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Behold, the Japanese Navy's Akizuki Class Destroyer --あきづき型

Hello my friend. I missed you too. You and so many others here. I won't bore you with the details. Just to say that there was a very big trauma in my family, and that it deeply affected me. I retreated from basically any kind of social media fr a long while. I really missed this place though :)

Your Dad ?
Your Dad ?

Yeah... After the health scare we had with him a while back. He seemed to have completely recovered and was in great shape. His life went completely back to normal. Then, without warning, he passed. He was only 47.

Within the same month, my Grandmother passed and so it was a double whammy for us (for lack of a better term) I got depressed and retreated out of daily life for a while. My friends, family and spirituality helped pull me out of the abyss.
Yeah... After the health scare we had with him a while back. He seemed to have completely recovered and was in great shape. His life went completely back to normal. Then, without warning, he passed. He was only 47.

Within the same month, my Grandmother passed and so it was a double whammy for us (for lack of a better term) I got depressed and retreated out of daily life for a while. My friends, family and spirituality helped pull me out of the abyss.

'To God we belong and to Him do we return'

I grieve with you, Brother !

May his Hereafter be ever peaceful and may you have the strength to endure this enormous loss.
Hello my friend. I missed you too. You and so many others here. I won't bore you with the details. Just to say that there was a very big trauma in my family, and that it deeply affected me. I retreated from basically any kind of social media fr a long while. it really messed me up. I missed this place a lot though :)

Welcome back @KAL-EL !! We missed you and glad you are back. Sending you prayers and positive vibes...!

Yeah... After the health scare we had with him a while back. He seemed to have completely recovered and was in great shape. His life went completely back to normal. Then, without warning, he passed. He was only 47.

Within the same month, my Grandmother passed and so it was a double whammy for us (for lack of a better term) I got depressed and retreated out of daily life for a while. My friends, family and spirituality helped pull me out of the abyss.

My grandfather passed away on August of this year as well, my friend. It was a catastrophe for our family and for me (as i was ever so close to him) , to hear that you went through this -- it makes me overwhelmed --but take comfort in knowing that we will see them again in Paradise. Think about the love and happiness your Dad and Grandma saw in you and your family -- and know that they want you to live happy as well.

a verse that gets me through tough times, i hope it helps...

“Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.”

-1 Peter 5: 6-7
Yeah... After the health scare we had with him a while back. He seemed to have completely recovered and was in great shape. His life went completely back to normal. Then, without warning, he passed. He was only 47.

Within the same month, my Grandmother passed and so it was a double whammy for us (for lack of a better term) I got depressed and retreated out of daily life for a while. My friends, family and spirituality helped pull me out of the abyss.

sorry to hear that bro
isnt there a US imposed limit to spending on military 1% of GDP? is it still effective?

Constitutionally speaking, the defense spending is limited to less than 1% of the national GDP. However, in case the nation is at war or by parliamentary decision, it can be raised to 3% of the GDP.
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