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Beijing Olympics 2022: Discussion and Update



GOLD: Team Relay Luge

Therese Johaug (her 2nd Gold medal)

GOLD: Women's 10 km classical Cross-country skiing

Alessandro Hämmerle

GOLD: Men's snowboard cross Snowboarding

Johannes Strolz

GOLD: Men's combined Alpine skiing

Irene Schouten (her 2nd Gold medal)

GOLD: Women's 5000 metres Speed skating

Ayumu Hirano

GOLD: Men's Halfpipe Snowboarding
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Lol, 4 years ago I was an Indian, and now I'm a white supremacist? Just because I call Gu and her mother out for what they are doesn't make me a white supremacist. As I said earlier, both Nathan Chen and Chloe Kim are proud Asian Americans and I couldn't be happier for their success.

The two labels of Indian and white supremacist are not contradictory. According to my observation, high caste Hindu extremists will not admit that they are brahmanists, but support white supremacy.

BTW: I'd like to ask, do you think Israeli Jews are white? And do you think the French, Spanish and Portuguese are white?
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Great victory for snowboarder Ayumu Hirano today.
The judges (the american one) tried to sink him in the 2nd run, but in the 3rd one he outdid himself and did it even better, forcing the judges to give him Gold.

Almost make up for the disappointment of skater Hanzu not being able to land the quad axel.

Beijing Winter Olympics set record-breaking viewership: OBS

2022-02-11 16:45:28 CGTN

A record number of viewers are watching the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics, Yiannis Exarchos, CEO of Olympic Broadcasting Services (OBS), said on Thursday.

The number of people watching the Games on the official website olympics.com has so far exceeded 45 million, more than the entire run of the 2018 edition in Pyeongchang.

Beijing 2022 is already the most-viewed Winter Olympics in China ever, China Daily also reported.

OBS has been delivering live feeds and digital content to broadcasters amid COVID-19 restrictions. New technologies are being used, including UHD and HDR technologies, for broadcast and content production at the Winter Olympics, Exarchos said at a press conference for the 2022 Winter Olympics held in Beijing. Meanwhile, 3D playback technology has been adopted for the first time during the Games to bring more insight to the viewers.

The organization has provided more than 6,000 hours of content for broadcasters as the first week of the Games drew an end, including 1,000 hours of sports events as well as an array of interviews with athletes. In comparison, the Tokyo Olympics offered 11,000 hours of content throughout the whole event.

Exarchos said that Beijing Winter Olympics in other countries, including Japan, the U.S., Canada and South Korea, have seen high ratings. The event has also attracted 2 billion views on social media platforms as of Thursday, Exarchos added.

The Winter Olympics are usually not as talked-about as the Summer Olympics but Exarchos expressed his satisfaction with what the Beijing Olympics have achieved so far.
The two labels of Indian and white supremacist are not contradictory. According to my observation, high caste Hindu extremists will not admit that they are brahmanists, but support white supremacy.

BTW: I'd like to ask, do you think Israeli Jews are white? And do you think the French, Spanish and Portuguese are white?

The US (unlike Europe) basically considers everybody white by default unless you fall into certain groups listed here:

The Europeans with their own continent centric view say if you aren't descended from the people of Europe you aren't white.
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The US (unlike Europe) basically considers everybody white by default unless you fall into certain groups listed here:

Is it?
But the few American clients and friends I met were not what you said

The most extreme American thinks that only the British, Germans and Nordics are white, and other nationalities, including the French, are not white.
But these Americans have one thing in common, and they all don't think Israeli Jews are white.
But Indian clients I know think Israeli Jews are white. Are you Indian American?
Is it?
But the few American clients and friends I met were not what you said

The most extreme American thinks that only the British, Germans and Nordics are white, and other nationalities, including the French, are not white.

Well who cares what the extremists say as that is not mainstream at all. These are the ones who think Swedish bikini models are the only true white women. yes, they are pretty but the premise is stupid.

How ridiculous is it that they claim Britain and Germany are the only white countries and skip all the other countries in between? I'm sure others will also say white people are only those who originated from some remote village in Belgium.

But these Americans have one thing in common, and they all don't think Israeli Jews are white.
Again who cares what the extremists say.

But Indian clients I know think Israeli Jews are white.

It depends upon the roots of the Israeli. Some are historically from the middle east, while others are imported Central Russians/Central Europeans/North Americans/Africans.

Are you Indian American?

Read my sig.

I'm mostly from NorthWestern Europe (British isle area with some French..more Game of Thrones Northmen Starks type background..oh and yes not many Jews :rolleyes1:)


While F-22 is from central Europe (Germany..more Andal Lannister-like and yes later Jews).


The Nordics are the Valyrian Targaryens.


The US is the mysterious land of the Faceless Men where people relinquish their roots to join. We are hard to spot because our facial features shift between anyone and no one. Jaqen H'ghar taking the form of German, British, and African.

Sure those with ancestral French, Spanish, and Portuguese roots are white people..why not. They are all from Westeros. So what if they are not Starks, Lannisters, or Targaryens.

Right now the Lannisters and Targaryens are ahead in the Olympics being held in Essos in the land of the Yi Ti.
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Beijing Winter Olympics set record-breaking viewership: OBS

2022-02-11 16:45:28 CGTN

A record number of viewers are watching the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics, Yiannis Exarchos, CEO of Olympic Broadcasting Services (OBS), said on Thursday.

The number of people watching the Games on the official website olympics.com has so far exceeded 45 million, more than the entire run of the 2018 edition in Pyeongchang.

Beijing 2022 is already the most-viewed Winter Olympics in China ever, China Daily also reported.

OBS has been delivering live feeds and digital content to broadcasters amid COVID-19 restrictions. New technologies are being used, including UHD and HDR technologies, for broadcast and content production at the Winter Olympics, Exarchos said at a press conference for the 2022 Winter Olympics held in Beijing. Meanwhile, 3D playback technology has been adopted for the first time during the Games to bring more insight to the viewers.

The organization has provided more than 6,000 hours of content for broadcasters as the first week of the Games drew an end, including 1,000 hours of sports events as well as an array of interviews with athletes. In comparison, the Tokyo Olympics offered 11,000 hours of content throughout the whole event.

Exarchos said that Beijing Winter Olympics in other countries, including Japan, the U.S., Canada and South Korea, have seen high ratings. The event has also attracted 2 billion views on social media platforms as of Thursday, Exarchos added.

The Winter Olympics are usually not as talked-about as the Summer Olympics but Exarchos expressed his satisfaction with what the Beijing Olympics have achieved so far.

More frustration for Aziqbal. He will be vomiting blood soon.
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