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Bharti Media Crying over President Trump's remarks about Kashmir


Aug 12, 2015
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Frustration, desperation, anger, resentment, helplessness and disappointment of Gangadeshi media is beyond hilarious. I predict another 10 points drop in the world happiness index for India this year-2019.

Indians do the double talk. They are different behind the closed doors and beg for mediation but in public they deny it so vehemently that gullible people get convinced. Now PoTUS openly revealed that on media.

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Tells how much venom these vile creatures hold against us. They are the worst of humanity.
RSS Sanghis (supporters of Modi) declared Trump as their god but their god betrayed them on media and disclosed that Modi already asked him to mediate on Kashmir issue... now they are angry, frustrated and helpless. India spent billions of dollars on lobbying while our previous two robbers were busy lobbying against the state and still just one visit of PM IK has drained most of it.
RSS Sanghis (supporters of Modi) declared Trump as their god but their god betrayed them on media and disclosed that Modi already asked him to mediate on Kashmir issue... now they are angry, frustrated and helpless. India spent billions of dollars on lobbying while our previous two robbers were busy lobbying against the state and still just one visit of PM IK has drained most of it.
(Should I assume)Pakistani logic at it's best?

Your handle is rayoflight, and here you are burstingbubles instead?

You guys do need the feel good posts but just go on the guys website:

After you're done realizing how ugly the site is scroll to the second post:

Your handle is rayoflight, and here you are burstingbubles instead?

Another bubble for you above ^

Its funny to watch Fawad owning frustrated and humiliated indians again and again.

Inferiority-complex and sense of deep inadequacy runs so deep in indian mindset. Wasn't there an American diplomat in india as well who talked about indian inferiority-complex and insecurity? It was leaked in wikileaks IIRC.

First entire world laughing at india after our air force humiliated them and now Trump saying infront of world media "Oh yeah, Modi wanted me to mediate in Kashmir issue" :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

Imagine, Modi begging Trump to mediate between india and Pakistan after Pakistan kicked india's arse militarily..

@pothead posting random tweets would do nothing. india's humiliation and Trump's comment have been seen by millions across the world thanks to International media. Your Sangi twitter won't undo that :D
Tells how much venom these vile creatures hold against us. They are the worst of humanity.

Oscar, is there a realization in our military circles about the deep sense of inferiority-complex and historical victimhood that runs through indians? And the very vile emotional hatred that this inferiority-complex/victimhood complex gives rise to? india, emotionally, is not much different from Nazi Germany at the cusp of 1930's. Any chance to "avenge" the injustice of history and set history right.....and indians will pounce on it mericlessly against us. Such is the mentality of inferiority-complex stricken losers suffering from deep victim complex.

Forget their media....just follow regular indian twitter. The amount absolutely vile hatred they have for Muslims (and by extension, Pakistan) is hilarious yet eye-opening.

Its funny to watch Fawad owning frustrated and humiliated indians again and again.

Inferiority-complex and sense of deep inadequacy runs so deep in indian mindset. Wasn't there an American diplomat in india as well who talked about indian inferiority-complex and insecurity? It was leaked in wikileaks IIRC.

First entire world laughing at india after our air force humiliated them and now Trump saying infront of world media "Oh yeah, Modi wanted me to mediate in Kashmir issue" :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

Imagine, Modi begging Trump to mediate between india and Pakistan after Pakistan kicked india's arse militarily..

@pothead posting random tweets would do nothing. india's humiliation and Trump's comment have been seen by millions across the world thanks to International media. Your Sangi twitter won't undo that :D
state department's tweet is now random , thats new ... well enjoy the candy given to you by trump ... do tell me when some meeting actually happpens
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