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Bengali immigrants in Karachi polarised over violence in Bangladesh

Yeah a lot of racism. Pakistani Govt should show some maturity and give them ID cards, just be more vigilant in future. Its the gray area between legal and illegal which creates most problems.

Biharis are Pakistanis, Pakistani Govt is being an a$$hole by denying them citizenship and residence in Pakistan. My apologies to any Bihari reading it.
A lot of them were are since 1969, which means that they are Pakistani since they chose Pakistan over Bangladesh

Most of them went to bd... its the illegals tht are creating a bloody problem... even now they are entering Pakistan..
Most of them went to bd... its the illegals tht are creating a bloody problem... even now they are entering Pakistan..

Pakistan has a huge border problems, unfortunately other than the eastern border we don't give a ****.
yep even the afghan scum.

calling someone a SCUM is really disgusting & unnecessary , jus bcoz they are illegal...
Gov need to implement a law, people who have being staying in Pakistan for number of years & those who were born, brought up in Pak and have no criminal record should be allowed to stay & work in Pakistan freely, for those who are working against the interests of the country or are involved in criminal activities need to be deported... sending everyone is not fair...
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