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Beijing is flooded, but not the Forbidden Palace! Ingenuity of ancient chinese are unmatched

Guancha article: https://www.guancha.cn/politics/2023_08_01_703334.shtml

The Forbidden City has not accumulated water for 600 years, but modern drainage technology has caused water accumulation instead? official response​

A few days ago, a short video on the Internet captured the picture of the Palace Museum's Compassionate Palace of Waterlogging during heavy rains, questioning the function of the Forbidden City's drainage system. Today (July 31) Beijing is still experiencing heavy rain. What is the state of the drainage system of the Forbidden City? Is there serious water accumulation in the video? How does the drainage system that the Forbidden City has used for more than 600 years work?

Di Yajing, Director of the World Heritage Monitoring Department of the Palace Museum, introduced that the drainage system of the Palace Museum is a very complicated system. First, the rain falls on the roof and is guided from the roof to the foundation. The courtyard as a whole is high in the north and low in the south, and the middle is high and the sides are low, so the water will be exported to the open ditch through the middle of the courtyard to the two sides, and then flow into the Jinshui River. Some courtyards will directly fall through the "money eye" to the underground ditch below, and then to the branch ditch outside the courtyard. The branch ditch then merges into the main ditch, and finally flows into the Jinshui River.

So, does the Forbidden City have serious water accumulation in the video? Is it the fault of modern technology?

The reporter pointed out that the Ming and Qing dynasties would open the underground ditch for dredging in March every year. At present, the Forbidden City conducts dredging three times a year in spring, summer and autumn, and the number of dredging is quite a lot. Why is there still water in the Compassionate Palace? It’s not that modern technology can’t dredge the silt, but that the staff found products in the dark ditch that only modern society can have: plastic bottles, plastic bags, towels, and even clothes. Blocked the drainage of the gutter. After dredging, the drainage is now smooth.

It is said on the Internet that the Forbidden City has not been flooded for more than 600 years. Is it true?

Di Yajing said that in historical documents, it is often found that the entire area of the Forbidden City has roof leaks, wall collapses, and some records such as courtyard water accumulation. The accumulated water in the area of the door is "several feet", but after the accumulated water is over, everyone's approach is to find the blocking point as soon as possible and clean it up, so that its drainage function can be quickly restored.
We must rethink the way modern technology works, and re-incorporate techniques of our ancient elders!
Guancha article: https://www.guancha.cn/politics/2023_08_01_703334.shtml

We must rethink the way modern technology works, and re-incorporate techniques of our ancient elders!

The Forbidden City is an imperial palace with an artificial river dedicated to drainage and fire suppression, and the water is very clean. It would be impossible for a modern building to replicate this type of drainage, it would be too expensive.

There are many lakes around Forbidden cities. Elite offices and house are there. 100% no flooding.

This is one of the best place in our planet to live.
It would be impossible for a modern building to replicate this type of drainage, it would be too expensive.

Not at all, modern engineering is not in harmony with nature unlike structures built in ancient times. The Forbidden city for instances was designed considering the terrain, the soil, weather patterns location of natural water reservoirs. For instance, the planners leveraged the north - south slope of the terrain to expedite draining. The also considered the type of soil using soil with higher porosity and planted vegetation that enhanced these properties of the soil.Even the bricks used in forbidden city were designed with a trapezoidal joints that facilitated drainage.

It is doable today, its just something that is not taught at school or prioritized by the practitioners .
Not at all, modern engineering is not in harmony with nature unlike structures built in ancient times. The Forbidden city for instances was designed considering the terrain, the soil, weather patterns location of natural water reservoirs. For instance, the planners leveraged the north - south slope of the terrain to expedite draining. The also considered the type of soil using soil with higher porosity and planted vegetation that enhanced these properties of the soil.Even the bricks used in forbidden city were designed with a trapezoidal joints that facilitated drainage.

It is doable today, its just something that is not taught at school or prioritized by the practitioners .
This reinforces the idea that ancient men have unmatched wisdom, we still have a lot to learn!
People really acting like a city/country should be spending $Trillion to have the infrastructure ready for a 1/2000 year flood?

People really are stupid.
This reinforces the idea that ancient men have unmatched wisdom, we still have a lot to learn!
The knowledge is there I think it’s a question of desire to implement. Besides, the CCP has a history of waging war with nature. From eliminating sparrows to the south-north water transfer in recent times - the frequency and intensity of natural disasters will only increase.
The knowledge is there I think it’s a question of desire to implement. Besides, the CCP has a history of waging war with nature. From eliminating sparrows to the south-north water transfer in recent times - the frequency and intensity of natural disasters will only increase.
In US there's no natural disasters? don't be such a idiot, US also has its fair share of it every year.

Try again, Louisiana is 8ft below sea level and so flooding is not unusual for that city.
Louisiana is not part of US? other parts of US never get hit by hurricanes, typhoons and tornados?

What happened after the Typhoon hit Beijing City?


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