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Bharti Media Crying over President Trump's remarks about Kashmir

Dude, think about it,
You guys worshiped Trump ................ literally !
Will you go against God's will ?
we worshipped trump thats why we purchased s 400 , slapped tarriffs on usa .... we might be atheist after all ... but i see pakistanis are happy with this candy and now ready to do dirty american work in afghanistan ... cool
we worshipped trump thats why we purchased s 400 , slapped tarriffs on usa .... we might be atheist after all ... but i see pakistanis are happy with this candy and now ready to do dirty american work in afghanistan ... cool

is is Nadir Shah's Afghanistan !
you know, the same one, that raped mother india, and now embraced by it ( as synthetic as that maybe )

now, had mother india's anal sphincter been that metal like, we wouldn't see all this crying ..
but .. no ...
we got mother india's boy on Pakistani forum, trying to defend mommy !
is is Nadir Shah's Afghanistan !
you know, the same one, that raped mother india, and now embraced by it ( as synthetic as that maybe )

now, had mother india's anal sphincter been that metal like, we wouldn't see all this crying ..
but .. no ...?? mommy !
haha bura lagg gya kya ... btw where is coalition support fund ??? milgye ?
Few weeks back, these Pakistanis were hating on that Orange Ape in the White House like he was the second coming of Satan and now this..

Moving on, It does good for India to be on the opposite side of Trump. Historically Republicans have been been Pro India and have delivered actual goodies like Nuclear Deal while Democrats have been sneaky customers like Clinton and Obama.

Considering the next President is likely to be either Biden or Warren with a small chance of Harris or Sanders. All of them likely to reverse Trump era policies, better the deal Trump offers Pakistanis more it will hurt them in coming years, Just like how Trump screwed Iran Deal and Paris Climate Accord both of them Obama era achievements.

The whole world knows this thats why all of them have taken anti Trump politics stand be they be EU, UK, Japan, S.Korea or India. We are not gonna compromise on our interest be it Harley Davidson Bikes being imported tariff free or S-400 to feed Trump's ego.

A smarter President would have hung up on this spoilers and instead extracted concessions from India on other much more thornier matters but this stupid fool is giving up on the political goodwill India had towards US on such inconsequential stuff and India would be able to greatly benefit cum 2020.

As for Pakistan good-luck hitiching your wagon to Trump. He is an ungrateful prick who would likely forget who Imran Khan is or where Pakistan is on the map next week.

Few weeks back, these Pakistanis were hating on that Orange Ape in the White House like he was the second coming of Satan and now this..

Moving on, It does good for India to be on the opposite side of Trump. Historically Republicans have been been Pro India and have delivered actual goodies like Nuclear Deal while Democrats have been sneaky customers like Clinton and Obama.

Considering the next President is likely to be either Biden or Warren with a small chance of Harris or Sanders. All of them likely to reverse Trump era policies, better the deal Trump offers Pakistanis more it will hurt them in coming years, Just like how Trump screwed Iran Deal and Paris Climate Accord both of them Obama era achievements.

The whole world knows this thats why all of them have taken anti Trump politics stand be they be EU, UK, Japan, S.Korea or India. We are not gonna compromise on our interest be it Harley Davidson Bikes being imported tariff free or S-400 to feed Trump's ego.

A smarter President would have hung up on this spoilers and instead extracted concessions from India on other much more thornier matters but this stupid fool is giving up on the political goodwill India had towards US on such inconsequential stuff and India would be able to greatly benefit cum 2020.

As for Pakistan good-luck hitiching your wagon to Trump. He is an ungrateful prick who would likely forget who Imran Khan is or where Pakistan is on the map next week.


hush Pagan !

Few weeks back, these Pakistanis were hating on that Orange Ape in the White House like he was the second coming of Satan and now this..

Moving on, It does good for India to be on the opposite side of Trump. Historically Republicans have been been Pro India and have delivered actual goodies like Nuclear Deal while Democrats have been sneaky customers like Clinton and Obama.

Considering the next President is likely to be either Biden or Warren with a small chance of Harris or Sanders. All of them likely to reverse Trump era policies, better the deal Trump offers Pakistanis more it will hurt them in coming years, Just like how Trump screwed Iran Deal and Paris Climate Accord both of them Obama era achievements.

The whole world knows this thats why all of them have taken anti Trump politics stand be they be EU, UK, Japan, S.Korea or India. We are not gonna compromise on our interest be it Harley Davidson Bikes being imported tariff free or S-400 to feed Trump's ego.

A smarter President would have hung up on this spoilers and instead extracted concessions from India on other much more thornier matters but this stupid fool is giving up on the political goodwill India had towards US on such inconsequential stuff and India would be able to greatly benefit cum 2020.

As for Pakistan good-luck hitiching your wagon to Trump. He is an ungrateful prick who would likely forget who Imran Khan is or where Pakistan is on the map next week.


Bingo. Pakistanis are taking the word of a man who makes more u-turns than anybody who came before him. It wasn’t long ago that Trump was dumping on Pakistan. Now he’s their friend.

I say enjoy the bonhomie while it lasts.
Usually the Indians do the raping, but yesterday the Indians got raped LOL

how would Brother china feel that Imran khan was again and again saying america is strongest and sole superpower in the world ... hahaha and i like how trump was saying Imran would love to get some dollars ...

LOL insignificant demoralized Hindu is now trying to save face by bringing in China LMAO

You backstabbed Israel at the UN vote. We didn't backstab China anywhere. CPEC is in full swing and even US companies are likely going to join. Burn you rapist.

Get back to building libraries.
Usually the Indians do the raping, but yesterday the Indians got raped LOL

LOL insignificant demoralized Hindu is now trying to save face by bringing in China LMAO

You backstabbed Israel at UN vote. We didn't backstan China anywhere. CPEC is in full swing and even US companies are likely going to join. Burn you rapist.
karo apne 70,000 aur martyr america k liye hume kya
Your handle is rayoflight, and here you are burstingbubles instead?

Just saw that tweet pic and thought it's helpful to pdf members.. looks not much.. :azn:

Not sure why Pak members celebrating this blabbering of orange clown.. it doesn't make any difference in ground.. :cheesy:
karo apne 70,000 aur martyr america k liye hume kya

Hehe. Jal saale.

Just saw that tweet pic and thought it's helpful to pdf members.. looks not much.. :azn:

Not sure why Pak members celebrating this blabbering of orange clown.. it doesn't make any difference in ground.. :cheesy:

LOL this is Indians for you. They were literally worshipping Trump. Today he has become an enemy and an orange clown.
Few weeks back, these Pakistanis were hating on that Orange Ape in the White House like he was the second coming of Satan and now this..

Moving on, It does good for India to be on the opposite side of Trump. Historically Republicans have been been Pro India and have delivered actual goodies like Nuclear Deal while Democrats have been sneaky customers like Clinton and Obama.

Considering the next President is likely to be either Biden or Warren with a small chance of Harris or Sanders. All of them likely to reverse Trump era policies, better the deal Trump offers Pakistanis more it will hurt them in coming years, Just like how Trump screwed Iran Deal and Paris Climate Accord both of them Obama era achievements.

The whole world knows this thats why all of them have taken anti Trump politics stand be they be EU, UK, Japan, S.Korea or India. We are not gonna compromise on our interest be it Harley Davidson Bikes being imported tariff free or S-400 to feed Trump's ego.

A smarter President would have hung up on this spoilers and instead extracted concessions from India on other much more thornier matters but this stupid fool is giving up on the political goodwill India had towards US on such inconsequential stuff and India would be able to greatly benefit cum 2020.

As for Pakistan good-luck hitiching your wagon to Trump. He is an ungrateful prick who would likely forget who Imran Khan is or where Pakistan is on the map next week.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Sorry to tell you but your dream will never come true Biden and Warren (all dems) are pathetic candidates at BEST. Trump is handing out money to Israel like it's candy too, there's 0% chance of Trump not winning in 2020. Democratic party is extremely divided to begin with and then Trump for the most part has been true to his word on a few major policies such as border security, illegal immigrants/Mexico, China China China, resolving NK issue, ...You are mistaken if you think any democrat will be able to stop him.

Trump's policies are hurting the wallets of so called "allies" that's why they're unpopular (as is clear from your post) but those countries are unable to do anything due to such heavy reliance on US. Take China as the prime example, their economy has slowed down significantly, one of their biggest companies is in disarray, etc yet the reverse effects are yet to reach the American consumer.
Oscar, is there a realization in our military circles about the deep sense of inferiority-complex and historical victimhood that runs through indians? And the very vile emotional hatred that this inferiority-complex/victimhood complex gives rise to? india, emotionally, is not much different from Nazi Germany at the cusp of 1930's. Any chance to "avenge" the injustice of history and set history right.....and indians will pounce on it mericlessly against us. Such is the mentality of inferiority-complex stricken losers suffering from deep victim complex.

Forget their media....just follow regular indian twitter. The amount absolutely vile hatred they have for Muslims (and by extension, Pakistan) is hilarious yet eye-opening.

Yes. And that was what was precisely realized and recognized by Quaid e Azam and All India Muslim League, which lead to the formation of Pakistan.
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