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Big Hello from a Ukrainian

Welcome Friend

Can you please open a thread on Ukraine-Russia Crisis. That is one Conflict that is not appropriately discussed in this forum i guess. We would love to see perspective view of Ukrainians on the events about actions of Ukrainian Government and Factors causing Russian Intervention and what Ukrainians think about all this. And whats the situation at present
Can I ask what your line of work is? Or did you live in Ukraine for a University education? (I know two Pakistani's who live in Kharkiv for the University.)
I studied in M Gorky Donetsk national medical university.by profession i am doctor.
Welcome!! :usflag::pakistan:

Do Ukrainians accept that Crimea is now part of the Russian Federation? By accept, I don't mean officially recognize the annexation by Russia, but, rather, will not try to retake Crimea by force anytime in the foreseeable future.
Welcome here. Please share your analysis about latest developments in your surrounding & raise your voice. This is independent forum in which we respect freedom of speech & there are equal opportunities for every one around the globe to talk about global issues.
Hi friends. I am from Ukraine. It's a pleasure to be here. Heard so many good things about this forum. I am so excited to be here.
I speak weekly to soldiers & commanders on the front line of the war in Ukraine. We send a lot of equipment to them. For 4+ years now, we're sponsoring different units of volunteer battalions. If I get photos that I am allowed to post, I certainly will.

Where is everybody else from, besides Pakistan? :)
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