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Biden to Germans: You are xenophobic :)


Apr 30, 2014
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Taiwan, Province Of China
So much for MarkusS' great Western partnership. LOL.


Vice President Joe Biden undoubtedly ruffled some feathers in Germany on Tuesday when he suggested the country was “xenophobic” and much less accommodating to immigrants compared to the United States.

Speaking at an event held by the National Association of Manufacturers in Washington, DC, Biden gave a speech in which he described three things the United States needs to do to “keep our edge” in the global economy. One of these priorities is passing comprehensive immigration reform, but the way Biden chose to frame the issue has made headlines and raised plenty of eyebrows.

“We have to pass an immigration bill,” Biden said, as quoted by the Washington Examiner, which also obtained a recording of the segment. “Look at Germany, look at the rest of the world. We’re the only non-xenophobic nation in the world that’s a major economy.”

Biden reportedly did not expand on his analysis, leaving many to question just how truthful it was. As noted by the German edition of The Local, the notion that Germany is hostile to immigrants doesn’t fit in with the facts inside Europe’s largest economy.

According to a May report by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Germany has experienced a “boom” in immigration over the last few years, leapfrogging Canada and the United Kingdom to take second place as a top destination for migrants around the world, behind only the US. The OECD stated that between 2009 and 2012, permanent migration rose 38 percent as Germany moved up from eight place.

“Such a strong increase from one year to another has been rarely observed in any major OECD country,”Thomas Liebig, one of the study’s authors, said to Bloomberg. “We can clearly speak about a boom of migration to Germany without exaggeration.”

Meanwhile, The Local noted that new data from Germany’s Federal Statistics Office show more than 15.3 million people out of the country’s 81 million-strong population have a migrant background.

Before remarking on Germany’s xenophobia, Biden said the US needed to invest further in a skilled workforce and infrastructure, bemoaning the current lack of consensus on the issue.

American ignorance at display. Why can't the Yanks find some decent people to represent them?
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So Americans are less xenophobic than people in other countries, but at the same time they are the most aggressive imperialist state in history? Makes sense.

Interesting list, the UAE has 83,7% immigrants as percentage of the national population. None of the Western countries come even close.

yeah 83% slaves
So Americans are less xenophobic than people in other countries, but at the same time they are the most aggressive imperialist state in history? Makes sense.

Interesting list, the UAE has 83,7% immigrants as percentage of the national population. None of the Western countries come even close.

Unlike in western countries, in oil rich Arab countries you die with your father nationality passport. Anyway what Biden said is horse shit, i have relatives in Germany and they never had any problem. Of course one shouldn't expect Germany to open gates for more immigrants.
They certainly had a xenophobic streak (you know, the whole 1930s-1940s thing), but nothing compares to the French.

So Americans are less xenophobic than people in other countries, but at the same time they are the most aggressive imperialist state in history? Makes sense.

That is what one of my former Presidents would call "fuzzy logic" , right before choking on a pretzel.
They certainly had a xenophobic streak (you know, the whole 1930s-1940s thing), but nothing compares to the French.

That is what one of my former Presidents would call "fuzzy logic" , right before choking on a pretzel.

What does the Nazi time has anything to do with our immigration policy in 2014? Some logic there!

I remember how you guys had slaves from Africa treated worse than animals, segregation, Chinese Exclusion Act, internment of Japanese-Americans during WW2.
What does the Nazi time has anything to do with our immigration policy in 2014? Some logic there!

I remember how you guys had slaves from Africa treated worse than animals, segregation, Chinese Exclusion Act, internment of Japanese-Americans during WW2.

Xenophobia is a general term that is not immigration-specific, although Germany's immigration policy does fit.

What does the US have to do with Germany? Did anyone suggest the US record on human rights was clean? Strange response.
I bet old Joe Biden would be pleased to know there's a message board of people who actually take him serious. This whole thread is cute.
Xenophobia is a general term that is not immigration-specific, although Germany's immigration policy does fit.

What does the US have to do with Germany? Did anyone suggest the US record on human rights was clean? Strange response.

It was your idiotic VP who said: "… he suggested the country was “xenophobic” and much less accommodating to immigrants compared to the United States."

Germany has taken more refugees in than any other country within the EU and per capita wise, we are not far behind the US, in fact, per space, we are far ahead of the US.

It has in so far to do with the US since it was your idiotic VP who made an idiotic comment about a topic he has no clue about.

The US sits in a bigger glasshouse and casts stones at us. Go figure!

Germans should be more thankful to Turks. They built Germany up after Nazis destroyed it.

Yeah, we were making vacations in the Mediterranean while the Turks rebuilt post-war Germany with their hyper smart engineers and experts and that's why Turkey still languishes in its developing country status. :jester:
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