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Better variant of Mi-17 copter to be based in Punjab


Jul 6, 2009
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The Tribune, Chandigarh, India - Nation

First lot from Russia arrives in a couple of weeks

A more powerful and versatile variant of the Mi-17 military chopper is slated to arrive from Russia in 2-3 weeks to beef up the Indian Air Force fleet. It will be based in Punjab.

Sources confirmed that the first lot of the latest Mi-17-V5 is to arrive in the next couple of weeks and will be stationed at a major airbase in the southern part of Punjab. The location has been chosen with care to cater to surrounding areas.

Originally, the first lot of Mi-17-V5 was expected arrive in March. These are part of the 80 choppers India ordered from Russia in 2008 by signing a contract with Rosoboronexport, the state arms exporter. According to the Indian Ministry of Defence, the deal is worth $1.35 billion (Rs 6,000 crore).

The IAF aims to utilise the Mi-17-V5 helicopters for special heli-borne operations, air-maintenance, transportation of troops and equipment, search and rescue, casualty evacuation and in armed helicopter roles.

For long, Mi-17 chopper variants have been used by para-commandos of the Army and also the Special Operations Group of the NSG. The latest variant will be able to drop 25 troops in one go and from multiple on-board exit points.

At present, the Mi-17-IV version of the chopper is the latest variant in the IAF fleet. The last lot was inducted between 2000 and 2004. The IAF has been operating various types on ‘Mi’ series choppers in the past 40 years. This includes the famous heli-borne operations to drop guns and troops in East Pakistan and also its use during the initial stages of the Kargil war in 1999. The chopper is considered a workhorse in the far-flung areas of Ladakh, Arunachal Pradesh and Himachal Pradesh in the Himalayas.

Strategically, India neighbours - Pakistan and China - also operate Mi-17 choppers. While Pakistan has got a few Mi-17-V5 choppers through the US that purchased the same for Afghanistan, China has a joint production agreement with Russia, but is yet to get the Mi-17-V5.

The new variant will have the ability to allow the pilots to start the engines at altitudes of 6,000 m (about 21,000 ft) thus helping in servicing various high-altitude posts in the Himalayas. Each of the two engines can generate 2,200 hp of power. This is a significant improvement over the previous version which has two engines of 1,950 hp each.
At last some news about this deal!!! Only 5 months late!! In Russian time that's nothing!!
At last some news about this deal!!! Only 5 months late!! In Russian time that's nothing!!

5 months is wrong report.

This is due for couple of years now.

Indian Air Force signed the deal in 2008 and deliveries should have begun in late 2009 or early 2010.

Indian air force to close deal for 80 Mi-17 helicopters

Later it was reported that first batch would arrive by December 2010.

IAF to get first batch of Mi-17 helicopters by year-end - India - DNA

Then it was March-2011

Defence News - Deliveries of Mi-17 Helicopters To Commence In March 2011

Now this report says it is still 2-3 weeks away.

Wake me up when it happens.

At last some news about this deal!!! Only 5 months late!! In Russian time that's nothing!!

I knew you of the all the members no matter what happens would comment on this. :D
At last some news about this deal!!! Only 5 months late!! In Russian time that's nothing!!
If you compare it with the Ghorshkov deal you may find this delivery 5 months ahead :lol:
Anyways congrats IAF :cheers:
Will it cone with FLIR turret, glass cockpit, IR suppression system , chaff/flares, GPS, fire control system,NVG capability, external weapons as the Chinese and Indonesian versions of the same type will come with?
^^ are these copters costlier than original MI 17s?
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