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Bhutan think it is time to resolve the dispute with China without pandering to Indian interests

What land we have given to Chinese, they are investing in our country which we welcome as their strategic partner for decades.

Question is, what a dirt poor third world India can offer Bhutan as compared to the military and economic might of China. Hell, Bhutanese are more closer to Chinese racially then Indians.

You gave away Aksai chin to China

Bhutanese people chose India over China in 1949 and will keep the friendship treaty alive for centuries to come
You gave away Aksai chin to China

Bhutanese people chose India over China in 1949 and will keep the friendship treaty alive for centuries to come

Disputed territories always endup among the powers to be, we preempted China concerns with our focus on Indian occupied Kashmir.

As for Bhutan, its a legacy of British colonialism which present day India inherited but in today geopolitical reality, I can assure you if given choice, Bhutanese will side with China. At the end of the day, its the money which talks.
Just because some country was a whore to US and it's military leader and political leader did daily ball licking and gifting it's *** for getting screw it *thinks* every other country too is like it.

India only panders to only it's interest and has relation with everyone . Wake up from your dream .

Bhutan has been India protectorate since 1947. It's foreign policy and security is India's responsibility. You have to deal with India vis a vis Bhutan. Why such a surprise.

And China is hiding facts. Will not come to talk on the issue face to face and is using it's media for daily propaganda and diplomacy. But the truth will not change . Ultimately it will agree and the issue will deescalate. Hope u guys will know and appreciate who was bullying and lying all the while.

As far as sucking onto is concerned, no one can beat you lot. You suck the soviets dry till they become limp , but incidentally, you keep on using your hands to tickle the uncle sam balls all along, ofcourse they are reasons why you sit as top receiver of USAID , even surpassing Israel!! And now when soviet balls are empty and cant satisfy you, you have no choice to give your full attention to yanks, the way Modi is sucking on yanks these days is a treat to watch.

As for us, we used and abused the yanks for our own good and our interets. There are reasons why their tear their hair everyday, calling us ally from hell.

As for Bhutan, its a legacy of British colonialism which the Anglo Saxon pet dog , the present day India, the extension of colonialism not just by name but by actions as well, carried on till this day. Now status quo is being challenged and wrongs of history are getting undone.

When did U.S become the sugardaddy of india ? Those who have been buying weapons with U.S aid have no right to tell others.

So india is all about open defecating ? then what is this ?
More than 40m Pakistanis defecate openly: Unicef

Tell me a single thing where pakistan is better than india ? Military, Diplomacy,Tourism, Medical science,Education,Bollywood.

The way Modi sucking on yanks these days and you have guts to say otherwise. The day west pull the rug under your feet, you will be back to your Maruti days. Do you know you are the nation which sits on top, even surpassing Israel, as a receiver of USAID?

As for defecation, we dont go about telling other tiny nation what to do. But when you compare yourself with China, specially in the current situation in Bhutan, you do look very silly trying to portray yourself as protector and sustainer when at home, majority of your nation is shitting out in open.
That is a great news that Bhutan has decided to redeem itself. It shouldn't act like a satellite state of India and compromise on its strategic interests. Deep and strong relations with China are not only beneficial but essential for most of the countries.
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