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Bhartis Bow Your Heads in shame

IK should change his mind now and let these piglets squeal. IK must understand that it's not him but the office he occupy these rats are disrespecting, which is bigger then him. For the sanctity of his office he should take back his decision pointing to nonsense coming from India.

The whole idea was the good will gesture but now it totally defeat the purpose so no point in carrying through this.

These maggots do not understand the meaning of compassion. Hold this chap for a while till they come to their senses.
We are better people. We have bigger minds and hearts, we don't use some ones weakness against them to negotiate.
We delivered the message which the indians needed to hear, and the indians armed forces have learnt the lesson.

Now why are we releasing?

How about the fact that india is going to try to hit us again and things are only going to escalate? Because modi wont accept a defeat here because he is gonna lose the votes he already had.

So when they come, and we go and blow them up as we already did and didnt make it public yet and they are too ashamed and humiliated to admit.
What do you want the world to think? That we were the ones who caused the escalation or we were the ones who tried our best for peace?

There are bigger things at stake here than just one Col Habib. Shit is going to start blowing up left and right, and we want to be known as the ones with more sense and responsibility.

Get that now?
Best of luck I wouldn't be surprised if we get attacked tomorrow again by Indian Forces and I am pretty sure we would be. But thi s was my concern and I will stand by it. Imran khan totally messed up this advantage created by PAF just to look like a nice guy in front of the world.

As always we lost on the table.

We have been bitten by Pakistan quite often, your own learned members here ascribe to the same view too, when Kargil and Mumbai occurred. If JeM is a proscribed entity, then existence of JeM in any form in Pakistan, becomes the sole responsibility of GoP to deal with, and should have been dealt with by now.

May I just say that Pakistan, by asking for proofs of India after JeM claimed the attack, merely surrendered it's own authority as a State to another nation? Have you ever seen such a precedent where an internationally proscribed outfit operates freely within the national boundaries of a Nation State, and gets a military support (as seen yesterday).

I think, and I may not be amiss here, that if Pakistan was to take actions, based on precisely the same set of evidence that the Military Courts established in their WoT in the NWFP and Baluchistan areas i.e. primarily intelligence based evidence, which were demonstrated, effective and executed in accordance with the laws of Pakistan in a manner akin to what has been done with respect to prosecution of WoT in your lands, things must take a turn for better.

But alas, I doubt that is going to be enough this time.

Sir, I got the answer. It is now clear that anyone's brain can be effected after watching too much propaganda. I'm not saying that Pakistan has not done anything wrong, but sorry to say this, blaming Pakistan only isn't going to do any good. It takes two to tango.

And to make it clear, my question was totally different and your answer really disappointed me.
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Indians Iq level in general is terribly low infact I will suggest world health organisation to examine their brain size that whether we still have nethanderals among modern humans ?
If there was ever the most delusional, retarded, ungrateful self loving nation on earth, the Indians wouldn't leave any runners up. Despite the fact that both Indian military and government have been systematically humiliated by Pakistan on all fronts, still these idiots are desperate to salvage their bruised tiny egos. No questions about the proof of claims made by India on attacking camps inside Pakistan, no concerns how the IAF managed to lose two aircraft and pilots or how the PAF managed to target Indian military installations at will and returned unscathed or the goodwill gesture now being shown by our PM, the losers still think they can intimidate us. It's like Pakistan slapped Indians and these creatures instead started boasting of having Rosy Cheeks.....hell Pakistan showed it can do it and if needed will do it again.

We should have wait until conflict is over, I.K's decision is very premature.

We have been bitten by Pakistan quite often, your own learned members here ascribe to the same view too, when Kargil and Mumbai occurred. If JeM is a proscribed entity, then existence of JeM in any form in Pakistan, becomes the sole responsibility of GoP to deal with, and should have been dealt with by now.

May I just say that Pakistan, by asking for proofs of India after JeM claimed the attack, merely surrendered it's own authority as a State to another nation? Have you ever seen such a precedent where an internationally proscribed outfit operates freely within the national boundaries of a Nation State, and gets a military support (as seen yesterday).

I think, and I may not be amiss here, that if Pakistan was to take actions, based on precisely the same set of evidence that the Military Courts established in their WoT in the NWFP and Baluchistan areas i.e. primarily intelligence based evidence, which were demonstrated, effective and executed in accordance with the laws of Pakistan in a manner akin to what has been done with respect to prosecution of WoT in your lands, things must take a turn for better.

But alas, I doubt that is going to be enough this time.


What is your opinion about India's state sponsorship of Baloch terrorism (and Tamil terrorism and more before that)?

Should Pakistan have the reciprocal right to bomb Baloch terrorist leaders getting treatment in Delhi hospitals? Or RAW handlers in Afghanistan fueling terror?

One of your "esteemed" defense experts (also a professor of security studies) claimed in a Bloomberg article recently that India must provide moral and material support to TTP. Are you kidding me? TTP, unlike the Kashmiri resistance, a.) does not operate in a disputed territory (as per intl law) under illegal occupation and b.) attacks soft targets (crowded markets, schools, etc.) killing hundreds/thousands of innocent men, women and children.

Please, introspect a little too. Compared to the terrorists unleashed by India against Pakistan, the Kashmiri resistance's focus on hard targets and general lack of suicide attacks is a world apart.
And that isn't a good news because India is our neighbour country, and you know very well that we can't change our neighbours.
This is what india is not willing to understand, india never accepted us as neighbour.
indian Govt, people and media keep on exploiting our sentiments, how long we as common people will tolerate this bad behavior of india with us? There is a limit man. Now enough is enough.
Try to understand its all about money , Today news channels (some of them) have gone from reporting the news to manufacturing them and peddling fake news to raise so called nationalism . Some would have us believe we were not patriotic before 2014 and only a certain section of indian society is nationalist and patriotic. The other which is a majority , but as they do not subscribe to this hard right machismo thoughts are termed anti national and have been repeatedly been asked to migrate to your country. :)
this BS will stop after the election . just wait and see!!
OK channels want more money but what about third grade c@tiya Modi, today what he said pehle tu pilot project that abhi real mien kerna hai referring to so called strikes on Balakot.

If you have links check with your army how many killed in Pakistani airstrikes but we never made it Public.

After a nuclear winter sir do you know the real situation on ground.
I didn't get you want you wants to say.
Best of luck I wouldn't be surprised if we get attacked tomorrow again by Indian Forces and I am pretty sure we would be. But thi s was my concern and I will stand by it. Imran khan totally messed up this advantage created by PAF just to look like a nice guy in front of the world.

As always we lost on the table.

oh bhai ruk ja, assumption chor de. Dekh kya kya hota hai aagey.
Imran Khan gave full authority to the Air force to go and hit the indian and you have no idea yet what we have already hit and how much damage we have inflicted.
Only indian armed forces know and you can check what indian ex armed personel or the wives of serving indian officers are already posting on social media and what's causing them worries for their husband's lives.

Let time do the talking. Being peaceful and kind is a strength, not a weakness.
We follow the Prophet SAW example, not the example of indians.
India!!! If your pressure was so significant you could have got kalboshan.
Respect and try to understand the line between goodwill gesture and so called pressure.
This is what india is not willing to understand, india never accepted us as neighbour.
indian Govt, people and media keep on exploiting our sentiments, how long we as common people will tolerate this bad behavior of india with us? There is a limit man. Now enough is enough.
Bhai, I got my answer. Just read my question and then read the answer. Indian media has successfully brainwashed most Indian minds.
OK channels want more money but what about third grade c@tiya Modi, today what he said pehle tu pilot project that abhi real mien kerna hai referring to so called strikes on Balakot.

If you have links check with your army how many killed in Pakistani airstrikes but we never made it Public.

I didn't get you want you wants to say.
There are forces who wants a nuclear war between Pakistan and India. The sooner we get out of this quagmire the better. Not just for us
But for South Asia and the world.
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What is your opinion about India's state sponsorship of Baloch terrorism (and Tamil terrorism and more before that)?

Should Pakistan have the reciprocal right to bomb Baloch terrorist leaders getting treatment in Delhi hospitals? Or RAW handlers in Afghanistan fueling terror?

One of your "esteemed" defense experts (also a professor of security studies) claimed in a Bloomberg article recently that India must provide moral and material support to TTP. Are you kidding me? TTP, unlike the Kashmiri resistance, a.) does not operate in a disputed territory (as per intl law) under illegal occupation and b.) attacks soft targets (crowded markets, schools, etc.) killing hundreds/thousands of innocent men, women and children.

Please, introspect a little too. Compared to the terrorists unleashed by India against Pakistan, the Kashmiri resistance's focus on hard targets and general lack of suicide attacks is a world apart.
Don't ask. Really shocked to see that Indians are still not accepting their mistakes and bad policies but are blaming Pakistan for all their mess. Really disappointed after reading views of a 'Senior' member.
There are forced who wants a nuclear war between Pakistan and India. The sooner we get out of this quagmire the better. Not just for us
But for South Asia and the world.
To avoid war at the cost of national honor is not only our responsibility, India should take steps from their side as well. There is feeling inside me they will definitely going to do something big against civilian and armed forces of Pakistan since raids that we have conducted not on empty plots rest can't tell you more...we have banged them very hard and I am sure dented Modi will do something nasty very soon.
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