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Aug 29, 2009
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YouTube - Best URDU SPEACH


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wow!!!! - forget urdu - look at what he is saying

Why the Ababeel (birds that helped to save Makkah before Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.W was born) no longer come to rescue Muslims?

Wonderful logic... watching, thanks for sharing
I did see this video before but ignored to watch it...

Yeah he is right about the fall of dhaka :cry: - Casts and creeds :cry:
nice find pkd .............. impressive speech by this young man who is this guy ?
kia baat ki hai yar yahan qatil ghazi aur maqtol shaheed hai ababil pathar giraey bhi to kis pay !!
Takhrib kar hum khud hain .....
In the simple word the Iqbal says

Wo Quom Nehai Laiq Hangama Farda
Jis Quom Kai Taqdeer Mai Amrozz Nehai Hai..:pakistan:
Thats the hard truth of us Pakistanis. Politicians busy plundering the treasury, lawyers squeezing the poor litigants, doctors in greed of ever more money, police busy looting their neighborhoods, army-men too occupied with filling their bank accounts, agencies tied-up protecting the uniformed only, and every common citizen looking for opportunities to exploit someone Else's weakness or for simply a chance to leave Pakistan for good. This is what we have become.

Their is no cure but a Revolution. And this Revolution will surely be bloody.

May Allah (S.W.T) have his mercy on Pakistan and Pakistanis.

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