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Beijing 2022 Olympics: 'If genocide isn't our red line for a full boycott, then I really don't know what is'

troll country
The classic routine is to assume, then say, first presuppose and then discuss.Without discussing the existence or non-existence, first assume the existence and then discuss how to do it.
1.suppose there's a genocide. There's no evidence.
2.Suppose the media And the outside people is banned to Xinjiang.

A master of lies, the media and individuals have been able to travel freely to Xinjiang, where more than 200 million tourists visited in 2019, generating 340 billion yuan ( $53 billion) in tourism revenue.
Genocide, Britain, Germany, the United States, Canada and Australia have all committed genocide in history,Oh, it's never been done in Chinese history. Genocide. Proof. Depopulation.
The growth rate of the Uygur population is more than twice that of the whole country.
Well, new evidence has been found that China is committing genocide in areas other than Xinjiang because the population growth in other areas is less than half of that in Xinjiang.😂

There were genocide in Chinese history. Such as Huang Chao massacre all middle easterners in Guangzhou at the end of Tang Dynasty or Dzungar genocide that depopulate northern Xingjiang. However, there is no Uigher genocide. China is a communist dictatorship that has political prisoners. But it has not incarcerated millions of Uighers or committed genocide. That is an Adrian Zenz fabrication spreaded by CIA and NDA.
A FULLY investigation in the west means an investigation led by CIA and they must be allowed to do anything they want, otherwise it is not a fully investigation.
If USA so fond of finding the truth.why don't they firstly investigate where did the wmd of iraq lie came out?

First of all, free Julian Assange. He single handedly lay exposed the establishment machinery in the US. He should win the Nobel prize. Pardon Snowden. Then the US has some credibility.
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then why are muslim names banned

why Muslims can’t have beards

why mosques are closed

why Uighurs child’s don’t have parents

why no one is allowed to see and visit

what are all those 100s of building with blue roof with 6ft walls and wires around them I can even see myself using google earth

why Not China allow UN to visit

why do you lie?

why do you repeat blatant lies after they have been undisputeably debunked many times?

why do you repeat lies after you specifically have been called out on them many times?

why are you supporting libel?

why do you parrot propaganda lies from genocidal regimes in the West in first place?

why are you supporting economic war efforts from America and its Western pawns who are bombing mosques?

why are you supporting economic war efforts from America and its Western pawns who have been bombing Uyghurs?

why are you supporting economic war efforts from America and its Western pawns who have been starving out innocent people.

why are you supporting economic war efforts from America and its Western pawns who have been massmurdering innocent people?

why are you supporting economic war efforts from America and its Western pawns who have been massmurdering innocent Muslims?

why are you supporting economic war efforts from America and its Western pawns who have been interning Muslims in camps?

why are you supporting economic war efforts from America and its Western pawns who have been torturing Muslims in prisons?

why are you supporting real American terrorism against Muslims and Uyghurs?
73 years no one boycotted the Olympics held in the West, while the illegal and illegitimate state of israel was bankrolled and armed with advance weapons to the hilt, who have carried out systematic extermination of the Palestinian people. And the scum want us to believe them that there is a genocide happening in China?

Boycott america for exterminating the entire race of Native Americans. Boycott britain responsible for the death of millions by starvation as britain took all the harvest of Bengal. Boycott the australians for allowing their military to murder innocent Afghans the last 20 years.

Take your trash lies and bogus claims and shove them where the sun don't shine. The West, for all intents and purposes, have lost all credibility and standing in the world. Go to hell and burn there forever.

Treachery of the West is unmistakable, 564 years ago they used the same deception and hegemony against the Byzantine Empire. Those famous words by the Byzantinian, "I would rather see a Turkish turban in the midst of the City (i.e., Constantinople) than the Latin mitre" Today we say the same thing, better China than the wretched, treacherous, lieing West who have ensured the creation and continuity on Zionist State of israel.
Beijing 2022 Olympics: 'If genocide isn't our red line for a full boycott, then I really don't know what is'
Allegations of human rights abuses by China against the Uyghur Muslim minority have galvanized a global movement, which is now pushing for a full boycott of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics.

Watch video02:29
Rights groups call for boycott Beijing Olympics
From Lausanne to London, Brisbane to Buenos Aires, this week saw a day of protests against Beijing's hosting of the 2022 Winter Olympics, in what was called a Global Day of Action, using the hashtag #NoBeijing2022.
The protests popped up in more than 50 cities around the world. Representatives from Tibet, the Uyghur minority, Hong Kong, China, Taiwan and Southern Mongolia and allies sought to apply pressure on the International Olympic Committee (IOC) at a time when momentum is growing for a full boycott the 2022 Beijing Winter Games, due to start in February.
Earlier this month, Amnesty International described the Xinjiang region of China as a "dystopian hellscape" for hundreds of thousands of Muslims — predominantly Muslim ethnic minorities — some of whom are subjected to mass imprisonment, torture, surveillance and exploitation.
"The Chinese authorities have created a dystopian hellscape on a staggering scale in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region," said Agnes Callamard, secretary general of Amnesty International.
A protester holds a sign saying 'Recognize the Genocide''Recognize the Genocide'
'Reeducation' camps, imprisonment and torture are the reality facing Uyghurs and other minority groups in China
"It should shock the conscience of humanity that massive numbers of people have been subjected to brainwashing, torture and other degrading treatment in internment camps, while millions more live in fear amid a vast surveillance apparatus."
The message of the Global Day of Action — held on June 23 to coincide with International Olympic Day — was clear: China must not be allowed to sports wash the "genocide" of the Uyghur people and the escalating repression of others.
"Sports washing" refers to the widely held view that some regimes seek to use the hosting of major international sporting events to improve their reputations.
Is IOC monitoring human rights?
"If genocide isn't our red line for a full boycott, then I really don't know what is," Zumretay Arkin told DW as she prepared to coordinate the Global Day of Action.
Arkin is a human rights advocate at the Munich-based World Uyghur Congress (WUC). A Uyghur herself, Arkin has co-led the campaign to boycott the Games and has met with the IOC twice to gain assurances that they are keeping China to its word about upholding human rights — but the plan wasn't always to boycott.

"When we first met in October last year, we wanted some concrete assurances that China would uphold basic standards on human rights, including the use of forced labor to manufacture merchandise for the Olympics," she said. "We wanted to test them on how seriously they were taking human rights issues."
Arkin and her team wanted a concrete commitment in writing that Beijing was keeping its word on the promises it had made to the IOC about human rights, and that the IOC would ensure the safety of athletes and the media during the Games.
"I asked the IOC how they are planning to conduct due diligence during the Olympics about human rights. What is the strategy? Do you have one? If so, can you share it with us so that there's transparency and we can monitor what you're doing commercially," said Arkin.
"We went into the meeting very optimistic, but left very defeated. The IOC's answers were vague and broad and didn't answer the questions. They agreed to share the assurances with us in writing, but after many follow-ups, they never did."
Kuala Lumpur Olympia 2020 Austragungsort Bekanntgabe Thomas Bach
Beijing was awarded the 2022 Winter Games in Kuala Lumpur in July 2015.
Escalation to a full boycott
It was after this first meeting that the idea of a Beijing 2022 boycott gathered momentum. The WUC had moved from a position of diplomacy to a full strike, as have other campaign groups. It was a decision that wasn't taken lightly, with campaigners aware that boycotts aren't easy to pull off, are deeply unpopular with athletes, and in the case of China, have the potential for serious political ramifications.
"We started with a diplomatic boycott because we were aware of the sensitivities around boycotts and the fact that they penalize the athletes," said Arkin. "That was before our second meeting with the IOC."
The IOC continued to ignore the request for written assurances but did invite them for a second meeting in March. This meeting — attended by Arkin and two other colleagues — opened with the question: "Are you going to report this to the media again?" It was a question that surprised Arkin.
"Right off the bat they tried to give us a lesson in Olympic boycotts and the history of how they've failed. It was very condescending. If we call for a boycott, that's our problem," she said.
A political balancing act
Arkin and her team have found support for a diplomatic boycott — whereby heads of states do not attend the Games — in the shape of US Senator Mitt Romney and Nancy Pelosi, the speaker of the US House of Representatives.
"We cannot proceed as if nothing is wrong about the Olympics going to China," Pelosi told Congress' Human Rights Commission last month, even if the US has stopped short of backing a full boycott.
There was a further boost to the chances of a diplomatic boycott earlier this month when the US Senate passed a bipartisan bill aimed at tackling Chinese foreign policy and economic influence.
However, Arkin and her colleagues are angling towards something bigger. She believes that the only way to hold Beijing responsible is by isolating China from the international community — and that includes not sending athletes to Beijing.
"I think we have a good chance of achieving a diplomatic boycott," she said. "The severity of the abuses happening across China have been widely reported but we still would like to see a full boycott. It's a popular idea."
In Sydney, a mask depicting the silencing of East Turkestan by China.
In Sydney, a protester wore a mask depicting the silencing of East Turkestan by China
IOC takes responsibility ‘very seriously'
In a statement to DW, the IOC defended its position claiming that it takes its responsibilities seriously but is unable to affect the laws of individual countries.
"At all times, the IOC recognises and upholds human rights enshrined in both the Fundamental Principles of the Olympic Charter and in its Code of Ethics," the statement read. "We are responsible for ensuring the respect of the Olympic Charter with regard to the Olympic Games and take this responsibility very seriously.
"At the same time, the IOC has neither the mandate nor the capability to change the laws or the political system of a sovereign country. This must rightfully remain the legitimate role of governments and respective inter-governmental organisations."
But as the IOC continues to be judged on its actions rather than its words, the momentum behind a full boycott of Beijing 2022 could be at a tipping point.

You wanna be a shill for the neo nazis that's your call but calling out China while the combined west has the blood of Iraq, Syria, Libya on their hands is plain hypocrisy.
more proof the whole china genocide shit is a farce. :D

now you know why moslem countries are voting with china. those whitey countries really think global south countries are stupid.

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Then has UN been refused entry to China ?

If you can use your brain a little bit, you wouldn't agree to an UN investigation as well. The US hands are all over any UN personnel not of PRC. This means these UN people would plant 'evidence' to blackmail China if left unchecked and alone.

On the other hand, why don't the UK, Canada, and USA allow a team of Chinese and Russians investigate un-monitored, independent of any interferences from the West, and unharassed, all of the P4 labs to (1) find the source of Covid-19 and (2) find any evidence of anti-humanity experiments these human crooks performed. It's well-known the Imperial Japanese 731 unit had turned over all their anti-humanity experimental results to the Americans for impunity. I bet you $100 to $1 the Americans and perhaps Canadians perform anti-humanity experiments on the indigenous people.
If you can use your brain a little bit, you wouldn't agree to an UN investigation as well. The US hands are all over any UN personnel not of PRC. This means these UN people would plant 'evidence' to blackmail China if left unchecked and alone.

On the other hand, why don't the UK, Canada, and USA allow a team of Chinese and Russians investigate un-monitored, independent of any interferences from the West, and unharassed, all of the P4 labs to (1) find the source of Covid-19 and (2) find any evidence of anti-humanity experiments these human crooks performed. It's well-known the Imperial Japanese 731 unit had turned over all their anti-humanity experimental results to the Americans for impunity. I bet you $100 to $1 the Americans and perhaps Canadians perform anti-humanity experiments on the indigenous people.

so that justifies Chinese crimes against the Ughurs then?

you are saying US did so you can also do it?

so basically you are admitting guilt
so that justifies Chinese crimes against the Ughurs then?

you are saying US did so you can also do it?

so basically you are admitting guilt

The so-called 'crimes' against Ughurs were fabricated. Since the manufactured uproars published by the West media and said so by Western politicians, there were dozens if not hundreds of videos, interviews, and statements made by Ughurs and other minorities living in Xinjiang disputed your so-called 'crimes'. But as usual, any evidence or anything said/proven not in alignment with your agenda is fake.

That said, did I equate China giving impunity to a group of people for exchange of anti-humanity experimental results like the US did? What the US did was shamefully unheard of. What your country the UK displayed in the museums were unheard-of shames. I guess the Anglo-Saxon race has really thick skin that could withstand any jeers or slaps on their faces and still do shames. On the same token, your steering my words away to deflect the shame is shameful too.
The so-called 'crimes' against Ughurs were fabricated. Since the manufactured uproars published by the West media and said so by Western politicians, there were dozens if not hundreds of videos, interviews, and statements made by Ughurs and other minorities living in Xinjiang disputed your so-called 'crimes'. But as usual, any evidence or anything said/proven not in alignment with your agenda is fake.

That said, did I equate China giving impunity to a group of people for exchange of anti-humanity experimental results like the US did? What the US did was shamefully unheard of. What your country the UK displayed in the museums were unheard-of shames. I guess the Anglo-Saxon race has really thick skin that could withstand any jeers or slaps on their faces and still do shames. On the same token, your steering my words away to deflect the shame is shameful too.


LOL... like Amnesty International or any US-funded or US-controlled NGOs have any credibility. Remember, US can sanction any organization or any individual. I don't need to cite examples of organizations sanctioned by the US. Look at WHO and the about-turn the WHO director did after getting sanctioned.

Just to make you or the UK legitimate to discuss human-right issues, when will the UK return all the loots in their museums to the people in Africa, Asia, S America, etc.?
yes UK did bad things 100 years ago but todays UK has huge Muslim population and growing, its our home now

this doesnt mean so ignore the 2nd genocide in China, you are either 12 years old or just really low IQ
No. They are supremacists and warmongers. It’s always these countries invading and killing others that they deem a threat. Just in the last 50 years these so called free world countries have invaded dozens of countries and have caused immeasurable misery. On top of that they have destabilized dozens more through their intel agencies.
They don’t give a damn about uyghars. All they want to do is to use Muslims to weaken a country that is becoming too strong for their liking and that will challenge their world order.
LOL... like Amnesty International or any US-funded or US-controlled NGOs have any credibility. Remember, US can sanction any organization or any individual. I don't need to cite examples of organizations sanctioned by the US. Look at WHO and the about-turn the WHO director did after getting sanctioned.

Just to make you or the UK legitimate to discuss human-right issues, when will the UK return all the loots in their museums to the people in Africa, Asia, S America, etc.?
Their Queen still wears the crown with a diamond looted from our destroyed kingdom.
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