, Teacher absence to name a few.
If teachers are not present then children will not enroll. Poverty will make the problem worse as the poor children would not go to school and would labour to earn money rather than sitting in school without anyone to teach them.
A lot of progress have been made in Punjab. I remember a time when teachers were used to be absent from the schools and there was no accountability. But now it is not the case. Every week there are unannounced checks. So teachers cannot be absent without an approved leave. Punjab will be introducing bio-metric thumb print for checking teachers' presence in schools. The next step is to enroll as many children as possible and I am sure that enrollment level will go up in the coming years.
They just need to increase the Budget for education and also provide employment opportunities for poor people. This will take time and we should all help eradicate illiteracy. Rome wasn't built in a day.
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