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Benazir assassination case: JIT complete report

Distract !! what makes you say that IF we figure out BB killers , that will lead us to the right track atleast recognise btw friends and enemies

So, is this report helpful to figure out men behind the scene. BIG NO.
All evidences were wiped off after the assassination. What is this they are bringing out after 4 years, just BS.
Hahaha. Is this the jokes thread?

27 outfits planned to kill BB? Baitullah plannned it or Khalid Sheikh? Or Musharraf?

Banana's and Apples
Hahaha. Is this the jokes thread?

27 outfits planned to kill BB? Baitullah plannned it or Khalid Sheikh? Or Musharraf?

Banana's and Apples
take your pick and get a special thanks from Rehman Malik for not suspecting him, he was responsible for her security and mysteriously vanished when the news of the attack on BB came out.
no one bothered to ask him where did he go when everyone was rushing to the hospital.
ISI DG a day before Liaquat Bagh Jalsa told BB about assassination plot. Rehman Malik and Baber Awan mysteriously disappeared after the blast, they were the one who ran first in a car and like BB personal security cheif officer killed again by unknown persons.... So many hoop holes not covered by this JIT like Mr. Araz has pointed out.
worse part is having the crime scene washed away.
shameless collusion which is in your face.

people who benefited from the assassination are in the Government and have prime positions
people who lost because of the assassination are either in exile or in opposition

after the Carsaz blast Benazir should have been confined in a house until the election results. the risks were obvious. and confining her would have been less risky and less costly to what happened later. the whole country was burnt

blaming ISI and Army is correct because the civil administration is inept, worthless and a waste of time. BB should have been protected as a matter of National security.

the State of Pakistan and its army suffered due to the murder of Benazir. then Asif refused to allow the post mortem that pretty much killed any chance of finding the real cause or culprit.

may her soul rest in peace. I didnt agree with her politically and I dispise her husband but she was a Pakistani leader after all and didnt deserve to die the way she did.

hanging Musharraf is pointless because even if he was involved then he was not alone.
ISI DG a day before Liaquat Bagh Jalsa told BB about assassination plot. Rehman Malik and Baber Awan mysteriously disappeared after the blast, they were the one who ran first in a car and like BB personal security cheif officer killed again by unknown persons.... So many hoop holes not covered by this JIT like Mr. Araz has pointed out.

I don't know why you guys don't do some analytical thinking before posting these bizarre theories about 'beneficiaries'. Rehman Malik and Babar Awan were Benazir's right hand men! They were assured high positions after BB came to power. There are only very few--notably Naheed Khan and her husband--who did not benefit from Zardari-led PPP. But very untainted, dedicated Jiyalas remain with Zardari. And BB's own son and daughters would not have spared Zardari had there been even a 1% chance of Zardari behind the murder. And, yes, they would not spare Rehman Malik either. Blame these folks for their corruption or incompetence but don't make them the Rasputins of Pakistan! You lose credibility then.
That because someone is 'responsible' for security does not make one a culprit. It was a massive attack. Massive chaos. Massive tragedy. I doubt many people over there had their brains working fully.

Bottomline is that BB would have been alive had she not ventured her head out the sunroof after she left the venue. And there is a very believable video of someone shooting and then a blast. Whether there were only half of a dozen people or a few dozens involved in that plot is not as important as finding out who planned it. Again, I don't know who but I strongly suspect the Jihadis who hated her guts did it.
And, no, Musharraf was the biggest loser from BB's death. I absolutely don't believe he would have done that.
Who gives a rat's a_ _ , who killed Benazir and how she was killed.

I say one less traitor of Pakistan gone and buried.

Wait for the rest of these low life to bite the dust.

I hope to see every single one of these Pakistani traitors pushing the daisies, in my life time very soon.

As far as I am concerned Benazir did not die soon enough and slow enough.

Death to all the Pakistani traitors. I have no tears for TRAITORS who sell out the national Interest of my motherland.
The biggest beneficiary of BB death was Nawaz Sharif. Musharraf was the biggest loser! I am not saying that NS had any hand in BB's death but the long hyphen of Nawaz Sharif-Benazir Bhutto was broken and NS emerged as the most popular leader alive after BB died--well, he may not that popular any more.

As to this JIT report, I don't know what to say except that some of these damned madrassahs ARE breeding grounds of suicidal bombers. So no surprise to see a few of those 'students' hired to kill BB.

what who is presedent of paksitan now look at him
zardai did it or some one did a big favour for him is the one benfiting from BB death for sure plus he should be hanged along with musharaf as we fo current condition of paksitan .... ALLAH is mulk ko chala rah ha PPP nai bahai lets pay he keeps on doing is or we will be slaves of indians or usa or sure:coffee:
I know it's none of my business.. But i'm just curious know as to why that UN report on BB's murder is not made public? afterall Pakistani state wasn't too confident or sure about the investigations by their own people.. so they spent tax payers millions of dollars in that investigation headed by UN.. still that report is biting the dust. This beats my imagination. Can any sane members shed some light on this??
Look guys.... good if she died, yes i said good. why? she became the president back in the days, what change did she bring to pakistan or any of the PPP members, only one good thing came out of the PPP, that was zulfiqar butto who gave a boost to our nuclear programe, but he did more damage than good by spliting up east pakistan... now thanks to this clown zardari we might loose balochistan (god forbid) pakistan can never see change untill we get rid of PPP, MQM and PML N. only PTI is our change.
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