1st tell me how is being in a burqa oppression? I have seen women in Burqa from Saudi Arabia during my uni in UK ...Mind you the women were shopping in high end malls, they were not even bothered about their babies - Yup the husbands were holding 1 pram and handling another toddler running about...Then the same women were doing PhD or Masters....Just coz you lot oppress women in india kindly dont project that mentality to the rest of the world!
Sure some may be oppressed but its not the clothing that is oppressing a woman but the
Models who wear your "modern" clothes are
OPPRESSED in the sense they cant eat what they want, they have to be in the gym for hours, they are
OPPRESSED to their core thinking that the body is their life and
slaves of taking care of it not to gain even a single pound!
Musicians, artists, actresses each are molested repeatedly before a director signs them up! THAT is
slaves of their pimps called directors / producers...How many new actresses or artists can even have a tea break on their own will?
Advertisement is making slaves forcing people to think this "fashion" is what is in what the world EXPECTS of them....THAT is
slaves of fashion!
People and consumers paying more to watch a woman undress than have clothes on....
Slave mindset of pleasing the market and demands! THAT is society
oppressing women!
P*rn industry is
oppressing women and asking for higher market demand forcing kidnapping and women to do shitty things!
Slave mindset of pleasing the market and demands! THAT is society
oppressing women!
Why not speak for these first! Like you said OPPRESSION IS OPPRESSION!
can't expect conditioned slaves to fight for themselves then voice for them too!
There is a claim that the people who did that act are making such new posts to show they didnt harass a woman but using Pakistan flag and Independence day to show their stupidity is still a no no....
Even if the burqa person is a guy is it right to showcase such shit? What if some moron does that to a random girl in an attempt to redo the scene?
Self defence
Was gonna get raped if the organ wasnt removed