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Beijing debates why India looking eastwards

look up PLA on wikipedia.com, what flag do you see the most next to weapon names? :china:

dont agree,
most of those weapons are soviet ones , modified by China , that way if we were to modify all weapons license built in India and call it Indian , we would also have most of our Soviet era weapons as Indian ,
Oh yes, thanks for reminding me to ignore those no manner "personal attack" loser.:lol:
Seems someone hasn't been taught manners by his elders.

dont agree,
most of those weapons are soviet ones , modified by China , that way if we were to modify all weapons license built in India and call it Indian , we would also have most of our Soviet era weapons as Indian ,

Please don't lie, Indians lack even the ability to modify a copy of Russia assualt rifle right for more than half a decade.:D
Give me a source how Indians able to modify weapons being imported to a better version.:coffee:
^iss sadak ke kutte ko bhonkne do, uske paas jane se <Ticks> lag jayenge. Lagtak hai kabhi kisi Indian ke iski bahut buri tarah iski *** li hogi, bahut jalta hai hamse:lol:
^^ Edit your post if you do not want to get banned.

P.S. I understand your frustration but this is no way to go.
China: Media fears over India becoming part of Western Alliance

By D. S. Rajan

Sino-Indian relations are progressing steadily. Bilateral economic and trade ties are improving significantly and strategically both the nations have come to view each other not as a threat. Despite no breakthrough yet on finding a solution to the thorny boundary issue, confidence-building measures in the border, more or less, continue to be effective. Trust between the two militaries is being established, especially through holding joint military exercises. China and India are also cooperating at international levels on matters like counter-terrorism, energy and maritime security. The Peoples Republic of China (PRC) has, for the first time, offered civilian nuclear cooperation to India. The Prime Minister of India is to visit China this year.

Fresh contentious issues have however arisen as a result of Chinas emerging perspectives on New Delhis latest key foreign policy formulations, which are being evolved under geo-political compulsions. A globally rising India justifiably feels the need to launch certain initiatives, like Look East Policy, for the purpose of consolidating its growing status in the world. On the other hand, the PRC seems to have started perceiving such initiatives as potential challenges to China. If not handled properly by both the sides, the developing divide may impact unfavourably on the future course of their bilateral relations.

The new irritants, as China sees them, appear to mainly concern the question, whether or not India is on its way to becoming a part of a Western alliance against China. It is true that Beijing, for diplomatic reasons, is showing marked restraint at official levels in expressing fears on this count, but the Party and State-controlled media in the country seem to be given a free hand to comment on the subject.

A broad examination of the media criticisms, mostly in Chinese language, reveals that the PRC is identifying certain new external moves of India as contributors to its concerns-

Building strategic ties with the US, of which the agreements on nuclear and defence cooperation are a part,
Endorsing the concept of alliance of democracies,
Holding military exercises with Western alliance partners (US, Japan, Australia and Singapore) and
Expanding political and military relations with countries, geographically falling in Chinas sphere of influence.
Let us take Indo-US strategic relations first. This writer has, already covered the critical comments of the Chinese media on Indo-US 123 agreement, in an article entitled China Hardens its Stand on the India-US Civil Nuclear Cooperation Agreement at http://saag.org/papers24/paper2336.html . Important to note is that India has not been directly blamed in them, but its ambitious goal to become a great power, with the help of the agreement, finds a mention. Of late, the media have also been accusing the US with no ambiguity, of aiming to coordinate its activities with India for realising the goal to hedge against China[1]. Not withstanding such differentiation of the objectives of India and the US, Beijing does not appear to have missed the basic point India is a party to an anti-China agreement. An indirect disapproval of India by the PRC thus comes out clear. Beijings keeping a decision pending on giving support to Indias case in the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG), on the basis of the stated necessity for China to consult countries like Pakistan and Iran, further proves this point[2].

Quadrilateral Initiative (QI), involving the democracies of the US, Japan, Australia and India, is emerging as another major issue, in which Beijing feels uncomfortable. The reported Chinese response through demarche (May 25, 2007), sent to the foreign ministries of the four nations questioning the motives of the initiative, has been the only one so far at government levels. By leaving the job of publicly condemning the QI to its analysts, all well connected to the top Party and Government hierarchy, China is showing signs that official criticisms may not be far away, if situation warrants.

The Chinese analysts have come out with a firm rejection of the QI, alleging that it resurrected a cold-war mentality and is designed to deliberately divide Asia into two camps, based on social systems and ideology as well as to counter-balance the rising influence of China in the region. [3] They have added, Any grouping without China, is ridiculous, irresponsible and impractical and marks formation of a small NATO to resist China.[4] Viewing the Broader Asia proposal involving the same four nations, made by the visiting Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to India, as one aimed at drawing India into a four-nation common defence system, the Chinese experts have assessed that the US, Australia and India, all of which have high level cooperation with China, would be unwilling to join the system. India in particular would do so in view of its non-aligned policy[5] and a security outlook, quite different from that of Japan.[6]

On the third issue, concerning Indias new directions in favour of holding joint-military exercises with Western partners, China is giving signals that it feels the exercises are meant to target the PRC. To elaborate, the media in the PRC had earlier doubted the intentions behind the first Japan-US-India Joint Naval drill, held in April 2007, while noting that India tried hard to remove Chinas misconceptions[7]. On the forthcoming US, Japan- Singapore- Australia-India maritime exercise, starting from September 4, 2007 in the Bay of Bengal, there has so far been no official comment. The media is however assessing that the exercise will be troublesome to China[8]. They are further questioning the character of the exercise, giving publicity to the observations in the Defence News of the US that the five-power drill may develop into a military alliance as an Asian NATO[9].

Lastly, Indias increasing political and military profile in Chinas neighbourhood, seems to be emerging as another factor of concern for China. Again, there is yet no official criticism in this regard, but the media appear to be taking a tough stand on the issue. Indicating some uneasiness, analysts in China are now noting frequently that India through its Look East policy is trying to get closer to countries like Thailand, Vietnam and Cambodia. The visits of the Prime Ministers of the three countries to India in July 2007 are being highlighted in this connection.

On the same subject, media criticisms against India from a military point of the view are becoming louder. India is being mentioned by name for hedging against China through developing military relations with the PRCs surrounding countries. Particular mention is being made to New Delhis three-pronged strategy to monitor Chinas missile Systems including in border areas - CARTOSAT 2A satellite programme, radar station in Mongolia (to monitor space activities in Gansu, South of Mongolia) and cooperation with the US, Japan, Australia and even Taiwan (in the field of Signal intelligence)[10]. Reference to India-Taiwan collusion marks a new trend. Further evidences of Indias foray into areas traditionally under Chinas influence, are being quoted by Chinese experts - the recent visits of Indian Naval vessels to ports in Vietnam and the Philippines after their calls in New Zealand, New Delhis supply to Myanmar of sea reconnaissance planes, setting up of military points in Afghanistan and Tajikistan and the expected visit of Indias aircraft carrier to Malacca Straits and the Pacific subsequent to the Bay of Bengal Exercise[11].

Beijing has received Indian Prime Ministers assurances that New Delhis participation in the Quadrilateral Initiative of democracies, does not represent a ganging up against China. The Indian Minister of State for Defence has made a similar promise to China in the case of his countrys joining the forthcoming five-power naval exercise. Also, the Indian Foreign Secretary has said that there is no zero-sum game in Indias relations with China. Australia, the US and Japan, on their part, have also tried to remove Chinas misgivings. Then, why the high media pitch in the PRC on the issues is continuing? How they are to be interpreted? The roots for answering such questions undoubtedly lie in the basic Chinese perceptions of the US. For Beijing, ties with Washington are the single most important factor in its foreign policy, with every other relationship hinging on it. Looking from this angle, the Chinese media diatribes could only mean that there is no change in Chinas strategic suspicions over the long-term motives of the US and its alliance partners. On this basis, the PRC is further building up its integration with the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) process, as a counter-weight to Western alliance. In the case of India, it may not be appropriate to rush to any conclusion that the fears of the Chinese media signify Beijings thinking towards an immediate change in its existing perceptions- New Delhis independent foreign policy will prevent the country from becoming a Western ally. What looks likely is that Chinas close watch on the emerging contours of New Delhis ties with key powers like the US and Japan, may further intensify. Its final outcome, whenever reached, will determine Chinas future policy directions towards India.

(The writer, Mr.D.S.Rajan, is Director, Chennai Centre for China Studies. He was formerly Director, Cabinet Secretariat, Government of India. The relevant Chinese language material was translated by the writer. Email: dsrajan@gmail.com)
^^ Edit your post if you do not want to get banned.

P.S. I understand your frustration but this is no way to go.

He's a professional troll and an offensive poster. If that post causes me to be banned, so be it.
Need to spend less time on PDF and more on my job, anyway:lol:
Last edited:
^^ Exactly, it would be sad to see a great poster get banned for responding to a habitual troll. So better ignore, whatsay?
look up PLA on wikipedia.com, what flag do you see the most next to weapon names? :china:
Tell me in those,how many are copied...
i can name many,WITH PROOF...
why is SU-30 Mkm is ur front line fighter...
but Su-30 MKM is Inferior to SU-30MKI...
Here people can name many copied chinese materials...but it's jsut time waste..
and wats about quality..
the body of SU-27 may be cloned,wat about radar and avionic and weaponry on that..
think my friend,don't dream
I'm really less informative about China, but I guess Russia still a major arms exporting country to China. China did a good work though at indigenousing (sic) defense.

how about check stats before posting such crap?

most of our weapons are designed and made in China. if you want to claim that a lot of them are cloned/reversed engineered, fine, go for it. what I can tell you is during conflicts, you don't cry about this, you get killed.

now how about edit your posts full of crap?
dont agree,
most of those weapons are soviet ones , modified by China , that way if we were to modify all weapons license built in India and call it Indian , we would also have most of our Soviet era weapons as Indian ,

modified from which soviet crap?

Type 054A frigate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Type 052C destroyer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Type 99 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Chengdu J-10 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

show me some self respect please
how about check stats before posting such crap?

most of our weapons are designed and made in China. if you want to claim that a lot of them are cloned/reversed engineered, fine, go for it. what I can tell you is during conflicts, you don't cry about this, you get killed.

now how about edit your posts full of crap?

Exactly that was my point as well. Russian and American arms are as good as if not better in killing as Chines arms, ingenious or reverse engineered. So importing arms shouldn't be an issue when debating firepower of respective country. During conflicts, you don't cry about this, you get killed.

Bear with the posts full of crap as of now.
So importing arms shouldn't be an issue when debating firepower of respective country. During conflicts, you don't cry about this, you get killed.

of course this is THE most important issue when it come to how you equip your armed forces.

countries like india doesn't stand a chance when it comes to real conflicts. because in real conflicts, you need to have your gears built by your own people to make sure you have enough supplies.

during conflicts,

do you believe russians will work over night to ensure indians can have enough T-90s?

do you believe Chinese will work around the clock to build as many Type-99 as requested by the PLA.

let me share with you the wisdom of our leader:
you will never be able to import a modernized defense force.
of course this is THE most important issue when it come to how you equip your armed forces.

countries like india doesn't stand a chance when it comes to real conflicts. because in real conflicts, you need to have your gears built by your own people to make sure you have enough supplies.

during conflicts,

do you believe russians will work over night to ensure indians can have enough T-90s?

do you believe Chinese will work around the clock to build as many Type-99 as requested by the PLA.

let me share with you the wisdom of our leader:
you will never be able to import a modernized defense force.

Lol during conflicts only your inventory matters not what you can produce real-time. A conflict between China and India will hardly last one month at best, now go check the production cycle of Tanks, Fighters and Destroyers! :lol:

Also India produce most of its fighters and tanks locally, only the license is obtained from importing country, so it won't be a problem to build new tanks and fighters if it comes to that!

Do provide translation if you type in a language I can't comprehend.
Lol during conflicts only your inventory matters not what you can produce real-time. A conflict between China and India will hardly last one month at best, now go check the production cycle of Tanks, Fighters and Destroyers! :lol:

1. since when conflicts with loser countries like india is considered as "real conflict"?

2. when it comes to some conflicts with india, we don't need to have many tanks, aircrafts in our inventory. our guided rockets can cover your capital and we have the ability to launch tens of thousands during the first wave.

please, do yourself a favor, don't pretend to be the major enemy of China. we consider Russia as our biggest enemy, not a loser country like india.

Also India build all most of its fighters and tanks locally, only the license is obtained from importing country, so it won't be a problem to build new tanks and fighters if it comes to that!

typical liar.
you show me the factory where you can build jet engines in india.

don't get fooled by your brainwashing media, india even couldn't maintain the jet engine on its own, all done by russians.
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