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Behead Zakir Naik, hang his head on tree, get Rs 50 lakh from me: Prachi

Free Speeech is only for Sickularsand liberals in India .
The Right Wing should not open their mouth, that's a sin as per these "intellectuals" ;)
Who is not allowing you to open your mouth? Hindutva's open it to spread venom against muslims regularly
Free Speeech is only for Sickularsand liberals in India .
The Right Wing should not open their mouth, that's a sin as per these "intellectuals" ;)

The hypocricy has gone to a whole new level
Muslims are rly good at playing the victim card nowadays and the sickulars of india just forment more fear among them.
I mean u guys can either portray urself as a vicitm and keep whining or u can move on and have a succesful life. Nobody stopped abdul kalam or azim premji from being where they are. And every indian faces problems but no one cries about it like they do.

Who is not allowing you to open your mouth? Hindutva's open it to spread venom against muslims regularly

And what about the little owaisi and his hate speech? He is roaming freely dear friend.
Keep playing the victim card, aint gonna get u nowhere
. .
Who is not allowing you to open your mouth? Hindutva's open it to spread venom against muslims regularly

too much of PDF seems to have spoiled you my friend..... I suggest you take a break....... Or is it your hatred towards Hindu's are making you speak like this..... There are idiots in every society, you only notice the one which you hate or do not like, and it is natural that you find an excuse for the ones from muslim community......
The hypocricy has gone to a whole new level
Muslims are rly good at playing the victim card nowadays and the sickulars of india just forment more fear among them.
I mean u guys can either portray urself as a vicitm and keep whining or u can move on and have a succesful life. Nobody stopped abdul kalam or azim premji from being where they are. And every indian faces problems but no one cries about it like they do.

And what about the little owaisi and his hate speech? He is roaming freely dear friend.
Keep playing the victim card, aint gonna get u nowhere
Owaisi made the speech after he was nearly killed by a Hindutva mob. Some of the points he raised are very valid. My cousins are told to go to Pakistan always. Owaisi made the point that if we go we will also take the Taj Mehal and other muslim infrastructure with us.

It is another case of severe reaction by Hindutva's for perceived crimes. They say they did Gujarat because of Godhra, Mumbai because of Mumbai blasts and killed Afzal Guru because he was a militant even though he had given up militancy a long time ago. An excuse is always needed to suppress muslims.

too much of PDF seems to have spoiled you my friend..... I suggest you take a break....... Or is it your hatred towards Hindu's are making you speak like this..... There are idiots in every society, you only notice the one which you hate or do not like, and it is natural that you find an excuse for the ones from muslim community......
Labelling any voice that speaks up for muslim rights is almost always labelled as polarized. This has ensured that we muslims have failed to raise the aspect of our basic rights in fear of retaliation physical and mental.
An excuse is always needed to suppress muslims.

So you have no problem in providing the excuses???? Just say Godhra - It is fine...... Mumbai bomb blast it is fine..... Picking terroristm (Afzal guru ) and helping an attack on indian parliament is fine ( can you imagine if those terrorist managed to enter the parliament????) So it is ok to do all the above..... But suppressing a muslim is not right....Wonderful!!!!!! You have lost it mate......

Labelling any voice that speaks up for muslim rights is almost always labelled as polarized. This has ensured that we muslims have failed to raise the aspect of our basic rights in fear of retaliation physical and mental

Bull Sh1t..... I do not know what your cousins are feeling, but there are several Indians in this forum who are mulsims, go and ask them........ They have the freedom for doing what ever they can do..... But that doesnt mean India is a pradise for them..... We have our set of problems and we have mechanism to sort it out......
Bull Sh1t..... I do not know what your cousins are feeling, but there are several Indians in this forum who are mulsims, go and ask them........ They have the freedom for doing what ever they can do..... But that doesnt mean India is a pradise for them..... We have our set of problems and we have mechanism to sort it out......

There are no Indian Muslims on this forum. They are just saffroni trolls posing as Muslims.
So you have no problem in providing the excuses???? Just say Godhra - It is fine...... Mumbai bomb blast it is fine..... Picking terroristm (Afzal guru ) and helping an attack on indian parliament is fine ( can you imagine if those terrorist managed to enter the parliament????) So it is ok to do all the above..... But suppressing a muslim is not right....Wonderful!!!!!! You have lost it mate......
This as as usual just blame and the Indian version of events. Afzal Guru may never have been part of parliament attack in the first place. It was merely a case for which he was framed. Even those who knew him knew he had given up militancy far earlier than he was framed. I know that in Lucknow many muslim youth are taken from their homes and framed as terrorist. POTA was the black law that enabled this.

Bull Sh1t..... I do not know what your cousins are feeling, but there are several Indians in this forum who are mulsims, go and ask them........ They have the freedom for doing what ever they can do..... But that doesnt mean India is a pradise for them..... We have our set of problems and we have mechanism to sort it out......

After Syama Iyas with a muslim sounding name was Hindu I do not believe it.
. .
Why not prachi herself do it.... She will be send to jail or imprisoned for life....

Both "normal" Hindus and "normal" Muslims will be saved.
After Syama Iyas with a muslim sounding name was Hindu I do not believe it.

I do not know how many are hindu's here or how many are muslims or christians....I dont care ...... To be honest i remember that i am a hindu when i log in here.... Otherwise Religion is a personal thing for me......
So what you expect???? Pakistani version of events on a terrorist attack on Indian parliament?????
Pakistan had no role in the Indian parliament attack. It is part of the blame game India engages in. I expect a neutral version of events-It is a fact that samjhauta was done by Purohit and Pragya as were many other attacks including Malegoan. Muslims in Lucknow strongly believe that they have been wronged and our children are being arrested on false terrorism charges.. Some of the universities in Lucknow do not accept muslims and properties are not sold to muslims in mumbai.

There is even a sense of deprivation in Pashtun areas like Fatehpur claiming India treats our people their horribly.
This as as usual just blame and the Indian version of events. Afzal Guru may never have been part of parliament attack in the first place. It was merely a case for which he was framed. Even those who knew him knew he had given up militancy far earlier than he was framed. I know that in Lucknow many muslim youth are taken from their homes and framed as terrorist. POTA was the black law that enabled this.

After Syama Iyas with a muslim sounding name was Hindu I do not believe it.

@Syama Ayas this one thinks that you have a muslim sounding name :rofl:

Syama Ayas(Iron) means black metal in Sanskrit
Owaisi made the speech after he was nearly killed by a Hindutva mob. Some of the points he raised are very valid. My cousins are told to go to Pakistan always. Owaisi made the point that if we go we will also take the Taj Mehal and other muslim infrastructure with us.

It is another case of severe reaction by Hindutva's for perceived crimes. They say they did Gujarat because of Godhra, Mumbai because of Mumbai blasts and killed Afzal Guru because he was a militant even though he had given up militancy a long time ago. An excuse is always needed to suppress muslims

Sirji, how can he take taj mahal along with him? Taking infra? Is there a new technology? A teleporting device or a wormhole?

On a serious note, they are politicians and will do whatever it takes to get attention. Playing the victim card is the best. Jinnah played it and got pakistan.
But what he does is unnacessary fear mongering.
U say ur friends in lucknow are told to go to pakistan. Well wasnt pakistan created for muslims who didnt want to live with hindus?
India is a place where everyone is welcome if and only if they live harmoniously with others.
If u want sharia and seperate laws and seperate things for urself, well pakistan is where u will get it.
Why doesnt anyone go and beat salman, shahrukh, MJ akbar, dilip kumar?
Coz they propagate peace.
Owaisis propagate hatred and want special benefits for muslims. Aint gonna happen
View attachment 317957

DEHRADUN: Firebrand Hindutava leader Sadhvi Prachi, who has on more than one occasion hogged headlines with her sensational statements, said on Thursday that Islamic preacher Zakir Naik is guilty of "spreading terrorism" and that the person "who beheads him and hangs his head from the tallest tree" can take home Rs 50 lakh in cash as reward.

Prachi, who was in Haridwar on Friday, told TOI, "Any person who goes to Saudi Arabia, beheads Naik and hangs his head on the tallest tree of the country will get a Rs 50 lakh-reward from me." Asked to spell out her reason for announcing the prize, she said Naik was "spreading terrorism" under the garb of being a religious preacher. "He is a terrorist who supports terrorists. This man has brought a bad name to religious preachers and need to be punished," she added.

Maintaining that there was "evidence" to link him with the recent terror attacks in Dhaka that saw 20 foreigners, among them a 19-year-old Indian girl called Tarishi Jain, die in one of two assaults that occurred almost back-to-back, Prachi thundered: "He (Zakir Naik) should not be spared at any cost. He is not a religious preacher but a person who is misguiding others."

According to her, there are many others who working in a "similar style". "There is an immediate need to arrest and interrogate all such people like Naik who are working as religious preachers," she said, adding, "At the same time, a thorough check is required at all madrassas as they, too, play an instrumental role in promoting terror activities."

Prachi also claimed that she has been getting threat calls from a "number in some foreign country" to eliminate her. "Since Wednesday, I have been receiving threat calls from a certain number. The caller has threatened to eliminate me at the earliest. By Thursday evening I had received around 15 such telephone calls," she said, adding that she has approached SSP (Haridwar) Rajeev Swaroop in the matter.


well, Terrorists :lol:

@Zarvan @Areesh

Halal desh bhagat terrorists. :)

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