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Beijing reaches out to Delhi to safeguard its interests

Brig sir,
thanks for your comment.
and i have got your point. i really think we are in desperate need of people like you especially in armies on both side.
WoW. Sreiously dude ?

If he talks about national interest, you call him these names. Delhi and Beijing have their problems, but that doesn't mean we cut each other's throat with proxy wars. And I personally have been telling Chinese people that it may come to your Xinjiang province and China will soon ask Pakistan to handle these Talibans.

If you don't know China already asked Pakistan to uproot terrorism from Pakistani soil. Do you want me to post the link ?

They have been asking you to safeguard their and your interest. Same China that is building Nuclear reactors for you, which country will do that for you ? KKH and Gwadar is in their and your national interest.

I will be surprised that if you didn't think of this eventuality.

Krait, you have no idea I am simply giving him a taste of his own medicine.

See this thread first and read, then you will understand.

Is it possible for Pakistan to deliver what China wants on terrorism issue?Seems very difficult as of now. Pakistani leaders can make a secret pact with Talibans not to mess with the Chinese interests in the region.

From what I can tell, the "Taliban" don't believe in contracts or pacts or anything like that. Especially with regard to us Atheist Chinese.

Getting a pact with the Taliban not to attack Chinese interests in Afghanistan, is like getting a contract from a woodpecker to stop pecking wood.
china has bigger plan, china wants the whole region as ally and i support it :D
China has a bigger fish to fry. China is trying its very best to safeguard its interest in Central Asia where it has its pipeline, in Africa where it has given billions of dollars for resources and having its claim on SCS.

And US led West will try their level best to stop Chinese influence. That's why they are using War over China's economic investment in these regions.

If that means China and India cooperate, then they will. Emotions don't have any place in Foreign Policy and Diplomacy. We can't change neighbors.

We have to find common grounds. India-China tug of war will keep continuing but when they have to face other nations, its better we face it together along with Russia. China, Russia and India's support to Iran has been one of the joint defense of their own national interest.
@mian...Relax....If any one even think of by passing Pakistan and getting an upperhand in Afganistan, that means that nation really does not understand the situation in Afganistan.....The bottomline is that Pakistan is the one and only one nation that can change the direction how Afganistan should be, till the point Afganistan becomes successful and peaceful for 50 years to become self sustained nation...Till that point...Pakistan is the only nation that can play its cards...And after Pakistan, if really anyone can play a spoiler is RUSSIA and Iran combination....Apart from that rest of the nation are just 12th players...They need either Pakistan or Russia/Iran combo to have a say in Afganistan....

I feel that China's initiative is not against Pakistan...Rather China is trying to be alligned with the nation who have invested in Afganistan and planning to statergize to secure its intrests....You know ....If Pakistan want and play its cards properly, then Pakistan can negotiate with Taliban and allow China,Russia,India and Iran to do bussiness and in return demand the suitable demand which is benefitial to people of Pakistan....

So my suggestion is be smart and convert your problem to your oppertunity....World power need to do bussiness and Pakistan need money to develop...So just bargain the security guarantee to those trading nation with required money and enjoy the fruit of your geographical location..

I dont think you are understanding the implications here..

India, Russia, Iran and US are against the taliban, Pakistan was counting on having China on their side to provide investments, UN support, military assistance post 2014 when they'll assist the Taliban to take over Afghanistan, But China does not seem interested in allying with Pakistan in support of Taliban.

So what happens? China joins up in the camp thats against taliban - that leaves Pakistan alone to manage the impllications of a taliban offensive on Kabul.
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From what I can tell, the "Taliban" don't believe in contracts or pacts or anything like that. Especially with regard to us Atheist Chinese.

Getting a pact with the Taliban not to attack Chinese interests in Afghanistan, is like getting a contract from a woodpecker to stop pecking wood.
It is possible if Pakistan manages to make these woodpeckers to believe that "India" historically as an anti-muslim country is the best wood to peck on today:azn:

We have to find common grounds. India-China tug of war will keep continuing but when they have to face other nations, its better we face it together along with Russia. China, Russia and India's support to Iran has been one of the joint defense of their own national interest.

Terrorism is going to be that common ground to be exact.Hope both countries resolve the border issues as quickly as they can or keeps it aside for a while and stands on a common platform against global terrorism.
Krait, you have no idea I am simply giving him a taste of his own medicine.
See this thread first and read, then you will understand.http://www.defence.pk/forums/strate...ble-activity-us-state-dept-5.html#post3995754
Actually, you don't know how many Pakistani posters and false flaggers are targeting him for so many days before the thread you posted.

Ask any other Indian, CD has bashed most of them left, right and center. He happens to be my friend, but you haven't seen what he do to aggressive Indian posters. No one ever told him stop then. And I don't care, because those Indian posters need to get a reality check.

I have asked Admins to clamp down these false flaggers who keep tying to cause Indo-China poster fights on this forum. Actually he responded late. The sh!t has been thrown at him for many threads before the one you mentioned.

I will ask both of you to have ceasefire agreement. No matter how much we have problems, its important to co-exist, as nations in the region and as posters in the forum.
Brig sir,
thanks for your comment.
and i have got your point. i really think we are in desperate need of people like you especially in armies on both side.

Never mind....the eagerness of South Asian people to progress and prosper will definitely bring peace in our region...Army and military are fasciliatator only....It is the people like you and me who will bring the change in the mind of the people of our region...Explain them the importance of peace and its dvidends of peace....then may be not in my generation but after 50 year down the line...We may be considered as developing nation....
Actually, you don't know how many Pakistani posters and false flaggers are targeting him for so many days before the thread you posted.

Ask any other Indian, CD has bashed most of them left, right and center. He happens to be my friend, but you haven't seen what he do to aggressive Indian posters. No one ever told him stop then. And I don't care, because those Indian posters need to get a reality check.

I have asked Admins to clamp down these false flaggers who keep tying to cause Indo-China poster fights on this forum. Actually he responded late. The sh!t has been thrown at him for many threads before the one you mentioned.

I will ask both of you to have ceasefire agreement. No matter how much we have problems, its important to co-exist, as nations in the region and as posters in the forum.

Actually, you don't know how many Pakistani posters and false flaggers are targeting him for so many days before the thread you posted.

I had no idea they were doing that to him. I think they will probably target him more after our little argument.
I will ask both of you to have ceasefire agreement. No matter how much we have problems, its important to co-exist, as nations in the region and as posters in the forum.

I think me and A1kaid had a ceasefire agreement one and a half years ago (or around that time) here.

So my annoyance at him putting down China on behalf of America is not new at all, I wouldn't worry about it. :wave:
Don't forget you sold a piece of it to us, after Ayub Khan changed his mind about supporting India against China. Though I'm sure that Ayub Khan's "joint-defence" between Pakistan-India against China would have been funny.

Beijing is desperate, right. :lol:

And you don't see us watching Bollywood like you guys obsessively do. In fact the Pakistani Army recently said that their soldiers should take down all their "Indian Bollywood" posters. Now tell me about your theory again. :P

CD, I see that you are a senior member.. and i have read some good analytical posts from you which is knowledgable. please dont stoop to the level and respond to trolls. you are certainly better than that, i know.
I had no idea they were doing that to him. I think they will probably target him more after our little argument.
Yup. That's why I ask both of you to address difference of opinion via PM. This development is quite crucial for the region and it can give a good support to people in Pakistan who are against all types of Taliban. When an ally like China tells Pakistan that there is a problem within Pakistan's approach towards problem, its time that one should give a very serious thought.

Mind you, its China that has been in your support on various issues especially Kashmir, even if the support was silent. You can't let go a permanent member of P-5 as your trusted ally. Otherwise what that other thread suggests, we might see sanctions on Pakistan if things go further south.

Pakistan can't keep asking favors from China if it is not ready to defend China's interest in the region. Pakistan has to address China's concern.
wao such an interesting game our neighbours are having ..
so like IS it kinda trika RUSSIA, CHINA, INDIA ? against who ? indirectly Pakistan ?
man i am addicted politics , and that what we have PURE POLITICS.
well, Pakistan has its own moves, like mentioned in article that Pakistani support to talibs, but those moves will corner Us for sure.
I always believe that there is no term like "FRIENDS FOREVER" in international politics.. so is the case with Pak-Saudi and in current scenario Pak-china. CHina is using Pak against India. so as Pakistan needed support which we are getting from china to tackle india and US in few cases in UN.
thats called "FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS" ... but hell yeah i am a bit scared now, of this current scenario .. Plus Pakistan cant afford India sitting in Kabul and Jalalabad and playing with us on two borders. we need to stand on our own feet first, without that we cant talk to america, china or russia on equal level ..

did u really think that CHINA,INDIA,RUSSIA who has some of the most formidable forces in the world allied against pakistan???
they're worried about the terrorists u support..ur leadership still fail to realize that terrorism is breaking the bones of pakistan..by the time they realize it'll be too late
China is looking after the security of its western province, and there is nothing wrong with it. At this point this is not about friendship with either countries rather than the safety of its people and then the investment.
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