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Beijing bound Air Malaysia flight loses contact


If #MH370 did fly for an additional 4 hours as reported by @jonostrower, it could be anywhere in this circle.
MH370 additional 4 hours flight, 900km/h ===> it can reach American military base in India Ocean: Diego Garcia 7 19'00.28" S 72 24'42.57" E

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Today China sent IL-76 to search MH370, location still in Gulf of Thailand




anotjer option is an emergency landing at sea, once a door is opened the plane sinks. We will only know when they found the wreck

Definitely something that could have happened. However he would have a pretty hard time landing in pitch blackness with only an altimeter and attitude indicator.
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Latest News

Chinese Remote Sensing Satellite discovers a large floating object near the Malay / vietcong coastlines!
News dispatched to searching ships / airplanes to confirm

That is not the plane later they found out.

Three Indian Naval ships and one aircraft to be deployed for search of Malaysian plane. PTI
Indian Navy deploys amphibious assault ship INS Kumbhir & offshore patrol vessel INS Saryu to join search for #MH370 in Andaman Sea

3 Indian Navy aircraft airborne to join search for #MH370: Two Dornier Do-228s from Port Blair & one Boeing P-8I from Arakkonam.

Indian Coast Guard fast patrol vessel ICGS Kanak Lata Barua & one ICG Do-228 also join search for #MH370.

Indian Navy's Maritime Ops Centre (MOC) Delhi coordinating assets towards #MH370 search missions in real-time coord with Malaysian forces.

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That is not the plane later they found out.

the sat pics showing big floating objects are still pending for verification
I dont know where did you get your report. Source?

i love those staged propaganda pics...

Hope Chinese guys don't release something strange to our sea while searching for the missing airplane

are you people trying to act funny?
Our search team is in action on board a IL-76 transport plane
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@CENTCOM probably has an exhaustive list of abandoned WW2 airfields in the Pacific and could do a satellite sweep to look for unexplained civilian aircraft on them.

hijacking and landing on a secret location as suspected



US investigators think that Malaysian Airlines flight 370 remained airborne for four more hours after vanishing from its last recorded position - raising the startling prospect the plane could have been hijacked.

Officials suspect that the plane flew for a total of five hours based on data automatically downloaded from the Boeing 777's Rolls Royce engines and sent back to the ground as part of a routine monitoring program.

US counter-terrorism teams are now pursuing the astonishing possibility that the plane and its 239 passengers were diverted to an undisclosed location 'with the intention of using it later for another purpose'.


Hijacked and hidden? US counter-terror officials fear plane could have been captured after debris spotted by Chinese is ruled out and new data reveals it was airborne FOUR hours after vanishing | Mail Online
Vietnam´s most advanced surveillance ship HQ-888 is joining the search...
1,500t, four diesel engines, 10 knots and range 5,000 nautical miles, can operate continuously over 60 days and nights.

the vessel is said to be the most modern surveillance ship in SE Asia.

Good luck!


Hope Chinese guys don't release something strange to our sea while searching for the missing airplane
First China's ships/planes and satellite images search Malaysia side sea in Gulf of Thailand, currently not in Vietnam side. Only Vietnam open the airspace to allow Two PLA Tu-154 fly from HaiNan to Gulf of Thailand.

U should read news carefully, do not expand Vietnam airspace & territorial waters to Malaysia side !
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