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Beijing, New Delhi poised for closer ties - China daily


Sep 18, 2011
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Beijing and New Delhi are hoping to capitalize on the growing momentum for cooperation following the election of a new Indian government and as China's top diplomat prepares for a landmark visit to India.

Foreign Minister Wang Yi will fly to New Delhi on Sunday to meet his Indian counterpart Sushma Swaraj and other Indian leaders, ministry spokesman Hong Lei said on Tuesday.

The two-day visit will be the first time that senior members of both governments have met since Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's general election victory in May.

Hong said the two countries were still working closely on a detailed itinerary, but analysts said the visit would help lay the groundwork for greater cooperation.

Fu Xiaoqiang, director of the Center for Counterterrorism Studies under the China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations, said, "The two countries will discuss a number of issues, including boosting communication and cooperation and finalizing arrangements for high-level visits later this year."

Modi, 63, led the Bharatiya Janata Party to a landslide victory in May, promising to revitalize Asia's third-biggest economy.

Premier Li Keqiang said in a congratulatory phone call to Modi on Thursday that Beijing and New Delhi should capitalize on each other's development opportunities and facilitate construction of the Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar Economic Corridor, which was proposed during Li's visit to India last May.

In the phone call, Modi said India envisaged greater economic engagement with China, and he invited President Xi Jinping to visit India later this year.

Fu said Modi's government viewed developing cooperation with China as a priority. "Modi has vowed to improve the Indian economy and this offers great opportunities for both countries," he said.

The Times of India reported on May 25 that representatives from 20 Chinese companies would visit Modi's home state of Gujarat in June to seek new investment opportunities. The companies are said to have investment funds of $1 billion.

Fu said it was difficult for Chinese enterprises to enter the Indian market, but there are signs that the new government was taking measures to attract more Chinese capital.

Ma Jun, a researcher of Indian studies at the Academy of Military Science under the People's Liberation Army, said Modi's familiarity with China - he has visited the country frequently - and the Chinese economic model would boost confidence among Chinese investors.

"For Chinese enterprises, India is a unique and lucrative investment environment and Modi's experience and goals for the economy will help forge greater cooperation," Ma said.

Hong said the China-India partnership had made marked progress in recent years.

"This year is China-India Exchange Year and also the 60th anniversary of the announcement of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence (jointly initiated by China, India and Burma - now Myanmar - in 1954)," Hong said.

Beijing, New Delhi poised for closer ties - China - Chinadaily.com.cn
Well, for that, you have the british empire to blame since there were none such issue for thousands of years until mcmahon drew the line to take tibet land from Qing Empire, though it initially wanted all of tibet, for then british controlled india.

Second, you have nehru to blame for inheriting british's nonsense and keep pushing the limit.

If the border issue is sorted out, then the sky's the limit!
Modi being a nationalist and a pragmatist means that he understands India's interest and will act on it.

The fact is that, it would NEVER benefit India to act as a pawn for the US to contain China. China is India's biggest neighbor, with no fundamental ideological conflict, and the biggest market for India goods and services. China can also provide India with urgently needed expertise and capital in improving the backward infrastructure which is bottle necking India's growth potential.

The US just wants to sell bunch of military equipment to India and keep the country in check (ever wonder what the Fifth Fleet is doing in the Indian Ocean?) just like how it wants to keep China in check.

The border disputes are really more about pride. There is no significant natural resources in the disputed regions so neither country has much to lose or gain however it turns out. One is a barren highland and one is a backward poor mountain region. Singh's inability to government his people is what let the Indian nationalist loose and all that media sensationalism. I expect Modi to reign in that BS and establish a framework in which the border dispute will no longer taint the bigger (MUCH BIGGER) picture of cooperation.

With China/Russia/India all come together, and possibly an alliance with Brazil (which also has beef with the US) to make the BRIC whole, that's half of the world's population and plenty of natural resources, rendering any US sanctions against Russia, China, or India useless. Europe will naturally cooperate with BRIC, and Africa along with it. The US will be isolated if it wants to maintain its hegemony and will submit to the multipolar world.
Modi being a nationalist and a pragmatist means that he understands India's interest and will act on it.

The fact is that, it would NEVER benefit India to act as a pawn for the US to contain China. China is India's biggest neighbor, with no fundamental ideological conflict, and the biggest market for India goods and services. China can also provide India with urgently needed expertise and capital in improving the backward infrastructure which is bottle necking India's growth potential.

The US just wants to sell bunch of military equipment to India and keep the country in check (ever wonder what the Fifth Fleet is doing in the Indian Ocean?) just like how it wants to keep China in check.

The border disputes are really more about pride. There is no significant natural resources in the disputed regions so neither country has much to lose or gain however it turns out. One is a barren highland and one is a backward poor mountain region. Singh's inability to government his people is what let the Indian nationalist loose and all that media sensationalism. I expect Modi to reign in that BS and establish a framework in which the border dispute will no longer taint the bigger (MUCH BIGGER) picture of cooperation.

With China/Russia/India all come together, and possibly an alliance with Brazil (which also has beef with the US) to make the BRIC whole, that's half of the world's population and plenty of natural resources, rendering any US sanctions against Russia, China, or India useless. Europe will naturally cooperate with BRIC, and Africa along with it. The US will be isolated if it wants to maintain its hegemony and will submit to the multipolar world.

The present concept of BRIC is definitely geared up to go in that direction - we have the right bunch of strong leaders at the moment in each country to realize some forward movement in consolidating BRIC.
China is open about border disputes, it's India who don't want to make any compromise. India is imperialist. I don't what Modi will do, hopefully he is less stupid that his predecessor.
well, well, its true China and India can be partners. But then again how you people going to solve the border issue?:D I dont see any one of you agreeing to compromise on this issue. So i think all this talk of premature friendship/partnership is simply just Talk.lol it will be business as usual.:bunny: As far as the border issue is not solved, then i dont see the relationship/trust going any further. However an increase in business/trade should be encouraged. Afterwall, China and Japan despite being way more bitter rivals/ennemies have a burgeoning biliteral trade in the hundred of billions. Compared with India-china trade, the figures are laughable for 2.5billion people.:lol:
Modi being a nationalist and a pragmatist means that he understands India's interest and will act on it.

The fact is that, it would NEVER benefit India to act as a pawn for the US to contain China. China is India's biggest neighbor, with no fundamental ideological conflict, and the biggest market for India goods and services. China can also provide India with urgently needed expertise and capital in improving the backward infrastructure which is bottle necking India's growth potential.

Exactly right. :tup:

Modi is an Indian Nationalist, he will never let India become a pawn of America.

The strengthening of the BRICS nations is a foreshadowing of a new, multipolar world.

And only America stands to lose out from that, though I expect they will eventually accept it one day.

Meanwhile, China has $4 trillion in currency reserves, and we are looking for a place to invest. We can do roaring business in the growing Indian infrastructure sector.
China should invest in India for greater returns of their vast reserves otherwise parking money in the west will give you lower rates of % yields. What I like about the Chinese is they are bloody hard workers and get on with the job in hand, not saying Indians do not work hard but we can learn a lot from the way Chinese complete projects sometimes ahead of time and in budget!
We Indians love Chinese people and culture and want more investment from our superior neighbour however the issue Arunchal Pradesh is non-negotiable.
We wish Mr modi will be more realistic , and both sides keep focal point on development and cooperation
I say solve the border issue first then anything is possible. Otherwise don't increase investment.
China should invest in India for greater returns of their vast reserves otherwise parking money in the west will give you lower rates of % yields. What I like about the Chinese is they are bloody hard workers and get on with the job in hand, not saying Indians do not work hard but we can learn a lot from the way Chinese complete projects sometimes ahead of time and in budget!

Modi has taken several trips to China. I am sure that multiple deals are in the making. China has already made the pledge of large funds available. India needs to work up a project list and I think the negotiation will soon be on the way. I think a state visit would be announced very soon and big deals would be signed.
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