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BGB on high alert as Myanmar increases military presence at Tambru

It could be done with ease as you suggested.
But BD is too afraid to become talibanised like Pakistan these days. So no chances of creating non state army here.

Why look at Pakistan when you have better example (India) next to you, who did it successfully and created Bangladesh without being talibanised.
Why look at Pakistan when you have better example (India) next to you, who did it successfully and created Bangladesh without being talibanised.
This is a different time span. People will more likely become taliban instead of Mukthis these days. I dont think India will try its luck handing arms to any Muslim anymore.
Bangladesh have the capability to defeat myanmar.if they try something stupid,fire all your weapons on Myanmar army.su kyi should be hanged for the atrocities of their army.
Why look at Pakistan when you have better example (India) next to you, who did it successfully and created Bangladesh without being talibanised.
Talibans are Islamic Fundamentalists...Fundamentalists are willing to fight anywhere(Be it Afghanistan Pakistan or Turkey)....Muktibahini were Bengali Nationalists who had absolute no interest in what goes on inside India..there is a difference between a geopolitical actor and an ideological actor...if Rohingyas were willing to fight for nationalist agenda or independence the situation would be different.Problem is the idiots are jihadis.
coz your bgb official talk like that.

Really! So what was this official's name?

Talibans are Islamic Fundamentalists...Fundamentalists are willing to fight anywhere(Be it Afghanistan Pakistan or Turkey)....Muktibahini were Bengali Nationalists who had absolute no interest in what goes on inside India..there is a difference between a geopolitical actor and an ideological actor...if Rohingyas were willing to fight for nationalist agenda or independence the situation would be different.Problem is the idiots are jihadis.

There are different categories of 'Islamic Fundamentalist'. Not that there is something fundamentally wrong with it as long as they don't enforce their ways on others or engage in violence.

The Afghan Taliban are an entirely different breed. They largely consist of tribal groups, mainly the Pashtuns. They are akin to feudal lords. People under them do what their feudal lords tell them to do. Have we ever heard of the Iraqi Taliban? Or the Bangladeshi Taliban for that matter? The Taliban hold their tribe, their territory, their customs first where religion plays an important role.

The likes of Al-Qaeda fit into the category you had put forward. But then, they are practically extinct. Now Daesh leads the way. With Daesh in Afghanistan, they are sure to face opposition from the Taliban. Yes, there are cases of Taliban fighters who join Daesh, but only for more money. The Pashtuns are a xenophobic lot. They do not like foreigners unless one gets to befriend them correctly like OBL did way back.

Those are very important differences.

There is no evidence that the Rohingya rebels are Jihadist. There has not been a single case of a Rohingya blowing himself/herself up nor is there any lead up to it. If that had been the case, then we had been in very big trouble way before. So you shouldn't accuse a persecuted group of people with no back-up or evidence. In fact, these so-called 'clearing operations' started way before the ARSA attacks. Interestingly, their leader was born and educated in Pakistan.

I suppose it is your hostility toward religion, or more specifically Islam is what made you come to such a conclusion about the Rohingyas? With that conclusion, you are going to find a hard time finding support even among the most ardent Bengali Nationalists right now.
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Really! So what was this official's name?
BGB Brigadier General Mujibur Rahman
BGB Brigadier General Mujibur Rahman
View attachment 457310
Border fence is not built on the border. It is 50 to hundreds metre from the border, well inside Myanmar.

And Bengalis living close to border (seen in the movie clip) are also on the Myanmar territory.

So patrolling along the border, while ARSA are still operating from the BD, is a ''MUST''.

I don't know what they mean ''heavy weapons'. May be they are just making a mountain out of a molehill.

Here is the simple comparison between two armed forces in terms of heavy and light artillery.

In terrain like Rakhine, tanks and heavy armour are useless and only the artillery and infantry will dominate the battlefield.

More than 1300 terrorists are still living and taking refuge in Bangladesh.

BD has given shelters and food to them.

Although Myanmar demanded to return the criminals, BD say "No".

Not a single terrorist was apprehended.

Then Myanmar has no choice but to safeguard the border.

Anyone who helping the terrorists will be punished harshly.

Myanmar is fully prepared to deter the illegal trepassers.

But I am really surprised that a small joint patrol with company minus strength created such a panic on them.

And I also see no heavy weapons with patrol forces. May be 40 mm UBGL (under barrel grenade launcher) is too large for BD.

View attachment 456986
Border fence is not built on the border. It is 50 to hundreds metre from the border, well inside Myanmar.

And Bengalis living close to border (seen in the movie clip) are also on the Myanmar territory.

So patrolling along the border, while ARSA are still operating from the BD, is a ''MUST''.

I don't know what they mean ''heavy weapons'. May be they are just making a mountain out of a molehill.

Here is the simple comparison between two armed forces in terms of heavy and light artillery.

In terrain like Rakhine, tanks and heavy armour are useless and only the artillery and infantry will dominate the battlefield.

View attachment 457347
so,u dont want to punish us anymore??....:rofl::rofl: we r still sheltering those ARSA terrorist according to u..:azn::azn:..
What is the source of this chart? According to IISS 2016 data, Bangladesh has 841 piece artillery and Myanmar 419 piece. Is this the chart created by you?
IISS data are solely based on international ''Known Weapons Sales''. If they have no information, they never mentioned in their year books.

Did your IISS ever mentioned about these artillery systems of Myanmar?

locally produced 240 mm MLRS

240 mm MLRS (Korea)

122 mm MLRS Type 81

122 mm MLRS Type 90B

locally produced 122 mm MLRS

SH 1 155 mm

Nora 155 mm


M 845P 155 mm


KH 179 155 mm

D 30-2 122 mm
IISS data are solely based on international ''Known Weapons Sales''. If they have no information, they never mentioned in their year books.

Did your IISS ever mentioned about these artillery systems of Myanmar?
I accept your position that IISS does not include all the weapon in the inventory. That's why you are giving a total 580 artillery for Myanmar instead of 419+ stated by IISS. But If we apply the same logic for BD then how come you are giving a list of just 330 artillery for BD army when IISS itself is giving a count of 841+ piece ? Should not it be more than 1000 for BD army if we apply the same principle upon which you have counted the 580 artillery of Myanmar army?

Myanmar artillery
ARTY 419+
SP 155mm 42: 30 NORA B-52; 12 SH-1
TOWED 264+: 105mm 132: 36 M-56; 96 M101; 122mm 100
D-30; 130mm 16 M-46; 140mm; 155mm 16 Soltam M-845P
MRL 33+: 107mm 30 Type-63; 122mm BM-21 (reported);
Type-81; 240mm 3+ M-1985 mod
MOR 80+: 82mm Type-53 (M-37); 120mm 80+: 80 Soltam;
Type-53 (M-1943)
RCL 1,000+: 106mm M40A1; 84mm ε1,000 Carl Gustav
SP 105mm 24 PTL-02 mod
TOWED 60: 57mm 6-pdr; 76.2mm 17-pdr
IISS-2016, Page-276

Bangladesh artillery
ARTY 841+
SP 155mm 6+ NORA B-52
TOWED 363+: 105mm 170: 56 Model 56A1; 114 Model
56/L 10A1 pack howitzer; 122mm 131: 57 Type-54/54-1
(M-30); 20 Type-83; 54 Type-96 (D-30), 130mm 62 Type-
59-1 (M-46)
MOR 472: 81mm 11 M29A1; 82mm 366 Type-53/87/M-31
(M-1937); 120mm 95 MO-120-AM-50 M67/UBM 52
MSL • MANPATS 9K115-2 Metis M1 (AT-13 Saxhorn-2)
RCL 106mm 238 M40A1
IISS-2016, Pages-235,236
locally produced 240 mm MLRS

240 mm MLRS (Korea)

122 mm MLRS Type 81

122 mm MLRS Type 90B

locally produced 122 mm MLRS

SH 1 155 mm

Nora 155 mm


M 845P 155 mm


KH 179 155 mm

D 30-2 122 mm
IISS counted all these type of artillery you have shown here. 122m, 155mm, 240mm all. So it doesn't give any hint that your additional artillery count is in excess of what IISS already shown in their book.Check this out-

Myanmar artillery
ARTY 419+
SP 155mm 42: 30 NORA B-52; 12 SH-1
TOWED 264+: 105mm 132: 36 M-56; 96 M101; 122mm 100
D-30; 130mm 16 M-46; 140mm; 155mm 16 Soltam M-845P
MRL 33+: 107mm 30 Type-63; 122mm BM-21 (reported);
Type-81; 240mm 3+ M-1985 mod
MOR 80+: 82mm Type-53 (M-37); 120mm 80+: 80 Soltam;
Type-53 (M-1943)
RCL 1,000+: 106mm M40A1; 84mm ε1,000 Carl Gustav
SP 105mm 24 PTL-02 mod
TOWED 60: 57mm 6-pdr; 76.2mm 17-pdr
IISS-2016, Page-276
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IISS data are solely based on international ''Known Weapons Sales''. If they have no information, they never mentioned in their year books.

Did your IISS ever mentioned about these artillery systems of Myanmar?

locally produced 240 mm MLRS
View attachment 457356
240 mm MLRS (Korea)
View attachment 457357
122 mm MLRS Type 81
View attachment 457358
122 mm MLRS Type 90B
View attachment 457359
locally produced 122 mm MLRS
View attachment 457360
SH 1 155 mm
View attachment 457362

Nora 155 mm
View attachment 457363
View attachment 457365
M 845P 155 mm
View attachment 457361
View attachment 457364
KH 179 155 mm
View attachment 457366
D 30-2 122 mm
View attachment 457367

If the pictures you have shared are authentic and Myanmar indeed has these artillery pieces in good numbers then BD sure is in trouble and should avoid military confrontation and should immediately focus on its own military.
Amader media border a Myanmar Army deploy korche news ta amon vabe likteche mone hocche Bangali voye osthir.
ora koita deploy korche ai arm shei arm niye ache.othocho BGB kotota ready ora jodi kichu korar try kore BGB kemon dat vanga jobab debe shei news banglar manush derke asshoto korar jonno kotota korche media. amader media hocche eight pass.BGB kotojon deploy korche jante chai.
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