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BGB holding winter exercise with the Bangladesh Army

চুপ থাক চুতমারানীর পুত!! হেমায়তপুরে তুই তোর মা-বোনরে নিয়া জাপানের পতাকার উপর চিত কইরা তোর ১.৮ মিমি সোনা দিয়া চোদ!! ঐ নটির পুত তুই যে জাপানের পতাকা নিয়া চিল্লাইতাসিস তুই নিজে বাংলাদেশী রে? তোরে তো বিল্লাল ভাই আগে থেকেই সন্দেহ করছে তুই যে বাংলাদেশী না। বাইনচোদ কুনহানের আবার আমারে নিয়া মাথা ঘামায়!! নিজের চড়কায় তেল দে মাগীর পোলা!!
Bengali speaking posters, please read what language @The Ronin uses in his posts. He certainly has graduation Certificate in Beadobi, but he claims he is from Japan where people do not even use simple vulgar words.

I will send you the Bus fare. Please visit Hemayetpur immediately. I pray for your early recovery. Before that please change your flag to two Bangladeshi.

After reading your post all states having nuclear arsenal have decided to dismantle it.
Yes, no country has dismantled its nuclear weapons. But, I believe no country will be the first to use it. Top people of countries know about Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings. Whichever country uses it first will be forced to dismantle its atomic stocks by the big powers.

A Nuclear weapon is not a plaything. Conventional weapons will be used in the future, this is what I think although war does not really solve issues. Anyway, this is only my personal conviction. People do not have to agree with it.

However, please see the pictures of destruction in 1945 Japan how even the big stones melted down and the river water was boiling where people, unable to bear the heat, jumped to death without knowing the water was boiling. All this happened when the atomic bomb was still inside the mother's womb, very weak.
Notir put, Magir put, Bessha khankir pola, tor ma-bon re sob Bengali PDF poster mila vorbo. নিজের আদবের ঠিক নাই আবার আদব নিয়া কথা কস। বুবি ট্রেপে তোর বাপে তোর মায়রে ফালায়া ১.৮মিমি সোনা দিয়া ভইরা তোর মত আবালরে জন্ম দিছে। তুই শুরু করছিস না? তুই যতক্ষন করতে থাকবি ততক্ষন তোর চৌদ্দগুষ্টি উদ্ধার করব।
Calm down vai @The Ronin.No need to use filthy language.বাবা-মা নিয়া এইরকম অশ্লীল ভাষা ব্যবহার না করলেও পারতেন।নিজেরা নিজেদের গালিগালাজ না করাই বেটার।এইখানে আমাদের গালিগালাজ করার লোকের অভাব নাই।

Bengali speaking posters, please read what language @The Ronin uses in his posts. He certainly has graduation Certificate in Beadobi, but he claims he is from Japan where people do not even use simple vulgar words.

I will send you the Bus fare. Please visit Hemayetpur immediately. I pray for your early recovery. Before that please change your flag to two Bangladeshi.
@bluesky আপনারেও বলি।মতের অমিল হইতেই পারে।এর জন্য মানুষরে খোঁচান কেন?কারো সাথে মতে না মিললে খোঁচানো আপনার পুরানো টেনডেন্সি।আমারেও এর আগে খোঁচাইসেন।আপনার প্রতি আমার রেসপেক্ট ছিল দেইখা অফ গেসিলাম।কথা বাড়াই নাই।
রনিনের এইরকম বাজে ব্যবহার ও ভাষা যেমন উচিত হয় নাই,তেমনি আপনারও তারে নিয়া খোঁচাখোঁচি করাটা ঠিক হয় নাই।তার ফ্ল্যাগ নিয়াই বা আপনার মাথাব্যথা কেন?সে যদি ফ্ল্যাগ উল্টাপাল্টা দিয়া থাকে তাইলে মডারেটররা তার ব্যবস্থা নিবে।
আপনারেও বলি।মতের অমিল হইতেই পারে।এর জন্য মানুষরে খোঁচান কেন?কারো সাথে মতে না মিললে খোঁচানো আপনার পুরানো টেনডেন্সি।আমারেও এর আগে খোঁচাইসেন।আপনার প্রতি আমার রেসপেক্ট ছিল দেইখা অফ গেসিলাম।কথা বাড়াই নাই।
রনিনের এইরকম বাজে ব্যবহার ও ভাষা যেমন উচিত হয় নাই,তেমনি আপনারও তারে নিয়া খোঁচাখোঁচি করাটা ঠিক হয় নাই।তার ফ্ল্যাগ নিয়াই বা আপনার মাথাব্যথা কেন?সে যদি ফ্ল্যাগ উল্টাপাল্টা দিয়া থাকে তাইলে মডারেটররা তার ব্যবস্থা নিবে।
না, আপনার একটু ভুল আছে। আমি বর্তমান থ্রেডে বললাম, এগুলো ট্রেঞ্চ নয় বরং বুবি ট্রাপ হতে পারে। ট্রেঞ্চের ফটো পাঠালাম কিন্তু উনি নারাজ। জোর করেই আমাকে তার কোথায় রাজি হতে হবে। কিছু চুপ থাকার পর আবারও সে একই কথার পুনরাবৃত্তি করলো। এভাবেই শুরু, তারপর শুরু হলো তার অশ্রাব্য গালাগালি।

যে কোনো একটা ফোরাম তো যুক্তিতর্ক করারই জায়গা। কিন্তু, সে অন্যের মতামত গ্রাহ্য করবেনা, নিজের মতামত চাপিয়ে দিবে। ফেনী নদীর ১.৮ সিএফটি পাতি নিয়েও একই ধরণের কথা। সে জোর করে অতি ক্ষুদ্র একটি পানির ব্যাপারে প্রচন্ড বেয়াদবের মতো কথা বলা শুরু করলো। আপনার একটি পোষ্টের জবাবে মিথ্যা আমার নাম অপবাদ দিলো। সম্ভবত ওটা আপনারই পোস্ট ছিল।

আপনাকেও বলছি, আমার মতামত পছন্দ না করে পাত্তা দেবেন না কিংবা জবাব দেবেন না। তবে, একটা কথা বলতে চাই যে আমার মতামত আমি কারো মুখের দিকে তাকিয়ে দিইনা। tobe, bap ma niye galagali ami kono somy tar sathe kori nai. ekhon se safai gaitache.
ভাই আপনারা দুইজনেই দয়া করে অফ যান।এই বিষয়ে আর কথা না বাড়ানোই ভাল।আপনাদের দুইজনের প্রতি আমার, এবং আমার বিশ্বাস অন্য মেম্বারদেরও অনেক রেসপেক্ট আছে।আমি এইখানে জুনিয়র। আপনাদের থেকে অনেক কিছু শিখার আশা রাখি।
আর আপনারাই যদি এইভাবে ঝগড়া করা শুরু করেন তাইলে তো পুরাই হতাশ।
যেহেতু এই টপিক নিয়াই এত গেঞ্জাম,সো টপিকটা এভয়েড করেন।বা এই থ্রেডে একজন আরেকজনরে কোট করা বা রিপ্লাই দেয়া থেকে থেকে বিরত থাকেন।
বেয়াদবি হইলে মাফ কইরা দিয়েন।
এই ভন্ডের বাচ্চা!! দেখতো পুরা থ্রেডের পোষ্টগুলা পইড়া কিভাবে তুই শুরু করছিস। তোরে আমি রিপ্লাই দিছিলাম? তোরে আমি কিছু বলছিলাম শুরুতে? নাকি তুই আমারে খোচা দিয়ে রিপ্লাই শুরু করছিস? দেখা তুই আমারে!! তুই বুবি ট্রেপ বলছিস ভালকথা, তোরে আমি quote করছিলাম? আমি আমার মত বলসি যে এই বুবি ট্রেপ না, কারন এই ট্রেনিং এ এইটা বানানোর কোন কারনই নাই। তোরে আমি খোচা দিছি? গালাগালি করছি? তোরে আমি কোন জায়গায় জোর করায়া রাজি করাইছি? তোরে রাজি করানোর কি আছে এইখানে? তোরে বিয়া করাইতাছে কেউ এইখানে?

আর প্রথম রিপ্লাইয়ে আমি Old School রে Trench Warfare এর Modern Combat এ যথার্থতা নিয়া লিংকটা দিলাম। দ্বিতীয় রিপ্লাইতে আমি তখন বলসি এইটা হয় ট্রেঞ্চ নয়ত কমান্ড পোষ্ট আর মেশিন গান নেষ্ট। তারপর তুই কি করলি? আমারে খোচা মাইরা কথা বলা শুরু করলি, কোন কারন ছাড়া সেই পুরান ১.৮ কিউসেক পানির প্যাচাল নিয়া আসলি। ঐখানে কি তোরে আমি শুরুতে খোচা/গালি দিছিলাম? যথেষ্ট প্রমান দেয়া হইছিল তোর কথার বিরুদ্ধে। কিন্তু তোর মগজে ঐ এক জিনিস ফিক্স হয়া গেছে।

তারপর তুই যখন ফক্সহোলের বর্ত্মানে কার্যকারিতা নিয়া কথা বললি তখন আমি তোরে পাল্টা খোচা দিয়া লিংকসহ রিপ্লাই দিলাম, এরপরেই না তুই আমারে "Illiterate m*nkey, blackey, Bloody uncivilized b*stard, Bloody 1.8 cusec water shooter" বইলা গালাগালি কইরা যা ইচ্ছা তা হাবিজাবি শুনাইলি? তোরে আমি কয়টা এমন কথা শুনাইছিলাম এর বিপ্রীতে শুরুতে? তুই জারজ বইলা গালি দিয়া আবার বলিস বাপ-মা তুইলা গালি দেস নাই!! গালির মানে না জাইনা গালি দিস নাকি অশিক্ষিত কোথাকার??!! অন্যরা যখন এইটা বুবি-ট্রেপ না বইলা মত দিল তখন তো ঠিকই ভদ্রভাবে তর্ক করলি। তখন যে খোচা-গালি দিলি না? তুই নিজেই সবার উপর নিজের মত চাপাইছিস তোর সাধের বুবি-ট্রেপ নিয়া, আমি না।

তুই বা আমি কেউই মিলিটারি এক্সপার্ট না, কিন্তু ভাবটা নিছিস যেন তুই কোন বালের ফিল্ড মার্শাল!! আর ফোরামে বা যে কোন ডিসকাশনে মানুষ তর্কই করে ফ্যাক্ট, লজিক আর প্রমানসহ। ভুল থাকলে মাইনা নেয়। তোর মত খোচা/গালাগালি দিয়ে নিজেরে হেডাম হিসেবে জাহির করার চেষ্টা করে না। তুই তো পাইক্কাগুলার সাথেও লাইগা গেছিস এই থ্রেড আজাইরা বিষয় আইনা। তোর তো পড়ারই ধৈর্য নাই, পড়তেই জানিস না তুই। তুই আবার তর্ক করতে আসিস? এইসব ভন্ডামি ছাইড়া দে। মানুষ ভালমতই দেখছে দোষ কার আর ঝগড়া কে শুরু করছে।
Stop bullying others with your vulgar words and be civilized. Whatever I wrote was to answer your continuous volleys. I reacted to your false assumption that you have the only correct answers. I have little time reading your Chatro League style of bullying.
- It was the same for 1.83 cusec Feni water as well. Do you think it is something big comparing to Teesta or Padma water? If not why do you think people should accept your view to think it big? This quantity of water is not good enough to start a street movement or like this? Try to be reasonable and logical. One University student was killed on this issue.
- It is the same in this thread. Why do you have to assert that the foxholes are for the trench war which is definitely not the case?
- About Z-force, did you give any link that shows it was written by others and not by you? Zia's name was not there when Z-force itself was headed by him. Why it was necessary to send a post as that without giving some notes so that the readers do not misunderstand?

All your false assertions and then stick to them and any different opinions making you wary prove that you are mentally unstable and you need treatment. Stop sending sadistic posts. Try to get some "Anger Management" medicines. It is a big disease.

@Petrichor, this is my last post here. Sorry for the trouble that I may have caused. But, I am unwilling to accept weird and incorrect views. I criticize the govt as well because it is not doing the things that it should do but is proclaiming BD a developed country by 2041. I know, people do not like this but I cannot help with it. It is a discussion/debate forum. People with thin skins should not join it. I am no one's YES MAN however this @The Ronin guy abuses me.
Bengali is a vile language, practiced by despicable creatures. Hindi can only come closest to the ugliness. Can people use this level of savagery in Urdu? Is this the reason that, above two are godless languages? Even if noncivility is practiced, it should be practiced in standard forum language. If someone dont fear the mods he should practice it in the right way. Online is wierd place. You may meet people, you may not even sit next to that person in real life or kids with mumbo jumbo.
And debate in hand. These trenches will be many time far away from BoPs on uncertain pressure points. You may need a resting place like these bunkers/shelters among the trenches. And these trenches may sometimes be so deep. You may walk in these trenches without a fear of losing your head. To shoot you may use a ladder or stool.
These trenches will be many time far away from BoPs on uncertain pressure points. You may need a resting place like these bunkers/shelters among the trenches. And these trenches may sometimes be so deep. You may walk in these trenches without a fear of losing your head. To shoot you may use a ladder or stool.
You may be right that these are bunkers/shelters. But, can you explain why grass turfs are needed to close the top from seeing by others? I hope, you will not answer the way the great @The Ronin does only because I do not agree with your viewpoint.

After all, this is a discussion/debating forum.
You may be right that these are bunkers/shelters. But, can you explain why grass turfs are needed to close the top from seeing by others? I hope, you will not answer the way the great @The Ronin does only because I do not agree with your viewpoint.

After all, this is a discussion/debating forum.

Seems to me just a preventive measure to avoid accurate mortar fires.
Seems to me just a preventive measure to avoid accurate mortar fires.
I wonder if the troops from this side would hide in the foxholes without engaging the enemy troops. It is more possible that it is a ploy to trap the enemy troops. They would fall into the foxholes without foreseeing the grass turf is false.

This is what I think. I could be wrong, though.
And that's why Bengali and Hindi is more widely spoken than the Urdu here and even in some other country. Yes, lots of despicable creatures outnumbered civilized Pakistanis since 1952 i guess. No offense to Urdu or Pakistani people. Nothing comes closer to mother tongue or Bengali in my case when someone has to express himself more explicitly or let it all out. If you think abusing, insulting someone in English is ok instead of Bengali than it's up to you and i am totally happy for being the "ক্ষেত/বস্তি" guy for abusing/insulting that POS back in Bengali. And i don't need to fear mods/admins cause i already made it clear that i am ready for this ban as i wasn't the one who started this shit-storm. Tit for tat. Simple. Mods/admins aren't stupid, they can still get the idea about what i said or punish me for using foreign language like they did before.

I bet you speak in Hyroglifics in Bangladesh. You know i am noticing something odd about you. Not that i want another ugly fight but in another thread you called the people comes from village gangus and insulted them just because two soldiers were arguing, you shared link to make negative impression when i posted that photo of a new tribal army officer and now you are calling Bangladeshis despicable creatures because of me. It's like you are trying to insult Bangladeshis whenever you are getting the chance. If you are so disgusted about our language and Bangladeshi people who is the main driving force of this country then why not get out the country and change your flag with something else? Cause our flag is also earned by the blood and sweat of those Bangus-gangus you disgust. Are you really Bangladeshi? আপনি নিজেও কিন্তু ঐ লোকের মত খোচা দিয়ে কথা শুরু করছেন। এখন আমি জবাব দিলে বলবেন যে আমি খারাপ মানুষ।

Anyway more pics from the exercise for the idiot who gave verdict that these are booby trap because of some grass turf. Grass turf is not only used for booby trap. Why are we even discussing about it if we really don't know what it is?


He & some other BD members I won't name like to consider themselves better than common Bangladeshis.This superiority complex of theirs is simply laughable.
Laugh at this as well vai, and move on.
I wonder if the troops from this side would hide in the foxholes without engaging the enemy troops. It is more possible that it is a ploy to trap the enemy troops. They would fall into the foxholes without foreseeing the grass turf is false.

This is what I think. I could be wrong, though.

These could be traps in other cases. But in this case these seem to be different. Some people may want to guard the trenches standing, some people may want to rest in these shelters, take care of the communication stuffs or in later pics these seem machine gun nests. Soldiers will be there for days. See some other pics shared from this exercise above.



And that's why Bengali and Hindi is more widely spoken than the Urdu here and even in some other country. Yes, lots of despicable creatures outnumbered civilized Pakistanis since 1952 i guess. No offense to Urdu or Pakistani people. Nothing comes closer to mother tongue or Bengali in my case when someone has to express himself more explicitly or let it all out. If you think abusing, insulting someone in English is ok instead of Bengali than it's up to you and i am totally happy for being the "ক্ষেত/বস্তি" guy for abusing/insulting that POS back in Bengali. And i don't need to fear mods/admins cause i already made it clear that i am ready for this ban as i wasn't the one who started this shit-storm. Tit for tat. Simple. Mods/admins aren't stupid, they can still get the idea about what i said or punish me for using foreign language like they did before.

I bet you speak in Hyroglifics in Bangladesh. You know i am noticing something odd about you. Not that i want another ugly fight but in another thread you called the people comes from village gangus and insulted them just because two soldiers were arguing, you shared link to make negative impression when i posted that photo of a new tribal army officer and now you are calling Bangladeshis despicable creatures because of me. It's like you are trying to insult Bangladeshis whenever you are getting the chance. If you are so disgusted about our language and Bangladeshi people who is the main driving force of this country then why not get out the country and change your flag with something else? Cause our flag is also earned by the blood and sweat of those Bangus-gangus you disgust. Are you really Bangladeshi? আপনি নিজেও কিন্তু ঐ লোকের মত খোচা দিয়ে কথা শুরু করছেন। এখন আমি জবাব দিলে বলবেন যে আমি খারাপ মানুষ।

Anyway more pics from the exercise for the idiot who gave verdict that these are booby trap because of some grass turf. Grass turf is not only used for booby trap. Why are we even discussing about it if we really don't know what it is?



There are problems in BD. Addressing them doesnt mean he wishes ill. Maintaining law and order doesnt hurt. Dont say, you dont criticize BD issues. I may attack at the source, this may be the difference. I want all people to have urban mindset. Not village or slum. I may move out of BD after finishing some projects. I want to secure my assets behind before leaving. Leaving these among the despicables doesnt feel safe to me. But I may taint the despicables such a way that, I may not feel threatened by them anymore. Some issues Im taking care like chetonabad, extremism, poverty/illiteracy redction, character building and defense stuffs. The language issue falls in chetonabad category. I speak and use the best variation of Bengali language. So villagers raping my standard version hurt me. The villagers come en masse to hear me. When they cant match me they may laugh behind me. But Im happy to teach them. Im alien to them, they are alien to me. Khochakhuchir kichu nai. We dont know each other, our affairs arent individual. Our audiences are larger. Wisdoms are transpired in a ripple effect. For example I'm not happy with Bengali, as its not modern science oriented languaguage. The savagery can be practiced, but its not compatible to modern science. BD need to integrate modern science to move forward. I feel detached from Bengali, studying nuclear technology or programming stuffs. My response came in response to that, dont take it personally. Whenever I use online platforms, non Bengali standard voices irritates me, compared to other nationals. I will criticise whichever I dont like. It will be in places where it hurts. Thats more effective for quick results. They will be corrected. ie in case of peacekeepers. Sending the link of the tribal officer wasnt deragoratory. Different tribal culture amuse me. I said earlier, Chakma ladies take them to bazaar after evening to take them by other men. I dont say it in a bad way. These are their culture, from other's perspective it may sound bad. I respected Bluesky's position with Feni river water issue. And I respect his mistakes of these holes as booby traps. It asserts my position nobody is 100% correct. And now Im doubdting his position of nata kala bangalis winning over pakistanis. I also respect you, as your earlier version of extreme chetonabad is tainted to an extent. I have gone through these. When I see other people going through these, it amuses me. These small changes in society has larger impacts. Extreme beliefs in things may blind us sometime.
There are problems in BD. Addressing them doesnt mean he wishes ill. Maintaining law and order doesnt hurt. Dont say, you dont criticize BD issues. I may attack at the source, this may be the difference. I want all people to have urban mindset. Not village or slum. I may move out of BD after finishing some projects. I want to secure my assets behind before leaving. Leaving these among the despicables doesnt feel safe to me. But I may taint the despicables such a way that, I may not feel threatened by them anymore. Some issues Im taking care like chetonabad, extremism, poverty/illiteracy redction, character building and defense stuffs. The language issue falls in chetonabad category. I speak and use the best variation of Bengali language. So villagers raping my standard version hurt me. The villagers come en masse to hear me. When they cant match me they may laugh behind me. But Im happy to teach them. Im alien to them, they are alien to me. Khochakhuchir kichu nai. We dont know each other, our affairs arent individual. Our audiences are larger. Wisdoms are transpired in a ripple effect. For example I'm not happy with Bengali, as its not modern science oriented languaguage. The savagery can be practiced, but its not compatible to modern science. BD need to integrate modern science to move forward. I feel detached from Bengali, studying nuclear technology or programming stuffs. My response came in response to that, dont take it personally. Whenever I use online platforms, non Bengali standard voices irritates me, compared to other nationals. I will criticise whichever I dont like. It will be in places where it hurts. Thats more effective for quick results. They will be corrected. ie in case of peacekeepers. Sending the link of the tribal officer wasnt deragoratory. Different tribal culture amuse me. I said earlier, Chakma ladies take them to bazaar after evening to take them by other men. I dont say it in a bad way. These are their culture, from other's perspective it may sound bad. I respected Bluesky's position with Feni river water issue. And I respect his mistakes of these holes as booby traps. It asserts my position nobody is 100% correct. And now Im doubdting his position of nata kala bangalis winning over pakistanis. I also respect you, as your earlier version of extreme chetonabad is tainted to an extent. I have gone through these. When I see other people going through these, it amuses me. These small changes in society has larger impacts. Extreme beliefs in things may blind us sometime.

Well you nicely explained yourself. Strange that you don't like variation in Bengali but different tribal culture amuses you. There's good and bad in every part. Neither all villagers are bad nor all urban people are good. Same goes for educated and uneducated guys. Yes we criticize many things, every country has issues but we can't criticize/blame the whole group just because one guy. Same about the language. My slang doesn't taint the whole language. It depends on how speak in it. But different people have different view and idea. If you are ok with your's than i have no say in this to change your mind. I just remember it from now on. Good luck.

And if bluesky wasn't sarcastic and didn't act like victim after attacking me when i didn't agree about the booby-trap things wouldn't have gotten this far. It's not like i enjoyed making the thread garbage and BD posters feel disgusted about me. But i have my own view of not letting thing go always if someone say bad thing about me or my country completely unprovoked.
Well you nicely explained yourself. Strange that you don't like variation in Bengali but different tribal culture amuses you. There's good and bad in every part. Neither all villagers are bad nor all urban people are good. Same goes for educated and uneducated guys. Yes we criticize many things, every country has issues but we can't criticize/blame the whole group just because one guy. Same about the language. My slang doesn't taint the whole language. It depends on how speak in it. But different people have different view and idea. If you are ok with your's than i have no say in this to change your mind. I just remember it from now on. Good luck.

And if bluesky wasn't sarcastic and didn't act like victim after attacking me when i didn't agree about the booby-trap things wouldn't have gotten this far. It's not like i enjoyed making the thread garbage and BD posters feel disgusted about me. But i have my own view of not letting thing go always if someone say bad thing about me or my country completely unprovoked.

Actually, that same person quite arrogantly called me a 'blind' and an 'idiot' when I had questioned his 'boobytrap theory'. He could have answered logically ( which he is vehemently preaching) though. This person suffers from colonial mentality which is clearly obvious from his expressions such as 'bloody', 'blackey' , 'bastard' etc. I have been living in the West for nearly four decades and these expressions are something I do not come across in my daily life.
This utterly arrogant person is very unlikely to change his colonial way of treating other people. The only way to confront him is 'the language' he understands very well. The forum admin still keeps him in forum as a mass entertaining clown, I guess.
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Yeah, he has some serious problem. Before the ugly fight between him and me and making the thread complete dustbin, he brought 1971 issue out of nowhere and started quarreling with Pakistanis which was completely unnecessary.
The question is whose purpose he is serving. Only issue which confused me was that he had a soft feeling for Marhoom Ziaur Rehman and a hatred for Pakistan at the same time. This is unusual though. Marhoom Ziaur Rehman never spoke ill of Pakistan despite being a Multi commander as I can recall.
The question is whose purpose he is serving. Only issue which confused me was that he had a soft feeling for Marhoom Ziaur Rehman and a hatred for Pakistan at the same time. This is unusual though. Marhoom Ziaur Rehman never spoke ill of Pakistan despite being a Multi commander as I can recall.

He swings both way, totally weird guy. He attacks Hasina in trivial matter but doesn't mind if something big goes wrong. Not so long ago he was quite sarcastic when Hasina said BD will make aircraft, saying it's not possible for a country which can't make sewing needle but now he ask people to verify a video about BD's preparation to manufacture/assemble fighter jet from DUP which usually creates cringy video in Youtube. You gotta buy at least 100 fighter if you wanna get some ToT and BD haven't ordered anything yet. They don't even plan to induct same type of fighter in that amount. But this guy now believes some shitty video form Youtube.

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