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Bhutan think it is time to resolve the dispute with China without pandering to Indian interests

I'm sure China will compensate them handsomely by solving border disputes, something which India can't.
I'm pretty much sure that Bhutan hasn't sold their pride for some petty dollars.

And money don't buy everything.
Given choice, Bhutan will pick military and economic might of China over a third world India. They are unfortunate that they have been lumped over with India as part and parcel of British colonialism and it's ramifications.

Chinese restraint is actually logical when they know that Bhutanese themselves are getting fed up being lumped with a dirt poor and third world India.
Given choice, Bhutan will pick military and economic might of China over a third world India. They are unfortunate that they have been lumped over with India as part and parcel of British colonialism and it's ramifications.

Chinese restraint is actually logical when they know that Bhutanese themselves are getting fed up being lumped with a dirt poor and third world India.

Bhutanese are not stupid like you guys to give away their land and to get walked all over by the Chinese.
Given choice, Bhutan will pick military and economic might of China over a third world India. They are unfortunate that they have been lumped over with India as part and parcel of British colonialism and it's ramifications.

Chinese restraint is actually logical when they know that Bhutanese themselves are getting fed up being lumped with a dirt poor and third world India.

China did the same thing with Nepal.

Until recently, Nepal was solidly in the Indian camp. But now they have shifted to a more pro-China stance.

The same thing can happen with Bhutan. China has way more to offer than India does, not just in economic terms but in terms of solving the border dispute with favorable terms to Bhutan.
Do you still think Bhutanese didn't start to feel themselves under Indian force what Tibetans would be feeling under Chinese as per the Indian theory?? :|
China did the same thing with Nepal.

Until recently, Nepal was solidly in the Indian camp. But now they have shifted to a more pro-China stance.

The same thing can happen with Bhutan. China has way more to offer than India does, not just in economic terms but in terms of solving the border dispute with favorable terms to Bhutan.

what pro china stance ? Opening trade lines ? There is nothing wrong about it.

Nepal used to be the hub of ISI agents who used to carry their activities in india using nepal. now see?
Bhutan has nothing to get from china,neither it has any ability to do so. Who knows, when china makes bhutan its part using some random dotted lines ? ;)

Given choice, Bhutan will pick military and economic might of China over a third world India. They are unfortunate that they have been lumped over with India as part and parcel of British colonialism and it's ramifications.

Chinese restraint is actually logical when they know that Bhutanese themselves are getting fed up being lumped with a dirt poor and third world India.

South china sea is an clear example of chinese imperialism. They get some random theory through their a-- and grab other territories. See what chinese did in sri lanka ? huge debt trap.

Again they are doing same in pakistan, chinese projects which will be handled by chinese engineers with pakistani labour. Chinese machines which can only be fixed by chinese engineers...everything by china or for china using pakistani territory.
South china sea is an clear example of chinese imperialism. They get some random theory through their a-- and grab other territories. See what chinese did in sri lanka ? huge debt trap.

Again they are doing same in pakistan, chinese projects which will be handled by chinese engineers with pakistani labour. Chinese machines which can only be fixed by chinese engineers...everything by china or for china using pakistani territory.

Lets for the argument sake believe that whatever you are saying is true, what is there for Bhutan to be lumped with a poor and third world India? China is a global power which huge economy and Bhutanese are more racially related to Chinese then Indians.
Lets for the argument sake believe that whatever you are saying is true, what is there for Bhutan to be lumped with a poor and third world India? China is a global power which huge economy and Bhutanese are more racially related to Chinese then Indians.

With so called big economy, china is still a developing nation not a developed one. India can offer everything to bhutan which china can or even more than it although bhutan has almost no say in world affairs. Its like a indian territory like you consider a-stan. FYI, all south east asian religions are racially related to each other but still fighting with china in SCS.
if india is a 3rd world then what is pakistan ?
Bhutanese are not stupid like you guys to give away their land and to get walked all over by the Chinese.

What land we have given to Chinese, they are investing in our country which we welcome as their strategic partner for decades.

Question is, what a dirt poor third world India can offer Bhutan as compared to the military and economic might of China. Hell, Bhutanese are more closer to Chinese racially then Indians.
With so called big economy, china is still a developing nation not a developed one. India can offer everything to bhutan which china can or even more than it although bhutan has almost no say in world affairs. Its like a indian territory like you consider a-stan. FYI, all south east asian religions are racially related to each other but still fighting with china in SCS.
if india is a 3rd world then what is pakistan ?

Let me give you a slight idea of what CHina is. Your sugardaddies, the yanks, owe Chinese 1 trillion $ in debt. So where does that leave you in pecking order?

And you think you can help Bhutan where majority of your population is defecating out in open!

Ofcourse Pakistan is much better then India yet we are still developing nation.
Let me give you a slight idea of what CHina is. Your sugardaddies, the yanks, owe Chinese 1 trillion $ in debt. So where does that leave you in pecking order?

And you think you can help Bhutan where majority of your population is defecating out in open!

Ofcourse Pakistan is much better then India yet we are still developing nation.

When did U.S become the sugardaddy of india ? Those who have been buying weapons with U.S aid have no right to tell others.

So india is all about open defecating ? then what is this ?
More than 40m Pakistanis defecate openly: Unicef

Tell me a single thing where pakistan is better than india ? Military, Diplomacy,Tourism, Medical science,Education,Bollywood.
bhutan is on india side,or else there would be no bhutan.remember how sikkim was swallowed
This article is one of the best craps I have read in a while.

What the Chinese supporter is saying is, Bhutan should give up their land because China want's it. Isn't that the only resolution acceptable to China?
Or is China willing to part with Tiber to Bhutan for what ever land Bhutan is giving to them?

LOL @ naivety of people here.
Bhutan does not even want to China and here people are having a mental pleasure at imaginary articles.
Let me give you a slight idea of what CHina is. Your sugardaddies, the yanks, owe Chinese 1 trillion $ in debt. So where does that leave you in pecking order?

And you think you can help Bhutan where majority of your population is defecating out in open!

Ofcourse Pakistan is much better then India yet we are still developing nation.

Just because some country was a whore to US and it's military leader and political leader did daily ball licking and gifting it's *** for getting screw it *thinks* every other country too is like it.

India only panders to only it's interest and has relation with everyone . Wake up from your dream .

Bhutan has been India protectorate since 1947. It's foreign policy and security is India's responsibility. You have to deal with India vis a vis Bhutan. Why such a surprise.

And China is hiding facts. Will not come to talk on the issue face to face and is using it's media for daily propaganda and diplomacy. But the truth will not change . Ultimately it will agree and the issue will deescalate. Hope u guys will know and appreciate who was bullying and lying all the while.
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