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The problem is Pakistan don't even help themselves. As what many say, plenty of traitors waiting to sell out national interest for their personal gains. There is no national identity and belonging Pakistan.

Absolutely correct bro 💯💯
Dude, I told you and the other chap this fact more than a year ago that China has made a blunder by investing in CPEC. The other chap made fun of me. China needs to recognized just one fact and one fact alone -- PAKISTAN PEOPLE AND THEIR LANDS ARE BEING KEPT HOSTAGES BY PAKISTAN MILITARY GENERALS SINCE 1947 BECAUSE THESE GENERALS ARE REPRESENTATIVES OF THE BRITISH RAJ AND THEY STILL REPORT INTO UK ESTABLISHMENT !!

This is the sad fact.


If China don't give, the American will give. See how now they talk about supporting PAF F-16 and all US goodies coming along after those general sell out themselves. It's not so simple of China stop dealing with PA. Others will be quick to fill the void.

You think just becos China stop dealing with PA will stop the rot of Pakistan?
The problem is Pakistan don't even help themselves. As what many say, plenty of traitors waiting to sell out national interest for their personal gains. There is no national identity and belonging Pakistan.
True, please give us time. Be rest assured we can get our house sorted, with Chinese help Pakistan can become a very useful ally.
Yes there are many retards in Pakistan.

But there are Nationalists such as myself.

Actually China is wise for investing in Pakistan.

Wherever the West withdraws, China fills in the void.

This is good for Chinese businesses.

Also China controls Gwadar port and possibly Karachi port as well.
Unfortunately, you are a minority. I know u r patriotic and want the best for Pakistan. But they are far too many traitors in Pakistan that works against patriot like you.
Pakistan is nearing default. Biden is setting terms for the bailout. One of the objectives will be to denuclearize the country.

If Pakistan defaults, Bajwa should be hanged. Pakistan has been brought to its knees by this regime change. If Pakistani nation was alive, Bajwa would have been pulled out of GHQ and lynched on the streets.

The problem is Pakistan is that no one is held accountable. Those who should be in jail, are imposed on the country through regime change assisted by military leadership.
There may be many things wrong with Bajwa (Or Imran Khan or Sharif), but default is not on him. It is the direct result of $100 oil set by OPEC of which Saudi Arabia and other Arab states are leaders. If you want to "hang" someone, at least identify the culprit correctly. With $100 oil, nobody can do anything and the road leads straight to Sri Lanka, unless Pakistan can somehow find a way to reduce oil imports. Also, money is needed for food imports too for at least next year.
Seriously investing in Pakistan is the worst decision by China. I put it harshly, the situation in Pakistan is even worst than Africa.

There is nothing external factors can do it one can't even help themselves. Pakistan is hopeless. No offence.
very lucrative though.

Pakistan was lent 19 billion dollars for CPEC projects
4 billion for other purposes, totaling 23 billion

out of 19 billion 10 billion was spent on projects and 4.5 billion was charged/kept by the Chinese bankers as a bribe for laundering $4.5 billion for mota chor sharif.

a group of ARY journos went to see Gen. Bajwa to ask him to help the then PM, zani and delusional khan to win no confidence vote. and he told them what happened with retard e ahzam from the day of his selection to the time of his then pending demise.

at selection: mein nahin chhoroon ga
after selection:
india ko retaliate nahin karo, mujhe new york bhejo,
mota chor mere mathay lag jai ga england janay do.
shoot the terror suspects, then don't shoot the terror suspects.
shoot afyun frosh qatil sana ullah, don't shoot him.
arrest the afyun frosh, free him otherwise it will look like I framed him
and 100 other things
True, please give us time. Be rest assured we can get our house sorted, with Chinese help Pakistan can become a very useful ally.
The patience has wear out. China better spend or invest in better countries like Indonesia. We have some sea line of control issue with Indo but they are willing to put difference aside and work for the better of Indonesia with China. You can see the wise and upgrading mentality of Indonesia trying what to do is the best for their country. That is why China invest HSR for them.

All the “villains” of Pakistan were right

Mahmood Achakzai and Akbar Bugti were right since day one.
They are internal traitors so does Nawaz and Zardari

Political destabilize, corrupt country won't have right to have a nuke its dangerous for the whole world

There might be strong/good chances that our nukes might fall in wrong hands for example TTP etc etc

First we need to solve core issues like weak economy/ political chaos/ education/ implementation of law and order then we may think to have a nukes
Unfortunately, you are a minority. I know u r patriotic and want the best for Pakistan. But they are far too many traitors in Pakistan that works against patriot like you.

Most of the patriots are overseas eating Cheetos and Oreos comfortably 😂

The patience has wear out. China better spend or invest in better countries like Indonesia. We have some sea line of control issue with Indo but they are willing to put difference aside and work for the better of Indonesia with China. You can see the wise and upgrading mentality of Indonesia trying what to do is the best for their country. That is why China invest HSR for them.

Prime example of when PEOPLE want to put in the WORK.
There may be many things wrong with Bajwa (Or Imran Khan or Sharif), but default is not on him. It is the direct result of $100 oil set by OPEC of which Saudi Arabia and other Arab states are leaders. If you want to "hang" someone, at least identify the culprit correctly. With $100 oil, nobody can do anything and the road leads straight to Sri Lanka, unless Pakistan can somehow find a way to reduce oil imports. Also, money is needed for food imports too for at least next year.
The Arabs offer deferred payment options for Pakistan's fuel imports. That is not to be forgotten in this context. :agree:
They are internal traitors so does Nawaz and Zardari

Political destabilize, corrupt country won't have right to have a nuke its dangerous for the whole world

There might be strong/good chances that our nukes might fall in wrong hands for example TTP etc etc

First we need to solve core issues like weak economy/ political chaos/ education/ implementation of law and order then we may think to have a nukes

That’s not going to realistically happen.
They are internal traitors so does Nawaz and Zardari

Political destabilize, corrupt country won't have right to have a nuke its dangerous for the whole world

There might be strong/good chances that our nukes might fall in wrong hands for example TTP etc etc

First we need to solve core issues like weak economy/ political chaos/ education/ implementation of law and order then we may think to have a nukes
"Pakistan is said to be plagued by a range of issues – political instability, economic crisis, and militancy. Together, these problems heighten concerns about stability in the country. In recent months, political polarisation has peaked, while the economic crisis has deepened. Even though, the country has entered an IMF programme, economic pain for the people continues to increase. In this situation, when the outside world looks at Pakistan it sees signs of trouble here.

That assessment is complicated by the reports of return of Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan and resurgence of terrorism and that too in the backdrop of Afghan Taliban controlling Afghanistan.

The National Security Committee’s meeting on the deteriorating situation in Swat and other parts of Khyber-Pakhtunkhawa was, therefore, seen as the acknowledgment at the highest level of the looming crisis."


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