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Beijing may intervene in Kashmir :Chinese Media warns India

Karma is a :butcher:.. ... Masood azar :-)
Thank uou indiafor provoking China thats much that they start thinking to intervene in Kashmir :D .:enjoy:.

India should put its weight behind the US on the SCS issue, and start patrolling with the USN to undermine China. Also arming countries like Vietnam- to counter China, and build ports near it to keep up the pressure. Just respond in kind. Nothing more and nothing less.
Lolz lolz & lolz .

Shimla Accord doesn't allow 3rd party to mediate.

On Topic: China is already interfaring in Kashmir. What's new in this warning?
Diplomatic & military support to the Freedom Fighters will be better .:D.
PATA nahi kisi nay ye note kiya ya nahi ky Ab Azad Kashmir nahi balkey ioK discuss ho raha ha international forums per :) .
jinko hamey isolate karna tha wo apni izzat bacha rahey .:sarcastic:
Riyasat E Pakistan Masterstrokes khel rahi :enjoy:

Lol ur welcome, we r sorry for dragon flies.... :crazy_pilot:
Lolz ok put you juice battalion on alert :D .

Whats so funny boy?
indians thinking of encircling China :D :rofl:
PATA nahi kisi nay ye note kiya ya nahi ky Ab Azad Kashmir nahi balkey ioK discuss ho raha ha international forums per :) .
jinko hamey isolate karna tha wo apni izzat bacha rahey .:sarcastic:
Riyasat E Pakistan Masterstrokes khel rahi :enjoy:

Lolz ok put you juice battalion on alert :D .

indians thinking of encircling China :D :rofl:
Let me blow your mind buddy-
A) India conducted Naval exercises with Japan, and the USA close to the South China Sea. The Malabar 2016 specifically included Japan for a reason buddy. What do you think that was for? While Japan is engaged with China because of Senkaku Islands, the USA is pursuing SCS. Not too far fetched an idea to change our neutral stance, and back the US and Japan in their respective pursuits. Send in our ships to patrol SCS with the USN vessels. Theres a reason why all the tiny countries in the region are not submitting to China, some even looking China back in the eyes- Uncle Sam is watching closely, and he is not happy.
B)India's push to sell the Brahmos and Aakash to Vietnam are steps in the right direction. Why do you think thats happening? I'd say- go full steam ahead. Make some boats for them too. Not too far from reality?
C)Chabahar was a good start. We have the resources, to develop more ports closer to China. Hell maybe we don't even need to develop ports, lets start docking some ships and subs in Japan. Just back their respective causes. That should be enough to respond in kind.
Tell me me which one of my suggestions is most inconceivable to you?

I will give stick to Modi's lover indeed.
whatever that means. You do you man. LOL
time and time again China shows india its aukaat
time and time again China shows india its aukaat
Actually the opposite happened and led to whats being discussed in this thread- in case you tuned out. India showed China its place, inviting the Dalai Lama despite the controversy China created internationally, and multiple warnings.
Actually the opposite happened and led to whats being discussed in this thread- in case you tuned out. India showed China its place, inviting the Dalai Lama despite the controversy China created internationally, and multiple warnings.
China showed indias Aukaat in 62 buddy when they forcefully took from you what they wanted and you still can't do anything about it.
India can also start interfering in Chinese matters. You know, providing weapons to tibetians etc and targetting all the nice High Speed Railways. China has more to loose this way. Opening embessay in Taiwan, declaring Sankakou Island as Japanese territory.
go ahead

they can financially cripple whatever india pays the other nation. And taiwan is no pakistan so india supporting it means F all to the Chinese
Yeah, and ran away with their tails between their legs once America showed signs of taking actions against them.

And India can cripple all their growth. Someone in washington will be really happy.
Taiwan and Pakistan are world apart. Taiwan claims entire China. It is the very kryptonite of ChiComs.

ran away? mate they still have indian terrority under chinese control till this date and all your PMS can do is beg china to hand the terrority back.

please dont talk to me about Washington when China owns more then half of americas economy.
ran away? mate they still have indian terrority under chinese control till this date and all your PMS can do is beg china to hand the terrority back.

please dont talk to me about Washington when China owns more then half of americas economy.
Disputed territory. And no one lives there. We will get it back when it is advantageous to us. Oh, BTW, China owns nothing but American debt. If America tells them to buzz off, there is nothing China can do to claim that money.
Let me blow your mind buddy-
A) India conducted Naval exercises with Japan, and the USA close to the South China Sea. The Malabar 2016 specifically included Japan for a reason buddy. What do you think that was for? While Japan is engaged with China because of Senkaku Islands, the USA is pursuing SCS. Not too far fetched an idea to change our neutral stance, and back the US and Japan in their respective pursuits. Send in our ships to patrol SCS with the USN vessels. Theres a reason why all the tiny countries in the region are not submitting to China, some even looking China back in the eyes- Uncle Sam is watching closely, and he is not happy.
B)India's push to sell the Brahmos and Aakash to Vietnam are steps in the right direction. Why do you think thats happening? I'd say- go full steam ahead. Make some boats for them too. Not too far from reality?
C)Chabahar was a good start. We have the resources, to develop more ports closer to China. Hell maybe we don't even need to develop ports, lets start docking some ships and subs in Japan. Just back their respective causes. That should be enough to respond in kind.
Tell me me which one of my suggestions is most inconceivable to you?
A) usa retreated from scs long ago . now CHINA gain a stronghold in Scs by militarizing & installing missiles in the islands . usa & its Allies didnt attack Chinese forces there when they were weak in that region . ( by the way if india intervene in scs it will bd good for us :) . it will force China to start supporting Kashmiris , maoist ,naxli etc militarily )
B) veitnam lolz really you think veitnam will challenge China with Barhamos & akash . rofl why dont you try it :D .
C) therewill be no naval base for india on chabahar :) . iran wont mess with the only neighbor with whom she dont have any dispute for india :) . plus Iran already interested in CPEC & iranian president assure us that iran wont let it's land to be used against Pakistan . ( iranian government will lose all the support if tgey help a non Muslim country against a Muslim country) :) . cheers
A) usa retreated from scs long ago . now CHINA gain a stronghold in Scs by militarizing & installing missiles in the islands . usa & its Allies didnt attack Chinese forces there when they were weak in that region . ( by the way if india intervene in scs it will bd good for us :) . it will force China to start supporting Kashmiris , maoist ,naxli etc militarily )
B) veitnam lolz really you think veitnam will challenge China with Barhamos & akash . rofl why dont you try it :D .
C) therewill be no naval base for india on chabahar :) . iran wont mess with the only neighbor with whom she dont have any dispute for india :) . plus Iran already interested in CPEC & iranian president assure us that iran wont let it's land to be used against Pakistan . ( iranian government will lose all the support if tgey help a non Muslim country against a Muslim country) :) . cheers
Both countries are standing right up in China's face. And China cant do anything. What Duterte did ( if all these reports are true) is the diplomatic equivalent of flipping the Bird in China's face. Remember- Uncle Sam is looming around the corner.
C)Read what I said again, Chabahar is a good start. As in building ports outside of India. Read my post again.
Cheers and sorry about shooting down your argument.

ran away? mate they still have indian terrority under chinese control till this date and all your PMS can do is beg china to hand the terrority back.

please dont talk to me about Washington when China owns more then half of americas economy.
Apparently Arunachal Pradesh is South Tibet, and is held by India- and China is asking if they can have it back.
Dude look at where the countries stand today, China is still no match for the USA when it comes to sheer might. Sure you have a point- their economic INTERDEPENDENCE (not dependence ie. one sided) is what keeps them from becoming what the US and USSR were, but that doesn't stop Uncle Sam from snooping around.

China showed indias Aukaat in 62 buddy when they forcefully took from you what they wanted and you still can't do anything about it.
Please refrain from derailing the thread. Also all your retreating arguments tend to lead to 62. I half expected this.

go ahead

they can financially cripple whatever india pays the other nation. And taiwan is no pakistan so india supporting it means F all to the Chinese
Sadly for you, they really can't. If you go back a couple of pages- a lot of productive discussions have taken place on this thread. I suggest you read those before peddling this repetitive nonsense. Try and back up claims with sources, or maybe a bit of logic -so your arguments can hold their own- and not you coming butting in again and again with derailing matter. :)
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