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‘Bible Scholar’ Makes Explosive Allegation About Jesus

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But Muhammad was a prophet , the finest of humans . Then he should have known that its wrong and persuaded the others not to follow the norm .

Agree God (allah) should have Beware him of this wrong activity and he should have not followed the arabic tradition.. Aftr all he was prophet.. :)
yh but he saying that your modern day jesus was invented by the romans is completely fine with us.

ya then virgin birth and not a prophet proves even quran is wrong u dumbass
That doesn't prove he didn't cohabit with her when she was a kid

Age of puberty is not 6 years anywhere on earth

This is a very controversial issue within Islam itself. Hadith says Aisha was 6 yrs old and Prophet was 51 yrs old but some hadiths also say she was at an age of participating in war when she got married to Prophet. I don't know if 6 years old girl is physically capable to take part in war.

If Prophet really married 6 yrs old girl I can't support it. I will not support this act by our Prophet ever if its true.
That doesn't prove he didn't cohabit with her when she was a kid

Age of puberty is not 6 years anywhere on earth

This is a very controversial issue within Islam itself. Hadith says Aisha was 6 yrs old and Prophet was 51 yrs old but some hadiths also say she was at an age of participating in war when she got married to Prophet. I don't know if 6 years old girl is physically capable to take part in war.

If Prophet really married 6 yrs old girl I can't support it. I will not support this act by our Prophet ever if its true.
Holy Prophet was Prophet the prophets do not lie , or addiction , adultery , they are innocent, they dont commit sin because how if they do these kind of things then how can the lead other people away from these things , and then God had chosen the wrong man a mistake which God cant do

Again, you guys consider him to be that. We dont. So for us he is as faliliable as any human.
God has not chosen him. He claimed that god chose him. Big difference
Due to the current followers of his sayings the religon has a bad name in the eyes of the world. So what can I conclude ?

This is a very controversial issue within Islam itself. Hadith says Aisha was 6 yrs old and Prophet was 51 yrs old but some hadiths also say she was at an age of participating in war when she got married to Prophet. I don't know if 6 years old girl is physically capable to take part in war.

If Prophet really married 6 yrs old girl I can't support it. I will not support this act by our Prophet ever if its true.

I think it was 8. But still too young.
Prophet also did some mistakes in his life. There are some verses of Quran where Allah corrected prophet when he did any mistake.
May be marriage with a little girl was a mistake if she really was a 6 yrs old girl.

Angel Gabriel was always with prophet to keep him away from commiting any sin.
I beg to differ. Child marriage is different than such marriage what was allowed in Arabia. In Child marriage two child get married, while when This Arab tribesman (Who founded your religion) was almost 40 or 50 when he married 6 or 9 year old kid..

It was done in Europe to,children were married to children,old men to young girls,even old women with young boys(mostly to cement alliances between noble houses) and the marriages were consumated when the children hit puberty.Altough it's rare,i think a girl can reach puberty at 9.Anyway, many things can be lost in translation,in the Bible and the Quran,i'm not saying it is so but people trying to find the truth 1400 years later can misinterpret a lot of things.

That is why i never comment on the Quran,i can't have an opinion on something that i didn't read bit by bit myself.For a correct aproach i must learn arabic so...it's best not to speak about such things based on some fragments translated in english,i just don't have the entire picture.Also,this is why i get mad at douches like @AUz who bashes a religion without shame altough i'll bet you he'll be among the first to foam at the mouth if somebody insults Islam.

@Aeronaut...there is some religious bashing in here on both sides of the fence.Sry to call on you again :P
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This is a very controversial issue within Islam itself. Hadith says Aisha was 6 yrs old and Prophet was 51 yrs old but some hadiths also say she was at an age of participating in war when she got married to Prophet. I don't know if 6 years old girl is physically capable to take part in war.

If Prophet really married 6 yrs old girl I can't support it. I will not support this act by our Prophet ever if its true.

U are dead now..
This is a miracle.

Academics don't believe in miracles, believers do.

We were talking from secular point of view...

I can understand that you where talking from a secular and academic point of view when ridiculing the christian belief of "divine jesus",of which i agree completely..But from your many previous posts i can see that you are a devout muslim..So the question-what is the academic/scientific authenticity of the muslim belief-not miracle,that jesus was born to virgin mary when "god breathed his spirit to mary"..By the same academic logic by which we can ridicule the divinity of bible,we can ridicule that kind of "god breathing his spirit" belief as the visible sign of schizophrenia of the person who propagated such BS..From a secular/academic/medical point of view of course...
1st of All she was his Wife 2nd Holy Prophet had no child with Hazrat Ayesha ( RA)
Only childerns are from Khadija (ra) and Maria (ra)
and the main thing is the age of puberty is different in different places And In many Old times it wasnt a odd thing

1.If he was really a prophet he should have known the adverse implications of him marrying a 6 year old since muslims in centuries and millenia to come are to believe all his actions as an example to follow..But he didn't-proving the falsehood of prophethood.
2.If marrying before puberty or even attainment of puberty was early during that period,please name a single sahabi(companions of prophet) who married a girl under 12..A single name will do.
Basically the Christian religion is one of love and forgiveness because it came about under the Roman occupation of Israel and it was a way for people to survive and maintain their self respect. Islam came about under a under a aggressive military regime and became not only a military but social and government philosophy as well as religion. Each were well suited for there time and place.
Basically the Christian religion is one of love and forgiveness because it came about under the Roman occupation of Israel and it was a way for people to survive and maintain their self respect. Islam came about under a under a aggressive military regime and became not only a military but social and government philosophy as well as religion. Each were well suited for there time and place.

Without the Roman powerhouse Christianity would be nothing more than what Mormonism is today!Christianity's basic nature changed because of that!
Basically the Christian religion is one of love and forgiveness because it came about under the Roman occupation of Israel and it was a way for people to survive and maintain their self respect. Islam came about under a under a aggressive military regime and became not only a military but social and government philosophy as well as religion. Each were well suited for there time and place.

Without the Roman powerhouse Christianity would be nothing more than what Mormonism is today!Christianity's basic nature changed because of that!
Each came about because of the time and place. Question is now days is an aggressive religion defining social, government, economic religious, sharply defined religion or a non aggressive loosely defined religion better.
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