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Bellingcat: Russian colonel-general Nikolai Fedorovitch Tkatchev 'likely' involved in downing MH 17


Jun 7, 2017
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Bellingcat: Russian colonel-general Nikolai Fedorovitch Tkatchev probably involved in downing MH 17



According to Bellingcat, Russian colonel-general 'Delfin' is involved with the downing of MH-17, costing the lives of 298 people, after MH-17 was likely shot down by a Russian delivered Buk SAM-system, likely meant to shoot down Ukrainian military aviation. What his exact role is, is still unclear: "There are a number of details surrounding Delfin and Orion that are unclear, including their exact role in the downing of MH17, but the fact that the JIT has specifically requested information on them implies how they are key persons of interest in the criminal investigation of the tragedy."

'Delfin' is one of the 2 in audio conversations after the downing of MH-17, the other beign 'Orion', his identity still is unclear.


Russian colonel-general Nikolai Fedorovitch Tkatchev, 'Delfin'

In 2016, Joint Investigation team (JIT) has called for public support.
The JIT has several wire tapped conversations in which people named 'Orion' and 'Delfin'

Bellingcat used 'Forensic Voice Analysis' to determine that 'Delfins' voice indeed was the voice of Nikolai Fedorovitch.
The full article of Bellingcat:

The second suspect named 'Orion' is still being looked for, some expect that soon this man also will be identified by Bellingcat.

Bellingcat has been accused of being 'untrustworthy' in the past by German image forensics expert Jens Kriese, who said that Bellingcat's report of Russia using fotoshop to manipulate satelite imagery did not prove anything, and used invalid methods to reach its conclusion.
Bellingcat has attempted to refute this critisism by using crowdfunded imagery
http://www.spiegel.de/international...s-of-russian-mh17-manipulation-a-1037125.html (German)

An even bigger critisism of Bellingcat is the fact they have recieved funding from Open Society Foundations (OSF), founded by George Soros, who is considered to be a staunch political opponent of Vladimir Putin and has been accused of meddling in many countries' affairs.
Bellingcat: Russian colonel-general Nikolai Fedorovitch Tkatchev probably involved in downing MH 17



According to Bellingcat, Russian colonel-general 'Delfin' is involved with the downing of MH-17, costing the lives of 298 people, after MH-17 was likely shot down by a Russian delivered Buk SAM-system, likely meant to shoot down Ukrainian military aviation. What his exact role is, is still unclear: "There are a number of details surrounding Delfin and Orion that are unclear, including their exact role in the downing of MH17, but the fact that the JIT has specifically requested information on them implies how they are key persons of interest in the criminal investigation of the tragedy."

'Delfin' is one of the 2 in audio conversations after the downing of MH-17, the other beign 'Orion', his identity still is unclear.


Russian colonel-general Nikolai Fedorovitch Tkatchev, 'Delfin'

In 2016, Joint Investigation team (JIT) has called for public support.
The JIT has several wire tapped conversations in which people named 'Orion' and 'Delfin'

Bellingcat used 'Forensic Voice Analysis' to determine that 'Delfins' voice indeed was the voice of Nikolai Fedorovitch.
The full article of Bellingcat:

The second suspect named 'Orion' is still being looked for, some expect that soon this man also will be identified by Bellingcat.

Bellingcat has been accused of being 'untrustworthy' in the past by German image forensics expert Jens Kriese, who said that Bellingcat's report of Russia using fotoshop to manipulate satelite imagery did not prove anything, and used invalid methods to reach its conclusion.
Bellingcat has attempted to refute this critisism by using crowdfunded imagery
http://www.spiegel.de/international...s-of-russian-mh17-manipulation-a-1037125.html (German)

An even bigger critisism of Bellingcat is the fact they have recieved funding from Open Society Foundations (OSF), founded by George Soros, who is considered to be a staunch political opponent of Vladimir Putin and has been accused of meddling in many countries' affairs.
Without Bellingcat...we would have got nothing from this Buk missiles... And both accusation on Bellingcat were refuted by German forensics... so those allegation are void.
As for OSF funding... well they have more than hundreds of funding institution who gave pennies...

In the End, facts are here..; you play with it..;or you refute it...
Well Russia did try..;with it's photoshoped Google images... that even Vladimir laught about... and dismissed... that's why they are not in RU propaganda outlets anymore...
Buk is not primary air defense in Russian army. That would be S-300 or S-400. And if Russia wanted to shoot down a plane, it would use Su-27 or Su-35 or Su-30, not a SAM to do it.
Buk is not primary air defense in Russian army. That would be S-300 or S-400.
Russia still uses the Buk, what are you talking about? Why is it so inconcievable Buk could have been used?

And if Russia wanted to shoot down a plane, it would use Su-27 or Su-35 or Su-30, not a SAM to do it.
Who said Russia shot down MH-17? Russia delivered the system, crews and gave training to rebels; they are likely the ones who shot down MH-17. The Buk would have been used against the Ukrainian air force, but those 'rebels' most likely 'accidentally' shot down that airliner. I don't think professional Russian aircrews would make that big of a mistake...

If Russia used a jet to shoot down Ukrainian fighters, wouldn't it be too obvious?
Who said Russia shot down MH-17? Russia delivered the system, crews and gave training to rebels; they are likely the ones who shot down MH-17. The Buk would have been used against the Ukrainian air force, but those 'rebels' most likely 'accidentally' shot down that airliner. I don't think professional Russian aircrews would make that big of a mistake...

If Russia used a jet to shoot down Ukrainian fighters, wouldn't it be too obvious?

Well Russia is not the perfect army..;and far to be one..; Mistake like that of "wrong" target is quite common... That's what you get when you don't check the target before hand.

And let's be honest... those "rebels" are amateurs... without external help to use that BUK... it will be, till this day stay... hidden somwhere...
Let's think logically.
Who benefits from shooting down of European airplane over the Donbass?
For several months in 2014, Europe refused to support sanctions and only after that aircraft shot down European governments had to yield to US demands.
Who benefits from a quarrel between Europe that strives for independence and Russia? Maybe sanctions are beneficial to Russia or Germany? I'm afraid not.
It is enough to ask - "who benefits" and everything will fall into place.
I will not give you any evidences, since I do not have them, as you do not have them. Just think logically.
Let's think logically.
Who benefits from shooting down of European airplane over the Donbass?
For several months in 2014, Europe refused to support sanctions and only after that aircraft shot down European governments had to yield to US demands.
Who benefits from a quarrel between Europe that strives for independence and Russia? Maybe sanctions are beneficial to Russia or Germany? I'm afraid not.
It is enough to ask - "who benefits" and everything will fall into place.
I will not give you any evidences, since I do not have them, as you do not have them. Just think logically.
Well till this day..; the only winner is Russia... they got a part of ukraine under hands...to play with it as they see fit for future negociation AND Crimea... What more?
This illuminati scenario of the German did it... is quite childish..even RUSSIA doesn't even think about it...

The target was mostly a mistake... I don't think any side wanted a civil one to be touched... I hope... But in the End they did it...
You think Russia would launch a Buk at a UFO when it could do a visual check with a fighter jet? I don't think so.
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