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Bhutan PDP opposition party wins election

1.Going by logic, the British should have left us the sovereign kingdom of Nawab Sirajuddawla. Now we have to wait for an opportunity to retrieve what was ours.

2.And the Muslims should have been returned their rule over Hindustan. That would have been logical. There would then be no bloodshed in SA. And Hindustan would have emerged a powerful land of peace and plenty.Now everyone is waiting for the return of Ahmed Shah Abdali.

Very poor in history...

In early nineteenth century (1800-1850), when British were conquering whole India they had to fight with Marathas and Sikhs who controlled most of the subcontinent at that time.
Chinese are not in a position to say these words and You will never be in that position in future.

This is what the chinese did last time they tried to come into India land while returning .. :lol:

Chinese glorious decade is over and the export driven economy is changing to consumption based economy, I can safely say this is India's decade.

We sure in position to say that, ask yourself who has the last word on Tibet water, even you beg us for water treaty without sucess mean you have no leverage on us for water. we can simply ask NE people if they want to get the share of the water or want to be Indian side against us, they have to pick the choice...I'm sure UFLA will be gladly to see that happen:azn:...water is most effective weapon to balkanized India

Lol that what an Indian's perception of 1962's victory :lol: you control a land that depend on us for water and be constantly worry and fear of China use water as political weapon...so you think you can out smart us :smokin:, we already win a war sychologically

Think about it: withoutf water flown from China to India, what will happen to your agricuture, farming, your drink water, your Industrial...your statement about economy is just epic fail.
I think the congress handled Bhutan elections in the same way they have tried to manage Modi's election. Very Poorly.

It was ham handed and lacked finesse of any kind. It ensures creation of a permanent anti-India lobby in Bhutan. Congress is dragging us down to hell.

We sure in position to say that, ask yourself who has the last word on Tibet water, even you beg us for water treaty without sucess mean you have no leverage on us for water. we can simply ask NE people if they want to get the share of the water or want to be Indian side against us, they have to pick the choice...I'm sure UFLA will be gladly to see that happen:azn:...water is most effective weapon to balkanized India

Lol that what an Indian's perception of 1962's victory :lol: you control a land that depend on us for water and be constantly worry and fear of China use water as political weapon...so you think you can out smart us :smokin:, we already win a war sychologically

Think about it: withoutf water flown from China to India, what will happen to your agricuture, farming, your drink water, your Industrial...your statement about economy is just epic fail.
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